TrumpTV Weekly Updates:
>Let President Trump Do His Job (Ad) 8/13/17
>Weekly Update #3 (Lara) 8/12/17
>Pres Trump/VA Sec Shulkin sign VA Choice/Qual Emp Act 8/12/17
>Pres Trump presser w/UN Amb Haley/SoS T-Rex 8/11/17
>Pres Trump @Workforce/Apprenticeship discussion 8/11/17
>State Dept - This week in State 8/11/17
>State Dept Foreign press brief on ASEAN trip (DAS Murphy) 8/11/17
>EdSec Devos/SecLabor Acosta press conf on Workforce 8/11/17
>VP Pence @10 Pt Coalition IN 8/11/17
>VP Pence @Official Governor's Portrait Unveiling 8/11/17
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OP pastebin:
ANTIFA chimping out at media
CIA Niggers go to bed
Daily Stormer evicted
So how long until this shill wave clears up? Was it this bad when Dylann Roof happened?
Some one should reply with punch a nazi
I love Kellyanne.
More hard hitting scoops from Lauren Duca?
No one on Sup Forums has talked about SETH RICH for at least a week. What the fuck is going on?
>ANTIFA chimping out at media
water is wet
I think it'll be gone by the end of the week.
>Ivanka sided against Trump
>Pence sided against Trump
>Cruz sided against Trump
>Rubio sided against Trump
>Drudge sided against Trump
>Fox sided against Trump
>Scaramucci sided against Trump
>GOP sided against Trump
>Scott Adams sided against Trump
they're glowing in the dark down here.
Perhaps we could just take one thread to discuss politics instead of celebrities and events?
Just a little bit of the thread, maybe.
What does everyone think of the Chinese and Indian situation in regards to their territorial disputes? What is North Korea's next move? Will South Korea go to DEFCON 3?
What does everyone think of Pence's international visits?
They come and go. I suspect they'll clear out when the NK drama heats up again.
Oh lord, no wonder we are being flooded.
Antifa chimps out at everyone. They even assaulted the cops after they cleared out the right wing demonstrators.
unless they get the daily stormer back up and running, some of these faggots are going to be here a while
Dylann Roof happened in a different time.
There was no 'Alt-Right' or Donald Trump to pin him to.
>B-but you n-need immigrants to have a growing economy g-goy!
Failpresident has failed
Kind of seems like if we hit you in the mouth you would capitulate tbqh
>Media wonders whats radicalizing white males
Or they'll just change their angle. BASED Kimmy boy!
I haven't heard anything about territorial disputes between China and India but I remember hearing shit between China and Japan. Are they fighting over land that's in the water?
Call them "anti-white."
You guys are the civic cucks that evrybody here keeps talking about? I need help. I need to get back to civic nationalism. I'm a white Hispanic that has let the redpills consume me so much to where I am unironically support white nationalism. have come to realize that all idelitarian politic is cancer and National Socialism is a flawed system. I want out. I want to be proud of my heritage again.
trump didn't take any sides though
Everyone else took an anti white side though that's clear since they sperged out over this but not BLM or anything like that
Well there is actually stuff going on in Korea, just people are to preoccupied with this tired nonsense. How about we try to steer the conversation back to politics?
>they're pretty hostile towards us
>so I'm staying with the police
>I'm not getting up with them
lol all in the first minute
CBS 6 Richmond put their livestream up on facebook
North Korea will be solved diplomatically and peacefully.
Fuck GoDaddy
I'm team #GoMummy now
>What is North Korea's next move?
They'll most likely back off. As usual. As much as I'd like to see it reduced to smoldering ash.
Office of the Press Secretary
August 14, 2017
>9:00AM THE PRESIDENT departs Bedminster, NJ en route to Morristown, NJ
Bedminster LZ, Closed Press
>9:15AM THE PRESIDENT arrives Morristown Municipal Airport
Morristown Municipal Airport
>9:25AM THE PRESIDENT departs Morristown, NJ en route Washington, DC
Morristown Municipal Airport
>*10:15AM THE PRESIDENT arrives Joint Base Andrews
Joint Base Andrews
>10:25AM THE PRESIDENT departs Joint Base Andrews en route The White House
Joint Base Andrews
>10:35AM THE PRESIDENT arrives The White House
South Lawn, Open Press
>11:15AM THE PRESIDENT meets with Chief of Staff General John Kelly
Treaty Room, Closed Press
>3:00PM THE PRESIDENT signs a memorandum on addressing Chinas laws, policies, practices, and actions related to intellectual property, innovation, and technology
Diplomatic Reception Room
>3:45PM THE PRESIDENT meets with the National Economic Council
Blue Room, Closed Press
>7:00PM THE PRESIDENT departs The White House en route Joint Base Andrews
South Pawn, Open Press
>7:10PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Joint Base Andrews
>Joint Base Andrews
>7:20PM THE PRESIDENT departs Joint Base Andrews en route New York, NY
Joint Base Andrews
>8:15PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at John F. Kennedy International Airport
John. F. Kennedy International Airport
>8:25PM THE PRESIDENT departs John F. Kennedy International Airport en route Wall Street Landing Zone
John. F. Kennedy International Airport
>8:45PM THE PRESIDENT arrives Wall Street Landing Zone
Wall Street LZ
>8:55PM THE PRESIDENT departs Wall Street Landing Zone en route Trump Tower
Wall Street LZ
>9:10PM THE PRESIDENT arrives Trump Tower
Trump Tower
>9:30PM THE PRESIDENT speaks with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan by telephone
Trump Tower
me likey
What did he mean by this?
Pay attention, kids, this is important. Daily Stormer and Stormfront have been a controlled opposition containment site since early on. Daily Stormer is getting punished for this because they committed a cardinal sin for controlled opposition - they made fun of rhe victims of a false flag. They're being punished for going off the reservation.
They could always try CloudFlare. That company hosts cesspools like Kiwi Farms and the CWCkit IIRC.
>BLM chimps out
>people get tired of their shit
>they lose support
>Sup Forums laughs at their stupidity
>alt right chimps out
>people get tired of their shit
>they lose support
>wtf don't punch right bro!
Morons, morons everywhere.
I wonder what he's gonna talk about with Japan. I'm sure something about NK since all of Korea hates Japan but what could the US do?
Stormfags had it coming
They should use googles domain service. kek
For anyone who missed it
Quick rundown:
>Nord tries to start a campaign similar to #DraftOurDaughters
>Lefty comes in a boasts about exposing it on Twitter
>He posts the tweet
>People search for the tweet and find his profile
>He admits to being an illegal immigrant
>Gets doxxed
>Gets reported to ICE
>He keeps acting smug, claiming he wanted to be doxxed and that this publicity will make him famous and get his book published
>Everyone points out how wrong he is and how he will likely not get a news story
>Gets utterly BTFO and leaves in fear
I like the pic.
It never fully clears but it'll be done by tomorrow. Weekend Sup Forums isn't what it used to be, things became more comfy. Also when Roof happened, I was actually in Charleston that week. Some people I was with decided it'd be smart to go visit the church, all white. I didn't go but they said they definitely felt the heat from people.
>trump didn't take any sides though
that's their problem
>accidently copied my errors when I made the copypasta
damnit, i should have got the formatting perfect
Subverting the subverters.
Wow, a whole bunch of fucking nothing
Nazi Trump sure is lazy
Modi being hug buddies with Trump makes it super unlikely that China will start a major war with India.
>arrives Trump Tower
just like old times huh
There's a bunch of foreign companies they could go to, torrent companies pretty much always go to other countries for their website stuff.
I suspect things will calm down.
Do you think Korea will shoot their single bullet gun just to get annihilated
Lot of blue check mark twitter accounts are falseflagging posts here and having their followers raid.
Also /lefty/ is raiding.
first time he will go to Trump Tower since inauguration
What a fucking loser
additional history lesson for newfags
More than likely but what is their path forward from this? They vowed to retaliate with missile firings but I am curious how that will go.
But they could well launch into the sea, hardliners in Korea might be offended at a backdown and Kim Jong Un's position is not guaranteed against coup.
Japan is going to step up military spending likely, and also we want them to modify their constitution to be able to help defend against North Korea and China.
Feels sorta good brah
can someone brief me on the Nor situation, so much shit happening in charlottesville that i can't keep up. Did Kim respond to fire and fury?
Looks like someone pushed over a shelf of weaponized autism.
holy fuck, read the comments on those posts. People are actually defending Antifa. How fucking stupid can you be? Do they really not know what Antifa has done to people or do they just not care because "muh evil nazis"?
Yes, hail victory!
I dont mind it. It makes it clear where the event is happening.
>Remembers arent Chicago mostly niggers and jews
>Yfw there are thousands of illegal jews
its a fucking mystery user.
>why are young white people, males especially, turning to right wing politics?
China is slowly building up their defenses against India by land, sea, and air, but they are worryingly building up tons of military infrastructure on their border in order to be able to invade or attack.
There are some newer articles on the matter but that is also good.
alt-right followed all the necessary procedures to have their protest, BLM and ANTIFA do not.
There was no property damage in the right protest, hmm, now why would that be?
>all white people are the same
This is a bigoted thing to say, user.
Fucking gross!
Also good goy
>can someone brief me on the Nor situation, so much shit happening in charlottesville that i can't keep up. Did Kim respond to fire and fury?
He responded with the usual North Korean statements of "we will destroy the Imperialist United States in fury", but nothing concrete
>I have a problem with people who feel the need to shill all day against the only guys fighting back against these violent commies.
Are you saying you have zero trust in Donald Trump and his administration to address this issue? Explain how injuring 19 people and killing a random non influential non political 32 year old woman has addressed not only the communist problem but has advanced the progress of a white ethnostate.
>Did you forget that this all started because we were watching our March4Trump people being attacked on YouTube all day?
Remind me who is the president of the united states, a random eceleb or Donald Trump? How did Donald Trump handle provocateurs? Did he larp in the streets or ran for office and lobbied his message?
>YOU DON'T HAVE TO. Holy fuck, can't you read? I've been calling your argument a strawman this entire thread. Anyone can read the conversation between us and see that.
This was a conversaton continuing from the thread before where I was called anti white for disagreeing with nazi larpers tarnishing other expressions of white identity heritages with their white niggery behavior.
>why do white people have to rally under the nazi flag?
>I could be wrong but always assumed it was due to it being seen as the antithesis of the communist flag. Its no secret, communism has become acceptable in America today and anyone with any sensibility should see that as a serious danger.
Not making fun of your thought process, but where does that leave other white nations who also rejected communism, why is nazism considered the defacto antithesis when in facto ex communist white nations should be at the helm from experiencing its unique hell?
First time back.
I think they may fire into the sea to warn people they mean business or perhaps shell another island.
One punch
hug your children implying the left has any
>the only people that exist are antifa and nazis
It's still a game of chicken then.
Ethno nationalism is a joke. You are being paled by the gloalists
I think they would have measures in place to prevent any kind of attack. Don't forget President Trump tweeted that military actions are "locked and loaded" in case NK tries anything.
>and Kim Jong Un's position is not guaranteed against coup.
Very true. Of course then you'd have people saying Trump is a puppet because "muh regime change".
western civilization's nightmare.
>these women wont be happy until all the men are killed and they are sold into rape slavery.
North Korea will be on the front page of the WSJ for a record-breaking 7 days starting tomorrow, longest streak it has ever had
China and India are too big to have an actual war, that undefined zone will remain undefined since an action constitutes aggression. North Korea knows their demise is making ANY move, so they will only continue saber rattling and pray the US does nothing (we won't, we will accept a nuclear NK). SK will continue to accept THAADS systems from the US, and will continue to militarize otherwise. Pence is Trump's surrogate, he's just maintaining contact with allies. Any other questions?
>i like how the only repsones spencerfags and Shills have for /ptg/ still not liking LARPers is MUH CIVIC NATIONALISM, despite the fact that Spencer himself is pro globalism, pro immigration, pro gay marriage, pro democrat.
but yeah He is so for the white race goy
>Explain how injuring 19 people and killing a random non influential non political 32 year old woman has addressed not only the communist problem but has advanced the progress of a white ethnostate.
>Obviously I don't support the Jew who ran over people with his car. I don't see why everyone else there who did no such thing should be tarnished with that?
>Remind me who is the president of the united states, a random eceleb or Donald Trump? How did Donald Trump handle provocateurs? Did he larp in the streets or ran for office and lobbied his message?
>I support anyone who can advance white interests. I don't put all my eggs in one basket or obsessively worship a single individual. I'm not even a Richard Spencer supported, I just really liked his rally. Feels good to see commies getting punched again, it's been too long.
>People respect a violent message.
I saw it too late but how does this violent message differ from other violent messages in the past. What measurement are you using to determine the impact and success of the messaging?