As a jew, the events in charlotesville makes me sick

It makes me sick, how is it possible that in 2017, white supermacists will bring terror to the streets in america, the land of immigrants, while bashing and even injuring innocent people only for the sake of their race, ever since the holocaust i have seen such a horrid disgusting thing, thats litteraly why my grandparents were killed

Other urls found in this thread:

where were you when the spic ran over people in NYC? where were you when the nigger shot the dallas police? etc etc etc

fuck off, Jew

When we start exterminating shitskins and kikes in the USA will Israel open her borders to the refugees, including the niggers your mom loves so much?

It was a Jew that attacked the crowd. Identity politics is confusing.

As a jew do you know what a Jew Crisis Actor looks like? Because I sure do.

oy mu veygana

>"fuck da hwite man!"

Yes but these were lone wolves, probably mentally ill, they didnt had a specific agenda, and even if they did, its not so intimidating as reincarnating white supermacists like those who killed my grandparents

As a white man I want to apologize, our race is lately bringing only pain and disappointment to America. It is absolutely shameful.

Fuck off, kike.

Oy vey goyim stop this at once! Netflix is on sale I will give you a 10% discount if you sign up!

>As a jew
aaaaaaand saged

this apology means nothing because you did nothing
whats shameful is racism from the left catapulting reactionary racism from the right, which results in even more from both

"as a white man"

What netflix has to do with anything, it is tho a nice platform and if you sign through reddit you'll get 25% off and a blowjob

Once we get control of the nukes we're launching them straight at Israel. I'm not even going to tell you if I'm a Commie or Nazi, because both hate jews.

>As a jew,

You have to go back.

>As a Jew...

Stopped reading there, shut up faggot, everytime a Jew makes a statement it's a bunch of whiny pseudoethical bullshit that ends in a reminder of their victimhood.




My great grandfather died in ww2, shot by a communist while stationed in Danzig.

But literally all the communist were jews, lenin, trotsky, and many more, so what do you mean by communists hate jews?
Israel built on communism at the start

>What george soros has to do with anything

Sup Forums

Start Over

Lets All Love Lain

You having a laugh with these post

I guess knowing that your grandparents were gassed is consolation enough for having clicked on this abortion-tier thread. "All's well that ends well," as my non-gassed grandparents used to say. And for the record, Hitler literally did nothing wrong.

The dude who drove his car into the crowd was a lone wolf

Don't play your Jew games with me, asshole. I can truly see why people get irritated with Jews

Jew in Israel, LARPing as what Sup Forums thinks Jews are.

>pic of 'idk who's jewing who anymore.

Go read communist literature it blames jews for everything. Also liberals are sick of your apartheid state against the Palestinians. Your only hope is for moderates to remain in control of the US both radical sides will kill you. It only remains to be seen if you kikes will be sent to the gas chambers or gulags.

You're right OP, I really should be filtering Israeli OPs right along with Canadians, Turks, and all of the ideology flags.

Stut up Jew.

The Goyim know too much.

A lone wolf after being filmed being present in a white supermacist rally? Its clearly he had an obvious agenda, and it is to opress miniorities

virus human you are.

It makes me sick, how is it possible that in 2017, Jewish Zionists will bring terror to the streets in Palestine, the land of Palestinians, while bashing and even injuring innocent people only for the sake of their race, ever since the occupation i have seen such a horrid disgusting thing, that's literally why my grandparents were killed

Jew larping as a Jew



You cant turn that like that because palestinians are bringing terror to our street, i once tried to befriend with a palestinian, but all he did was telling me i need to die because he wants to pray in al aqsa, so thats why i have kind of weird feelings about palestinians because first they are opressed miniorities, but second they want to kill me, so it is a tough situation

Notice this propaganda report from SPLC makes it look like evil nazis were just randomly assaulting these po black folk who was doin nuffin wrong ( )

Article doesn't mention any of this previous BLM shenanigans where they started shit with the group of course It's shit like this, when the media/leftwing orgs outright lie about stuff that fuels membership to these kinds of groups. Stop lying and making up bullshit, and trying to suppress speech, and you won't have an out of control "right wing extremist" problem

I realize that Pol users have become cucked politically and have no interest in meme wars and standing up for what's right, but do yourself a favor and Google Image Search the following phrases:

White woman with children
White couple
White American Inventors
European history people
Happy American couple
European people art
White man and white woman

Stand with your people or have your history replaced with black faces.

Your choice.

Haha your entire country is illegitimate. Your as bad as the Nazis you created by instigating communism in Russia and trying to pull the same shit in Germany.

You cant turn that like that because Liberals & Replacement Immigrants are bringing terror to our street, i once tried to befriend with a Liberal, but all he did was telling me i need to die because he wants white people to be genocided, so that's why i have kind of weird feelings about Liberals & Replacement Immigrants because first they are oppressed minorities, but second they want to kill me, so it is a tough situation

I see no wrong in a mixed race family, a woman has right to chose who she haves sex with, and usually she takes those who good on plough and vazhïn is tight like a sleeve of a wizard

Yes, let's all love lain!

>replacement immigrants
Yes really nice name to feed your white supetmacist agenda, innocent people fleeing from a war torn country, "wow they took our jobs"

אתה לא יהודי יא חתיכת זבל מוחמד, לך תזדיין, אף אחד לא צריך את הזיוני שכל שלך.

Translation: This dickhead is not a Jew.

>Arab Israelis

Yes really nice name to feed your Jewish Zionist agenda, innocent people fleeing from a war torn country, "wow they took our jobs"

>P.S. let in Syrian refugees, like the West has you selfish pos

You're next Shlomo, type in "Israeli couple" into something like startpage that wipes your search history so no bias.

Notice all the arabs mixed with jewish women and the rest are literally gay couple images. Don't think (((they))) won't come for you next to erase your identity even if you are a Jew.

אל תפריע לי בפוסטים של בייט חתיכת אוסטרלי cuck

This guy is crazy telling me in my language that he wants to do homosexual things with me although im not oposing gay marriage, i refuse

>implying this is anywhere the top of the list of "worst things Jews have ever done"


I am not arab, i just think everyone is equal and should have the same rights

זה לא בייט איכותי יא מפגר, זה ברמה של קנדי או ניו זילנדי, למה שלא תלמד מהמומחים?
כל דפוק מהארץ יכול לדבר על השואה באירוניה ולקבל תגובות. כאן באוסטרליה אנחנו צריכים לחרוש על הבייט שלנו

Antifa showed up without a permit and started fighting. Then pissed off whitey pulled a Muhammad and plows through a crowd.

This is bait

Lolocast did not happen. Fuck off. I hope your country gets enriched by Muslims and niggers.

זה איכותי מאוד, תראה כמה תגובות, זה להביא את האוייב של פול למסך הראשי ולנסות להביע דעה

אוסטרלים סתם fags עם bants מעפנים
>hurr durr strya
>hurr durr my cangaroos

גם אתה מסתיר את היותך יהודי

Wait until you watch this:

your language looks like demonic runes
jews frighten me

>america, the land of immigrants

I think you mean "america, the land of two-faced hypocrite white supremacist immigrants".

Comon man, drawing attention to any type of hypocrisy is racist.

So what was your final solution?

Oy vey.

Simply stay in Israel. We have no beef with you.
You may reside there unmolested and unharmed.
However if you are here? One day?
You meddle. Here. Very much so.
You must be dealt with.
If you were in charge and were a benefit to the white man and our society, we might worship you.
But you have not been. You have spread detritus and filth. You know of this. Don't pretend you don't.
So there must a reckoning.
And the reckoning that happened in Germany and MANY other countries?
All for the same reasons.
You Jews make your enemies yourselves.
For if you had not meddled so violently, and subverted us so entirely, or been good leaders instead, we would not rise against you.
But again, you have not. And so we do.
And the old story begins to play itself out again.

Jew or not, (((they))) will come for you after us.

New Orleans hasn't been purple since 2005. You need to update your chart.

>חושף את כתב הסתרים היהודי ב 4צאן לנגד העיניים של כולם כדי להביע עמדה


Come on kike let be friend now

That's not fair guys. I didn't bring my Hebrew decoder ring.

>Girl in that picture is inspired by that photo to actually dress up in a burka and suicide bomb a populated area, thus fulfilling the stereotype she tries to rebel against.

>what is greentexting: The post

Go drive a car into innocents, you terrorist loving scum. The memes in this site are too much for you to handle.

That is how you greentext, user. How come all the shills use AnCap flags?

The guy arrested for driving the car was raised Jewish.

I like Israel and just want to say these were a few small fringe group people that were marching



>posting this in pol under israeli flag

Clearly trolling lol you don't give a fuck about some fat coalburner goy.