In this thread we talk about September 23rd. Predictions, signs, etc.
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Give me the whole enchilada again.
Supposedly the world is going to end. Something that has to do with constellations and the bible. Also a solar eclipse happening that day, AKA the black sun.
Oh, I thought the solar eclipse was August 23.
The same thing that has happened on the day of any other doomsday prediction I've ever lived through: Totally fucking nothing.
Oh. I think you're right. My bad!
we are moving into a new season on the macro-cosmic level.
My prediction is that absolutely nothing will happen as every conspiracy will end up cancelling each other out
yup them digits
It's August 21
Yes I am retarded
Why do they seem so scared of it?
Since you just wasted some perfectly fine digits, I'm not talking to you.
They don't want you to realize that you can see the sun through the moon. i.e., the moon is translucent and is not an opaque celestial body.
We need 5 and 222 now more than ever.
Even if they are just larping faggots.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm tired, sad and drinking spirits.
if you're gonna make a retarded theory you've got to at least try to explain it.
how/why does this magical tinting moon work?
so when this shit goes down do i go to the streets and start doing what needs to be done "in self defense" or do i get comfy and wait for it to blow over or do i go in da woods? whats the plan here
I didn't really believe in a happening with the Revelations theory, though it is strange that this alignment was so accurately predicted long ago. However, new events and massive overton shifting here in Burgerland is leading me to believe everything is building extremely rapidly towards something cataclysmic.
It's pretty straight-forward. The moon is always the color of the sky behind it. I'd guess God set it to about 90% opacity when he was coding up the world.
No man knows the day or hour when the son of man returns.
Anytime someone states a date you can check that off as not the day.
I BET ayy lmaos will show up.
Does anyone else not really buy into futurist interpretations of Revelation? The book sees to be describing first century events. I haven't done any in depth study but I'm leaning towards preterism/amillennialism.
You have that file in a readable format. Mobile fag here.
the sun will rise, i will go to work, go home, sun sets
Give me a quick rundown. I don't want to read all of this shit
put in the effort or you will be left behind
tick tock
That was retarded thanks for wasting my time
>these people actually exist.
Tell me, what will you think of yourself when nothing happens on the day of the eclipse, nothing happens again on September 23 and your doom dates are always bust? Are you going to maybe question your sanity and you curiosity for letting conspiracy theories rot your mind? You do realize being overly superstitious like a crazy old hag is bad for you, you do know that right? lay off the tinfoil retards... """connecting the dots""" isn't always healthy for the mind
Lain Arises
Kek is Overthrown
Sup Forums Starts Over.
Lets All Love Lain.
Kek btfo
Lets All Love Lain. section 3
why do you faggots rely so much on the Bible for these conspiracy theories?? Shits been debunked for hundreds of years as a CIA psyop
2 3 T H
If nothing happens on this eclipse, then this will be a big nothing burger. Nothing will happen, screenshot this, take off your tinfoil hat and start facing reality. The end of days is upon us, it just takes more time than you think.
Matthew 24:29-30
is before leading into Revelations 12
August 21, 2017 is Matthew 24:29
September 23, 2017 is Matthew 24:30
October 31, 2017, is 500 years since the reformation (protestant reformation)