The events of the last few days should be a wakeup call to the nazi larper shills here that you're not welcome. You're counter-productive to our Trump movement. You cause nothing but problems.
The events of the last few days should be a wakeup call to the nazi larper shills here that you're not welcome. You're counter-productive to our Trump movement. You cause nothing but problems.
Stop enslaving yourself to rigid ideology
It is the poison behind divide and conquer and identity politics
Trump has no ideology. He won the presidency without adhering to an ideology. Do not be an ideological faggot
The power of white people is our brains. We are smarter than others who can only be managed in herds
You are American, you have a duty to treat all citizens as your neighbor. Are you up to the task?
> nazi larper shills
spencer isnt a national socialist.
the altright isn't "nazism."
Shut the fuck up
That video literally convinced me to no longer be racist. I'm not even memeing I actually now am more civic nationalist
This. Alt-right loves all people, Nazism is racist to everyone non-German.
checked. good troll, user
I don't think there were every clear and fine lines between bordering races though. It's just more gradual change.
They already equate Trump support to Nazism so fuck them, they can taste jackboot.
You're a terrible troll.
>They already equate Trump
The people who will never vote for Trump say that. Those important voted for Trump don't adhere to the fucking Alt Right of NatSoc.
>Alt-right loves all people, Nazism is racist to everyone non-German.
i compliment your effort and you chastise me for it? fine. the pics here and
debunks your claim here
your effort was wasted and you're a failtroll. shadilay, praise kek tho!
yeah you're a bad troll
>trotsky meme
terrible troll.
>Those important voted for Trump don't adhere to the fucking Alt Right of NatS
true...but those who voted trump also have no real solid political ideology. they vote trump not only because of his "build the wall" policies but also because they didnt want to vote hillary.
if we dont give them an ideology the subversive Deep State will
>he exposes me as a failtroll and debunks my intellectual argument not once but twice
>better change my flag
really working that 95 IQ, rabbi
Can I be a rationalist and still want all niggers to die?
why not
If only there was more land upon Earth. My people deserve better, and if they don't get it we will fight until everyone is dead. We've given too much and asked for nothing. Other then to live peacefully. You attack us for being alive and I've had enough. Keep it up and you will find what you seek.
Because broad generalizations about 'the other' is inherently irrational and American
But my personal experience and loads of scientific data show they're markedly inferior in every way.
Not so say there aren't outliers, but those few aren't worth the effort to have around.
You can hold a belief, but it is arrogant and anti-american to assume you are 'better'. By another metric, YOU are the inferior untermench.
I actually watched that video before coming to Sup Forums when it turned out that none of the "reasons" listed in the video were even remote concerns of Sup Forumstards I quickly realized the video was bullshit
That's some impressive gymnastics there.
How about you go fuck yourself nigger?
how is it arrogant to be well informed about the facts
and i don't think you can deny that the facts show black are inferior
say what you want about the "Americanness" of such a stance (though I believe that stance to be in perfect accordance with essentially all of the Founder's views')
>we should judge each man as an individual
GEE What a great idea, wouldn't it be great if we did that?