is it possible to save white women?
How do we save them?
is it possible to save white women?
How do we save them?
>Revoke voting rights
>Don't let them work full-time
Better Poseidon than the BBC
I got a Philippino chick, she's so trad. I'd rather racemix with someone I can trust and know won't leave me for some black guy then fuck a white girl and have her take all my shit and leave me homeless while she spends my hard earned money to look pretty for Tyrone so he can slam her whore cunt
No. Superglue a pocket pussy to a roomba and you have a replacement girlfriend. It's worth more than western women.
You don't. Give up on women and get a boyfriend. I did and I've never been happier.
Men > Women in every way possible.
>>Don't let them work full-time
Just gives them more time to collect STDs. Gotta catch em all
thanks for the insight rabbi
>Took the fagpill
What I meant was you can't let them put careers over family.
The ultimate solution would find a way, but as a baseline it needs to be done.
we don't. get a nonwhite girl.
let me guess:
the woman in picture is between 25 and 35, maybe a little bit older. she has no children, but a "career" for which she "worked hard" for.
Now her body tells her to get pregnant by getting this woman in heat and instead of trying to find a good man, she pleasures herself with some waterjets.
That's hot.
Kys cuck poster
Seriously, Porky? Men pay more taxes than women because there are more rich men than women. Men aren't paying women to exist, rich men are. Back to Heritage Foundation with you.
You nailed it Hans.
Is it possible to save anyone OP?
White women are top tier, nice try kike.
They can only save themselves. It would be nice if we could save them but you can't save someone that doesn't want to be saved.
>Pleasures herself in a fountain
That's pretty hot. A woman comfortable with her own sexuality > some dried up prude.
Dry her out, then bring her to me
wtf i love white women now
Ban real life porn and make cartoons great again
Who is this BBC Siren?
Get a thicc white woman, there's no substitute.
Chain them up in breeding pens and treat them exactly how they would have wanted but would have never asked for.
>dark magician girl
She's thicc.
i would have drank at least a gallon of that water afterwards
call me a window washer cuz im licking that glass clean BRRAAPPPP
Jesus Christ
Why haven't you gotten a thicc woman yet?
you called?
My god, this calls for a classic.
because women dont like me
I'd post a photo of my thicc athletic wife but I am on vacay in the mountains of Montana and I didn't bring my photo library.
End no-fault divorce too
>is it possible to save white women?
typical shitskin thread
how about we look at nigger "women" first
You stop taking their shit-n-nonsense and pit then in their place. And if you question it, became the 'bad boy' that gets them wet
also LMAO at these shitskin subhumans that keep posting the "THICC"
btfo you subhuman dumb niggers
>She turned into an Aryan superwoman
muh kuk desu
>walk with my dad
>tell him that women should not vote
>he asks me why
>tell him than men are smarter than women
>tell him that men are more powerful than women
>he tells me that men aren't better than women
>ask him why
>le "women gave birth to us" argument
you're the nigger, thicc is the default euroean beauty standard, it was only with the kike bernays that sticc became popular
we've been over this, kike, you keep pretending this is a novel thread you idiot
fucking kids
also be careful, threads like this are all fun and games until we hunt you down and gut you, and god willing we will
>How to fix white women
>White people BTFO
Threads are all made by the high precente of shitskin posters on Sup Forums that flock her to actually hear how inferior they are compared to white because all they lives they hear they are equal from the left and yet they always feel inferior deep down
>hunt you down and gut you
>god willing
>christianity is a religion of peace unlike Pisslam
Really activates those almonds; almost like the Jews created the same low IQ nigger-tier invasion force TWICE.
lmao you subhuman low IQ inferiority filled valueless faggot look at the picture and despair
if you compare the buttlover map with an IQ map you will see that only subhuman low 60IQ populations prefaire THICC
fucking kill youself you dumb nigger
>Shitskin resot]rting to calling other people nigger in fear of being found out
COLOR ME SHOCKED you just got BTFO so fucking hard boi
just look at these animals and tell me why they would get the same benefits as a white person from the state that actually contributes TAXes and value to society?
just imagine that you are the same in the laws eyes as these subhuman animals
>no refutations
just like I thought, your kike nature gets the best of you
you realize people are growing tired of yiddish street theater and will soon start to tear into you
it will be funny to hear you squeal about how you dindu nuffin in the face of your attempted subversions
absolutely precious
sticc is a jew meme, this can't be disputed factually so you get nasty like a typical kike oven dodger
should have finished the job in the old days, but don't worry, you provide enough ammo for us to do it soon
Notice how the thread dies once you call them out for being subhuman shitskins
>the law doesn't distinguish by race
>hurr durr lets create a completely arbitrary system of "rules" that classify people based on heuristic 18th century classifications based on skull circumference and skin color and then try to carve out exceptions for every fuck up we make along the way.
>only whites add value to society
>only whites pay taxes
Japan is more 1st world than Hungary. Hungary is a subhuman little post-soviet shithole. Fuck off my board.
and My ID is indeed: IQ WOW xD
and this is how you BTFO subhuman shitskins on Sup Forums
so I also have to save Europe and a Sup Forums at the same time? holy shit brothers get your shit together and don't be so easily fooled
But Japan is almost homogeneous though
Most white women are off trying to do shitty impersonations of men. Enjoy your liberation and emancipation, because you are on your own now. I don't care if some nigglets slaps you around or if a Muslim is attacking you. I will save my chivalry for women who still resemble women.
>no refutations
The refutation is you are literally becoming the jihadi terrorists that you hate so much. At this point you are LITERALLY defending the muscle car of peace while criticizing Islam for the truck of peace. This level of mental gymnastics is unsustainable.
>thicc vs sticc
This shit changes depending on the economy. Good times = sticc. Bad times = thicc. There is documented scientific evidence of this, as well as numerous articles in playboy.
Homogeneous Asian. The Hungarian is a white supremacist. Japan also has laws preventing discrimination, and definitely doesn't support open bigotry.
>hurr durr we want to be a white ethnostate
Too fucking bad your white grandfathers didn't feel the same way. The moment you start trying to kick people out, the entirety of Western civilization is going to remember that property rights are the foundation of the West, not identity politics. That's why every decent place in the world is a former British colony. Strongest enforcement of contracts and property rights.
you are doing gods work user.
Thank you for your service
>hungarians are white supremacists. it doesn't count when Japanese do it though
fuck off back to huffpo, manwhore
>implying 90% of white women aren't happily living their lives with white bfs and husbands
>Too fucking bad your white grandfathers didn't feel the same way
Why did they have laws in place preventing non-white immigration if they didn't want a white country?
don't thank me, join me in calling out the filth here and in the real world
the comfort of just letting things happen brought us here
also I fucking love your country, wish we would be still together
>Japanese are Japanese supremacists
Where the fuck did you get this from? I literally just said Japan has no such law. They're just not morons and they don't let anybody off the street become a Japanese citizen. Too bad whites are stupid.
>have laws in place preventing non-white immigration
>repeal such laws and open immigration to high skilled workers
Hurr durr they must have wanted a white country and they just fucked up in between. Obviously.
leave it at home to clean your house, fuck the roomba for pleasure, and sniff the glue to get a headache (argument simulation). it's a perfect replacement.
Seriously look at the fucking dates you're reaching back to. That quote is more than a fucking hundred years old. According to that guy humans are made in God's image, dinosaurs are a trick by the devil, and it may be impossible for humans to fly.
>How do we save them?
Simple. Fix the economy so that a young, working-class man in his '20s can afford a home and financially support his wife and children. Do that and I guarantee you the whole stronk independynt promiscuous womyn trend will die overnight.
me too brother
au revoir, mon amie!
A classic, in honor of this post and id.
(((You))) claimed that whites in the past didn't want a white country and I simply provided evidence to the contrary
>humans are made in God's image, dinosaurs are a trick by the devil, and it may be impossible for humans to fly
>implying any of that is untrue
Y'all are some fucking basement dwelling motherfuckers. Go out into the real world and see that there is a surplus of white women, hell every kind of women waiting for you beta fags. You just need to stop living in your mom's basement.
Look she thinks shes fit ahahahahhahahahh
At least she isn't fucking a dog
>Look she thinks shes fit ahahahahhahahahh
Post an image of what you think is fit?
>the real world
I haven't seen a woman below 30 for years. Everyone who could leave did so when the last factory here closed. In order to buy the shittiest apartment in Novosibirsk and move there, I'll have to save up for decades, unless inflation wipes these savings out (it will).
why is there a basketball hoop in the background?
That's a rhetorical question.
Well you're in Russia buddy, not the USA. I'm sorry for your situation. Even then I have heard that Russia have a ratio of more women to men
Niggers BTFO
we don't. just marry a loyal asian pussy like everyone else, you won't regret it
Laughing at your future of half-pilipino chillruns. The climax is when the regret really sets is and you realize what a fool you were. Just print out all the rationalizations you type today so you can really wallow in self-pity later down the line as you drink away the pain.
Why do you guys even dream about being a superpower when you can't even fucking feed yourselves consistently for more than 15 years at a time?
It's the future majority of us chose and we won't regret it.
this is why bitcoin works they can't get your cash!!!
think about of value beyond the reach of the courts gov etc.
Sorry you live in good old Russia boy. That's not the case here in the US. And so what? 30+ still are women in there prime. Anything before 40,
middle just looks asian, left looks ayylmao, right looks semi aesthetic but hairline is still ayy lmao, would look better white
>remove voting rights
>this removes the welfare state
>this removes the artificial lop-sided state power women have
>suddenly the natural balance of male/female dynamic is restored, divorce rates go down, single motherhood vanishes, children are raised in stable homes, crime goes down, etc
Your shitposting here won't change the fact that the majority of race mixed marriages regarding white race is white male and asian female not white female and black male.
And no it's not because white males are beta cucks, it's because that's the right choice.
Loyalty is the most sought thing in a woman if you are a man and they have that.
woah nigger no need to write a paragraph about shit i wasn't talking about, i'm just saying whites look better than asians
Any thread that starts with "How do we" is created by a faggot.
Sup Forums can't do anything. It's not a cohesive unit. It's just a big faggy larp fest.
are you a pedo?
And my point was that looks are not what men are after. Only women put looks before more important things.
It's funny to see how insecure those girls look.
They look like Russians