Spencer is a useful idiot

You cunts were warned about Spencer repeatedly and look where it got you trusting that plant. Your whole movement is fucked all the momentum gone because that fat fucking idiot walked you right into the lefts trap.


Other urls found in this thread:


>d-don't take action goys, just shitpost quietly in your basements

I'll LARP all I like...

*teleports behind you*


yea go ahead and try to just be a "white nationalist" you will totally be respected and not called a nazi

The absolute fucking state of you why cant you just use an American flag you demoralised piece of subversive shit

This. White nationalism is the future guys. The right wing needs you. Go out there and make yourselves the leaders of the right wing in America and elsewhere.

Man am I the only one that isn't racist but that really likes nazis otherwise?

calm down nigger

sorry you hard to learn it the hard way, but consider yourself lucky you've actualy learned

why the fuck would you want to be a white nationalist?! what the hell is it really oing to get you if only white people ar arund you, you think all white people want to be around you? what the fuck are you even thinking, seriously?
t. another white person who is not interested in being alligned with you on antyhing

He's not responsable for someone acting alone hitting people with his car.
If you focus on what happened instead of the out of proportion reaction by the media and SJW compared to when 5 people where killed by a black supremacist you are missing the point en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_shooting_of_Dallas_police_officers

1488 forever you cucks

Because he has been demoralised and subverted by propaganda from the opposition. I swear in the distant future it will come to light that spencer was being subverted.

They were chanting "Blood and Soil" while sporting swastikas and hitler quotes.

The founders were white nationalists, pussy boy. You can't even fucking spell, it would make sense that you'd prefer to be around 85 IQ niggers.

Anarcho-capitalism is literally the only option if you want a white nation.

The public don't care they are losing their minds anyone with half a brain is dissociating and Trump the mad cunt stuck by you in spite of this because he wants you to reform into proud patriotic citizens. He hasn't given up on you mad bastards yet you dishonor him by tarnishing his name with NAZI Symbolism

>t. another white person who is not interested in being alligned with you on antyhing

Meditate on this statement when you'll be Farm Killed ala South Africa in a couple of years my dude

It seems like meeting with other people is a liability. Can a person accomplish anything on their own?

Do you morons not remember Trump has been called a Nazi more times than you can count just for wanting to not even halt but limit Islamic immigration?

These vermin will call you Nazi's, come after your career and flat out assault you for taking any position not within the current political narrative.

Glad you asked:

More diverse neighborhoods have lower social cohesion. citylab.com/housing/2013/11/paradox-diverse-communities/7614/
Diversity increases social adversity. bjp.rcpsych.org/content/201/4/282.abstract?etoc
Diversity reduces voter registration, political efficacy, charity, and number of friendships. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9477.2007.00176.x/abstract;jsessionid=279C92A7EB0946BBA63D62937FC832A9.f04t03
Ethnic diversity reduces happiness and quality of life. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1467-9477.2007.00176.x/abstract;jsessionid=279C92A7EB0946BBA63D62937FC832A9.f04t03
Diversity reduces trust, civic participation, and civic health. boston.com/news/globe/ideas/articles/2007/08/05/the_downside_of_diversity/?page=full
Ethnocentrism is rational, biological, and genetic in origin. pnas.org/content/108/4/1262.abstract
Ethnically homogenous neighborhoods are beneficial for health. mailman.columbia.edu/public-health-now/news/living-ethnically-homogenous-area-boosts-health-minority-seniors

They only thought that anglos were white though.

so what, george washington was an actual cuck and thomas jefferson approved of the french revolution, I love the guys but I'm totally comfortable with finding different things to be interested in

and besides, your point doesn't refute mine, blacks may be dumb, but white people aren't immune to stupidity, being in a white ethnostate would allow in every single white mom with a mixed kid

I realize that Pol users have become cucked politically and have no interest in meme wars and standing up for what's right, but do yourself a favor and Google Image Search the following phrases:

White woman with children
White couple
White American Inventors
European history people
Happy American couple
European people art
White man and white woman

Stand with your people or have your history replaced with a black faces.

Your choice, bitches.

>ala south africa

check my flag you fucking retard, I'm not talking about some other countries colonial history, and besides, thas a completely different issue, not wanting to be holocausted by crazy blacks is not the same as wanting a white ethnostate

Bitch dont start you have no idea how much of an old fag i am so pipe down and listen for a change.

okay finally an actual point:

I understand the importance of social capital and how it tends to be strongest amongst homogenous groups, but even a racially homogenous group can be ethnically divided, take upstate new-yorkers and hicks living in the south, they are arguably farther apart from each other than their differently colored neighbors

This. Trump is litterally taking the hits for you guys and your running around with tiki torches doing nazi salutes. Way to fuck yourselves over again Sup Forums


Why not meet in secrecy?

It's freedom of speech bro how dare my private employer fire me for that

That doesnt mean you turn into a nazi
I mean if trump started sig heiling and wearing swastikas he would not have enjoyed the success he does today
this is a good example as to why it is stupid to equate being called a nazi with justification for acting and self identifying as one
you're enabling the strawmen that the left need to destroy you

>tfw New Zealanders know whats better for America than most Americans on this board

To add look to south africa to see what happens to whites when they will become a minority. The self hate of white people is not natural btw but planted by "external factors" let's just say.
There is not rich, peaceful, happy multu cultural country and yet all the west has to bet EVERYTHING that they have toward this destination.
I don't wish physical harm to innocent non white persons but like they have a homecountry where natives are 99% of the population we too have that right.

There are 4/5 libertarian or anti authoritarian flags, only 2/3 clearly authoritarian. This is a libertarian board.

william pierce agrees


You won't be able to get this through their thick skulls. They need to lose some more and then only will they learn

You are lucky to have such an honorable man leading your nation any lesser person would have thrown you under the bus. Please reform and make him proud i know you can do it i know you will drive the communists back with real American patriotism.

Ultimately its pro white, and that is what matters.

Sup Forums

Start Over

Lets All Love Lain.

Half your country thinks your green party teamed up with russia to hack your election. You retarded faggots need to listen.

Pic related. This is what burgers actually believe

protip: look ANYWHERE in africa and you will see unimaginable horrible, we should all feel bad for the afrikaners

no white people should not hate themselves, white people are doing just fine no one disagrees, but the whole "racial purity/supremacy" thing is another utopian fantasy, even if minorities are not suitable for western values, that doesn't make all whites autmoatically compatible

the funniest part is you can just ask a normie what they mean, specifically, by "russia hacked the election" and you will draw a blank

we've been (((screwed))) for generations now, fortunately for us we're useful idiots

Pro-tip : Violent crimes were way less frequent when whites were 90% majority in the US

You an make a difference so stop playing into the propagandists hands this is what being redpilled really means.

"the lefts trap"

yeah, murdering people on the street is a trap the left LAID.

you fucking imbecile

I don't mind blacks. But I do hate niggers. There is a difference. I also love my führer.

This is the Truth
Come on Reddit we can not allow it anymore, we cant let nazis bully kekistan anymore

Even if I 100% agreed with Nat Soc views, I'd have to be a COMPLETE FUCKING MORON to use iconography which has been associated with the pure evil for the past 60 years.

Even if for the past half century every word about the Nazi regime was a total lie, I would have to be the most ignorant fuck on the face of the earth to think I'd get popular support by putting anything I want to succeed next to a swastika.

>this search engine who generates and manipulates results are my biggest evidence of white genocide
>the search engine result is by one of the most progressive companies that there are
>they are now on a anti-free speech rampage
Are you trying to make a fool of yourself here? Are you actually that fucking retarded? Go hide in your fucking corner and die, you inbred retarded. You are a god damn waste of resources.


Why do you think the Mayor shut down the rally right when it was about to start? COINCIDENCE? you are not that stupid Spencer was led blindly into a trap and the left pounced on you.

It's possible to be reasonable and convince people white nationalism isn't nazism.
Ofcourse larping turbofaggots ruin it, by essentially being a man covered in shit.
Do you want to hold a position that a loudly screaming man covered in shit is espousing? I don't think so

Yes Reddit we're awakening, and Hitler needs to be banned from youtube hes hurting our movement too many people are watching him

This. Don't know what Spencer did, but this.

>to convince people it isn't nazism
The irony of it all is it's not even about nazism. It's about a single segment of Hitlers views on race being applied to people who may not even believe in it but are dragged into it because they believe in protecting and prolonging white heritage.

These people don't know shit about national socialism, it's all a huge reaction to white people not bending the knee to their perpetual victim complex.

It should be whites immigrating and out breeding garbage people and not other way around like it is now to make better future for humanity

Spencer literally is 14 and not 88. He denounces it.

How do we turn the table on nazis, Reddit? We need to be the ones bullying them instead of the other way around, and start reporting each nazi and hitler video so only shadilay videos are left

Those are leftist views, deny em from your mind

Eugenics is key.

How come that nazi shouts " hail victory " while doing a roman salute, then?

Flip up the tactics.
Ramp up the hilarity, add a sense of irony to it.
We act like niggers and hate on Whites

Jesus help us.

I miss the Red Panels guy, he was the perfect spokesman for the right because he's literally borderline retarded.

Spencer didn't lead, host, or organize this rally in any sense. Not has he ever used, or promoted the use of, any kind of national socialist symbol.

Look around you dude, look in normie comment sections: no one cares. The left is still the left and the left is still the right. The only people throwing a fit are liberal politicians and media figures, the same people were calling for Trump to drop out after the pussy tapes.

6,000 people rallied peacefully, legally, and were attacked. How many had national socialist shit- 10 people? 12 people? Out of 6,000? And you buy into a narrative created by CNN? Stop projecting your own fear and cowardice on to others.

There's a reason Trump did not condemn the rally when it would have been the easiest thing in the world. He's felt the flames- he understands where this country is at even if you don't.

it's been 24 hours and literally no one cares. The token niggers on my facebook feed are chimping and a few lefties are posting stale memes about nazis but if this what their big plan was to destroy the political momentum of a plurality of the country then they greatly overestimated the ability of CNN to indoctrinate the masses on unwatched waiting room televisions.

Now we do need to police our own. Anything you think you can say about 14 or 88 with a swastika or a confederate naval jack you should be able to say with a goddamn american flag in your hand instead.

Don't apologize for "nazis" or consider them to be making america great again. Totalitarianism is cancer and just because I'd rather side with a fascist to kill a commie, but I would fight tooth and nail to prevent either.

We need to meme (((peaceful protestors))) even harder and the idea that commies and nazis are both anti american. Play off what Trump 4D chessed with his statement about the riot.
>Importing foreigners that do not integrate and lower the value of labor in this country for the (((rich))) to benefit off of is Anti American!
instead of
>spics reeeeeeeee~!
like they are trying to reduce the argument to. Don't have their conversation. Don't accept their version of the world as the basis of argument.

TRUTH. It has to be retired, no matter how cool it looks. but never forgotten

hitlor didnt lead or host rallies either but he was still the behind the scenes leader of it all and when he finally revealed himself it was too late people had already voted for literally hitler and they felt scammed and we cant let it ever happen again

Are you implying that Spencer is natsoc? Because he isn't. You can subrcibe to alt-right without following these ecelebs, fuck off shill

>Your whole movement is fucked all the momentum gone
yeah just like it died when that welshman of peace rented a van and...

oh never mind

but not her kid

how come spencer does a roman salute while saying hail victory while david duke says the goyim know

This guy was quite literally a Sup Forumstard (or at the very least a plebbitor from r/T_D.) He also had been attending an alt-right demonstration prior to the attack.

Dont you idiots realise the more you shill against spencer the more popular he will become? Christ you fucks are stupid.

Tell that to the four generations of brainwashed masses

This machine kills fascists AND fags.
>implying there's a difference

no i hate him, come on Kekistanis we have to stop this, id rather liberals win than nazis

no one cares, only antifa communists even have this incident in their head. it will all be forgotten about like all the terrorist attacks in europe.

>You cunts were warned about Spencer repeatedly and look where it got you trusting that plant
Spencer didn't drive that car. Aside from that, he's as irrelevant now as he's ever been since he began writing on his website years ago.

>all the momentum gone
big if true

>Dont you idiots realise the more you shill against spencer the more popular he will become? Christ you fucks are stupid
If true then they are truly children cause this is what children do.


say the same thing and support it with the shitload of "problematic" quotes and writings of the founding fathers, american presidents, great thinkers of the 18th, 19th, and early 20th century instead of larping as the aryan nation. It should be VERY easy to subvert the subversion on "multiculturalism" by focusing on a ____ for ____ stance instead of "we need to kill and the blacks and mexicans fellow goyi....national socialists!"

If a two state solution is the only path to peace between israel and palestine because of irreconcilable differences with culture and religion within the same semitic race then how can multiple races with incompatible cultures and religions cohabitate effectively? Strike any thought of race of the issues of miscegenation from your stance and focus entirely on culture and just pull a "thats not an arguement" when they can only parrot back "racis" as you grill them on wanting to destroy other unique cultures in an effort to turn the rainbow into shit brown by mixing all the colors.

Finland could actually be seen as an ethnostate in a certain way, finland provides a rapid citizenship to those that are part of the dominant ethnic group here.

>say the same thing and support it with the shitload of "problematic" quotes and writings of the founding fathers, american presidents, great thinkers of the 18th, 19th, and early 20th century instead of larping as the aryan nation.

Could not agree more. This shit isn't hard to find.

Abraham Lincoln
October 13, 1858 Debate with Stephen A. Douglas in Quincy, Illinois

"I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races-that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which will ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior. I am as much as any other man in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."

>a white ethnostate must let in all whites
Wrong, retard. A white ethnostate lets in only white immigrants, but such immigrants must be desirable.

To continue this: finland still allows people to have a mixed race children so the ethnostate probably won't be the term that you're looking for.

I'm a quarter finnish and the rest is german and english, how fast can I emigrate to the last free nation in scandinavia and can I bring all the winter war and continuation war era rifles home with me?

Yes but they usually die of sickle cell right?
Tell me of the days you spent frolicking in the wastelands where niggers are naught.

What's the point of this comic?
That we should motivate 88 or cut it off?

Yes. Lessons learned for the future, but nobody will be talking about this within a few news cycles. Shills sowing discord and modcucks always desperately attempting to get ahead of the wave will cry that the sky is falling. Fuck those distractions. We learned nothing new yesterday or the day before about how pozzed the establishment institutions are. If they're observant, they learned that there are a fuck of a lot of angry nationalists who are no longer afraid of being identified with the alt-right. And that should scare the fuck out of them. So why should anybody on our side be running scared then?

If you keep following Spencer you will keep getting played you doofus.

cut it off, it's dead weight. They can't be "motivated" because they don't care about permanent cultural victory. They are retarded shills or feds, and will never achieve anything in any case.

what part of "irrelevant" was unclear to you? moron.

>but such immigrants must be desirable

okay so there is a scale aside from race, what if someones absolutely aces the test and wants to assimilate, but is puerto rican? might as well just have the secondary test only so you don't end up pissing off and alienating all efficient people who are not white

He is so irrelevant he created this entire clusterfuck. Turn the lights on mate it is right in front of you.

>retarded shills or feds
Calling everyone "shills" or "controlled opposition" is over stating it I think

Who was it that said to always assume incompetence before maliciousness

I think most people who adopt an overtly Nazi image are just ignorant or like you said, don't care about actually winning anything

I equate the hardcore HITLER IS MY IDOL EVERYTHING ABOUT ME IS NAZI types to the same kinds of people on the Left that LARP it up in Antifa riots

>Implying he went somewhere
What have you done with him you filthy heeb monster?

Well if you're a tutankhamon, you might have a problem.
If the weapons are operational, you might run in trouble with the customs. And in your case i'd think you can get a quicker citizenship than a person that doesn't have any genetical relations to finland.

The "LARPING" will stop when jews stop identifying as one of us when it's politically expedient for them to use us for an agenda, and then denounce us when the blow back comes their way.





I still have family in finland; descendants of my grand parents remaining family there who didn't fuck off to the new world between the russian revolution and the winter war
>are the weapons operational
you're goddamn right