Now because of these faggots, literally every white person is a racist/nazi.
Pretty much this
Other urls found in this thread:
tiki torches lol, hitler is literally facepalming right now.
Implying that non whites didn't already see you that way. You can either be a wimp, or become something they fear.
tiki torches are racist now
ya if you're an msm drone.
there were 'people of color' in that march.
hell, a black guy helped organize that event.
don't fall for the zionst narrative. Sup Forums are a bunch of idiots.
looks like a tiny white penis convention
t. mohammad
What you don't understand is that's how you were seen before anyway by virtually every single non conservative group.
>how to set your identity movement back by 100 years
How to destroy your movement in 1 day:
The next step forward is to stop caring if we're racist, and if we get called racist to say "so what?"
We have to stop being afraid of the label.
t. poo
>"How should we get people to sympathise with and support the closest thing to a Sup Forums president, i.e. Trump?"
>"...what if we burned some tiki torches, waved a few Nazi flags, and protested the removal of statues that even the local community didn't give much of a fuck about in the name of preserving the white race?"
That's kind of what we want to do
Well maybe you should stand with your race since the only alternative left is to betray it.
they've already believed that anyway.
t. canadian cuck. a fucking leaf
are you enjoying the refugees and your socialist faggot loving leader?
that dude is a fucking hero
Good, let the left alienate them.
been this way since November. nothing has changed
I bet the whole thing was organized by Jews.
Whether it happened or not, your liberal and minority friends were already suspect of you.
pajeet pls
Hitler wasn't a LARPer.
why are they holding dicks?
>Reichskristallnacht v2 - American version
You guys are memeing too good. I wasn't entertained that much since trumps election.
Of course you think that peabrain. Everyone in this echo chamber blames the JOOS for fucking everything, because they are all sheep. It's bloody ridiculous. Even if an articulate spokesperson presents themselves in the ideology of the "alt-right," Sup Forums disavows them and calls them some combination of "Jew psy-op controlled opposition Mossad disinfo agent"
Weren't they claiming that before Virginia??
Thanks storm fags
ya'll could at least get fit and drop the "fashy" haircuts before embarassing yourselves in front of the entire globe
>instant MUH DICK
Why are minorities and liberals so insecure about their penis sizes? It's always, without exception, their go to "well fuck you" insult. They bring up dicks in every context imaginable. No matter what everyone else is thinking of, the liberal is thinking of dicks.
Or you can be a socially well adjusted member of modern society and not play pretend Nazi
You're about a year late user. Regular white people being systematically bashed as racists just because they're white is what spawned this.
And if you're already labeled as a Nazi, what have you got to lose? Since you've already been issued a parking ticket you might as well use the space.
> literally every white person is a racist/nazi.
No, that's because of these faggots
>oh no, you mean im forcing whites who are trying to step out of the arena- back into the arena?
How can we let normie whites go back to normie lives? I feel really bad
And thats a great thing. The left will keep expanding who they consider their enemy until white people crack and finally defend themselves.
They never had a images or violence to back it up though
Those look just like normal people.Leftists really need to stop with the insults center around physical appearance because leftists are absolute subhumans when it comes to appearance. Ugly, subhumans.
Shutup kike.
Excellent! Further divisions means more possibility of civil war. We can finally begin the steps to retaking our nation from the Negro and abolish democracy and implement a fascist state.
The people getting doxed in that picture are apparently losing their jobs. It's one thing to larp ironically and anonymously here but doing it in public is just fuel for the (((MSM))) and a ticket to get fired.
No fuck you and your flag nigger. Black nationalism has no place in America.
Fresh OC lads:
They look like weaklings and beta faggots who have never participated an organized sport in their lives. I can tell most have absolutely no self-respect and don't get the recommended 10 minutes of direct daily sunlight. If you can't respect yourself, nobody is going to respect you.
Hitler's Brownshirts got their name sake shirts because for the party they were the best and most cost efficient shirt. Exactly why these goys use tiki torches; they're cheap and abundant.
>leftypoo: haha you fags are pussies you would never show yourselves outside
>*shows ourselves outside*
>leftypoo: wait no
they're not larping, they are retards. getting a bit bullied and maybe lose their jobs is society/nature's way of telling them they shouldn't act like retards in real life, and should try to be decent human beings instead of literal nazis
The definition of Nazi is anyone who ANTIFA feel like screaming Nazi at.
What it means to be called a Nazi by ANTIFA is "Conform or else!! you random people who I call NAZIs . The corrupt establishment wills it and my tiny partially functioning brain is having a whale of a time going along with them."
And when an anti-white who screams at whites for being pro-white by gonna "muh nazi" "muh nazi", and you get your head crushed under the pavement, and mocked by Sup Forums, its just a reminder that being a leftists is a net negative to civilization and that what you believe will not be tolerated.
Fuck anti-racism.
This wouldn't be happening if Michael Jackson were still alive.
Who gives a shit, it was already like that.
Good. Now they'll realize just how under attack they are
Welcome to Weimerica
Good. Join or die.
It's only going to turn more whites to nationalism, It's clear the government doesn't want rallies like that happening peacefully.
>Now because of these faggots, literally every white person is a racist/nazi.
Why is that handsome guy with the moustache everywhere?
As if they didn't already...
Are you not?
they all better join the fight then if they don't want to be killed
protip, all whites were already seen as racist, the only thing that has saved you before is your constant sniveling and prostration
That's the point of controlled opposition, m8
next hitler confirmed
hello fag
Seriously though, the cringe at least wear hoods. Even your fucking great grandfather was smart enough to do that.
Millennial Matt
Why is this a bad thing? The further pushed white people are the better
> the only alternative left
i'm gonna stick with the "doing nothing" option
what has my race done for me lately
Dude.... not even after the second world war was every white man considerdd a nazi.
The left is filled with white dudes, you just belittle and ignore them.
This is great
It's highly likely that this will escalate things further. More dead people on both sides.
August will be a bloody month
The white dudes on the left are a minority. The left is run by women. The white dudes that are leftists are literally cucks, inside the bedroom and out. They want to open the borders to let hostile groups in and take over their country. This idea is beyond embarrassing.
There's no memeing normies in to liking white nationalism. if you want to win, you have to meme normies into realizing diversity CAUSES white nationalism.
>Spend months bitching about how lefties calling the alt-right "literal Nazis" are wrong, exaggerating, etc
>Alt-right has a massive gathering
>Turns out to be literal Nazis after all
Really made me think
normies can be memed any which way, no topic is off limits if you have enough time and resources. normies are adapting white nationalism at a face pace. the_donald has semi-pro white threads all the time now. The overton window has shifted and will shift more.
You're absolutely right. Unfortunately my people are so stupid they actually believe the 6 gorillion. But they are fed enough truth."
You thought all those nazis just magically disappeared overnight?
these ones aren't even smart enough to wear a hood to hide their shame.
Whats wrong with being a racist nazi?
Every white person was already a racist/Nazi especially if they're not a leftist. Been that way long before these fags
unlike before?
>literally every white person is a racist/nazi
Literally that was your rhetoric this whole time.
We must burn the leftists in a pile of tiki torches
Not because of those "faggots." Because of a media that WANT to depict any show of racial identity to be pure EVILNAZIKKK6MILLIONRACIST REEEEEE!
>The left is run by women.
It's amazing how clearly sexually dysmorphic the left and right are, and how obvious the segregation is when you close your eyes and listen to the chants of the protesters.
>majority female
>entirely male
"Black people were allowed to live on plantations. the 1800s were a great time for black people in america!"
>H-hey! Look at these losers! Bet you feel bad for having traditional values and want to go back to our leftist shit right?
Not really, no
sExUaLlY DySmORpHic
malformed or misshapen; pertaining to an abnormality in the shape or size of a body part
Its just how you want to do the math.
You pile op the black, hispanic and white chicks into being one group. But you seperate the men into seperate race groups.
white men = right
women, blacks, hispanics = left
This is just how it is. White men who are on the left are really pathetic creatures.
Your brain: Well. Theres 6 white guys. 6 black guys... but 9 women! Fuck this shit be run by womyn!
In protests most are men, in virgils most are women.
>hello fag
being that insecure about your sexuality you cant compliment another guy
I think you are confusing who shows up to chimp out vs who is guiding the platform and policy. The left is very much a feminist platform first and foremost.
Yep, those epic nazi larpers are the true ubermench.
Youre really not wrong at all
That's pretty funny, /leftypol/
And still get accused of being a nazi because you're white. Fuck off
They were before this, no one bats an eyelid when we do this thing.