Brit/pol/ - Jeremy Vine edition

>Operation Sanctuary: Newcastle child sex network convicted

>The UK's key repeal bill facing challenges

>OBLIGED to go to WAR: Britain ‘has to take on North Korea if Kim fires missiles at US’

>Brexit: UK risks an international court case over Theresa May's plans for leaving EU single market

>UK criticised over sales of military equipment to Venezuela

>Eleven traveller family members convicted following slavery trials

>Seven in 10 Britons now support hard Brexit according to major survey

>Government to consider laser pen licence after attack rise

Other urls found in this thread:

>when someone posts ur OC
>but it's a tripfag

Deal with it cunt.

Quick question boys.

How drunk should someone be if they drank half a litre of 40% whisky starting at 00:00?

Well that's 20 units of alcohol, and you're only supposed to have 14 per week, so I'd say you should be pretty drunk/hungover by now.

>20 units of alcohol
What? I've never heard that terminology before can you explain it?

Don't tell me how much to drink tyvm.

Tools of "them", every one of you.

Can you not see by now that you unwittingly work against your own interests?

Sad that you act to damage everything we have of value.

I hope you were well compensated.

It's Monday and I don't have to go to work

I wonder when the next big protest is here, do you think it will kick off?

For a short while it looked like the Rash who swallowed his stash thing was going to kick off but that seems to have died down now.

Do you know if there are any planned?

If lefties protest brexit or trump do you think there will be a right wing counter protest?

If the right wing protest Muslim child rape do you think there will be a lefty counter protest?

who /nosleep/ here

I got about 3 hours then couldn't get back to sleep again.

Try exercising, there are apps to help you, I think the sofa to marathon style ones are pretty good

May as well get up now, get a bit of toast and pound down the coffee.

Absolutely this and lift weights.

Ive been sat in the same position for the past 8hrs lel, only to get up for choco milk, top lel, got a numb arse desu

While we're on the topic, Thatcher used to go by 4-5 hours of sleep while she was PM.

Then again she also wrecked our industrial capacity so there's that.

Might look into it. I've been extraordinarily lazy this summer.

>Playing Alien Swarm
>Check profiles of Team members
>All Argentinian
>Some retard named Mustafa starts running his mouth asking to kick other team members and calling them his bitch
>I telll him Bitch I'll own you like the British own the Falklands
>Kicked from server

She had an afternoon nap every day.

Is it gay to be listening to queen

>David Miliband has issued a call for politicians on all sides to fight back against the “worst consequences” of last year’s vote for Britain to leave the EU.

>The former Labour Foreign Secretary described the outcome of the 2016 referendum as an “unparalleled act of economic self-harm”.


are you gay?


Is it gay to dream that you were Freddy mercury strutting about on stage?

are you gay?

Hm, idk t b h , woul dbe cool to strut about with that crown and cloak he wore



>have a bit to drink
>feel like shit but whatever
>want to sleep it off
>been hiccuping and feel sick for the past like 2 hours
>know if i fall asleep know i'll end up being sick and choke to death on my puke
It's a hard life being a NEET tbqh.

I guess you could try not drinking?

Game of thrones episode cucked me yet again no white walkers

What so I deserve to die in my sleep this morning just because I had a bit too much to drink?

Pretty sadistic tbqh.

What are the best places to get crank articles published?

Don't drink your moldy piss jugs then, thats not ow you make moonshine

Uhh yeah I suppose so

Your own website? Web hosting is pretty cheap and easy nowadays.

fuck off and sleep pussy

What is the name of the film that the gif/webm of that man in car with the breathing mask on looking creepily to the back seat is from?

Don't even fucking laugh at me because this is beyond a joke now, this is fucking idiotic. Literally no functioning human gets hiccups for three hours in a row.


DESU when I drink at uni and stay up after getting back from the club I get hiccups sometimes. Try to drink some coke/lemonade

I love Hopkins, she rustles so many people by her tweets. I used to hate her back when I thought Brexit was a (((bad))) idea

She's not wrong.


She forgot to cross the first t on white supremacist.

I guess she is on her way to jail?

On this day in the year 2000, The Weakest Link was first aired.

Why did you point that out, my OCD

Mornin gents how goes it?

I once got woken up from puking up in my sleep from drinking that day. Only like 6 months later realised people die from it. Still didnt stop me.


ty for the advice, going to make some toast and pour another glass

Stay safe bro.


Brit's don't realise how much of a social safety net of socialism they've got until they live elsewhere. It's literally impossible to die of alcohol poisoning in Britain unless you intentionally commit suicide doing it. The amount of times I've woke up in the back of an ambulance isn't even funny at this point, unless you go full Rod Stewart and drink 15 litres of sperm I don't think you can die in this country.

Meh that's not too bad
You should be drunk tho

I drink over 20 units most nights though

>Rod Stewart
>15 liters of sperm


>he doesn't know

I just googled it

Seems to be a well used slander


Fuck off tony toon

>Black women are ug...



New Jess Phillips quote:

>"They [the left-wing men] are the worst, the actual worst. Men said they supported better female representation but, when it came to losing their own jobs, they would say, 'Oh, you mean me? But I am so clever. I've got so much to offer the world'. They are literally the worst."

What did Nige mean by this?

He meant that stupid larping nazis are fucking everything up

Just like they do every time

Which is why they're seen to be FBI agents or whatever
I personally think they're just retarded burgers
But the fact is, when nazis get involved, it sets us way back, and new laws get made limiting speech etc

>Nige being civic
Well imagine my shock


I think some retards here actually think he is some kind of secret ethno nationalist.


>being against open displays of nazism makes you civic ?
No, it makes you sensible
Any right thinking nationalist wants to stay far away from the stigma attached to nazis

wishing i was malcom tucker even after the speech where he points out malcom tucker left the building long ago to become a vessel for satan or whatever

Malcolm tucker is a blairite

>The comments

You are saying that as if it was a bad thing. Consensus politics are the only effective and realistic politics.

ask Dan if he's ok

O fuk dans mad

he's a nutter after that christmas special

blairites were never really consensual
actually they had to bulldoze quite a few policies through (perhaps most notably tuition fees where they carried by a tiny number of scottish votes, because so much of their own party loathed the idea.)

If he is playing the long game he's taking a bloody long time
>Makes anti immigration views publicly acceptable
>Tommy Robinson and crew makes anti Islam semi acceptable
>BBC runs documentary on pakis being extremley overepresented in rape gangs
>Still where he was four years ago

He meant that 'le based alt-right' is full of absolute mongs who LARP without ever picking up a book.

I perfectly willing to accept fascism as a legitimate ideological belief but using the symbols and language of a 20th century failed state (almost certainly without even understanding them) is beyond a joke. The people who turn up to rallies like Charlottesville are either redneck idiots or young men who can't think for themselves - they listen to M-Woes and other meme youtubers and think they're somehow enlightened geniuses.

tbf all fascism is mostly LARPing

this is far too early to be awake

What do you mean?

Is pol satire?

*licks face*

Mosley LARPed as Hitler
Hitler LARPed as Caesar


Hitler larperd as a pajeet kangz(hence the swastika and "ayran")
Mussolini larperd as ceaser and Mosley larperd as Mussolini

Well you get the point
Fascism is one of the three major modernist ideologies

Which statue will the muzzies try get removed in England lads?

Europe is so weak. It easily has the power to control the NGOs but chooses not to, and can only passively applause when the third world war-torn Libyan coastguard manages to do it instead.
If you collected all the testosterone of all the thousands of EU and Western European politicians and lumped it all together, you'd maybe get about 1 microgram. Never before has such an emasculated elite been in charge of things.

Cecil Rhodes obv

>Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life.

Can't allow any positivity about being an Englishman in the [current year]

The nogs tried that already didn't they?

Winston Churchill or Gladstone.
The wogs will try to take down one of the Cecil Rhodes statues in London
Hannan will try taking down one of the Marx statues and replace it with a statue of magret Thatcher

Has no uterus or womb
Has undecended testicles
Has stupidly high testosterone levels
