North Korea reportedly calling its ambassadors to major countries back to Pyongyang
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What? Bullshit, yet another tactic, he'll send them right back in a week.
Rats fleeing a sinking ship.
image was on imgur and I can not find anymore info on this
Can confirm, North Korean ambassadors just flew over my house. It is happening.
I very much hope I'll live to see America turned into a nuclear wasteland.
>Live next to NORAD
>Watch big ass plane fly overhead
>Triangle shape
>Flip out, innawoods style
>Turn on shortwave 8992
>Hear shakey voiced transmission
>November Uniform Kilo Echo SkyKing SkyKing SkyKing Over and Out
I'm not a larper but I honestly do think something is going to escalate very quickly soon
Do we have any keys for decoding that?
Texas here, they just dropped a nuke on my house, goodbye brothers.
Those are one way encryptions son, the person/place/or thing that it's addressed too is the only thing that has the key.
Hell, even the person sending the information has absolutely no idea what it says.
Google, EAMs
Over and watch too much TV kiddo
This news startled me so much I accidentally came in my beard
>All this tension that has been built up for the last decade will finally be released
I wonder how many will request asylum.
>What is green text
The flood of r_donald to this place, really ruined it.
NK reportedly summons its key ambassadors back to Pyongyang for some official meeting.
No this is happening. I've seen it.
Even in Australia I've been noticing more shit.
Green flashes in the sky, planes flying way too slow, weird bursts with multiculolored trails following them.
I'd chalked it off as shooting stars at first. But then I realized shooting stars don't tend to happen during the day and never happen multiple times a week.
The gathering of secret opinions of countries only able to be delivered by the ambassadors.
China and Russia could be giving a direct "go-ahead"
yes they are training and checking their equipment. No better time to do it than now.
I still think Kim is bluffing though
kek.. they'd rather jump off a cliff
We just had the Perseid meteor showers, actually, so you very likely were seeing that. They would be seen in the daytime in your hemisphere, ya cunt.
Nothing will happen until the winter months, and beyond preparation for more tests, the chances of something significant happening are low.
>no sign of NK mobilization
>a terrible month for the country to actually mobilize
>majority of soldiers work on farms who're required to carry out harvests at this time of year
>if they mobilize that cannot carry out the harvests
>if they can't carry out harvest they may slip into another famine
>America can continue to poke NK with a stick and they can't risk escalating beyond missile tests until the harvest season is over
>America and South Korea wants NK to mobilize as soon as possible
>a mobilization without a war or skirmish may force NK to the negotiation table in search of aid
>the west can force NK into doing almost anything they want by pushing them into a countrywide crisis brought on by mobilization
>loud speakers will more than likely be expanded in the coming weeks
>might even try Airborne leaflet propaganda from balloons to provoke a mobilization
It's all part of the plan, it happens every August, but Trump doesn't seem bothered by the media as most politicians, so he's pushing the tension further than Obama did every August.
It's gonna take more than nukes to kill a Texan. We're like roaches, only better.
Or a "no-go"
Who knows, but I think this will kick off against our favour
That's why China was suddenly like
>But we will help the Norks if you strike first
False flag from China anyone?
Turns out to be a publicity stunt for Far Cry 5 or some shit.
>Far Cry 5: Escape from Norkville
I still wouldn't play it.
shit tier trolling
I thought the right would want a real smart patriot to handle a tough problem and not a wimp
NK will be liberated to make the morning news.
It will happen when the weather cools
do you have the one with the explanations of each.
reminder that WW3 will NEVER happen
nukes ensure there will never be another great war
Do meteor showers happen over weeks?
fucking nothing
Nope, can't have been it. The images I've seen of the Pereseids are too white. These streaks I saw were blue and green and flashed multiple times in straight lines before changing course.
I'm pretty sure a nuke would kill you, retard
>when the weather cools
People saying the climates heading for a cooling period
>three branches will become one
The rise of Caesarism, read spengler, power will be concentrated into the hands of fewer and fewer men in the abscence of religion
>an island will drift away
Japan and its declining population?
>killing bolt will shine
Has to be an EMP attack
>the star
No clue
>idols will speak
Celebrity worship?
>black flag
ISIS somewhere major, perhaps Rome/ Vatican
>belly of dragon drip water
Chinese three gorges dam break?
>two voices
Not sure
>a rock will stand on 7 hills
Something rome related
>ravens will starve
Not sure
>bear will leave its cave
Russian expansionism
>rod and the ring
Something nuclear
Im usually good at these things
7 hills is US embassy moving to jerusalem. 2 state solution.
SKYKANGZ monitoring live
That works, italy isnt relevent enough to be used twice
So a terrorist attack on the vatican with Isis raising the flag there, calling it now
>Fag doesn't understand a joke, The Post
Neck yourself.
kim is already winning
should have kept his mouth shut like obama if you have no options
not you n korea, I wasn't talking to you
what if china help them with food and non military stuff?
Tactics flow from a superior positions.
America has an upperhand, Trump knows it and he's strong arming people into peace.
If by some stupid reason, they call his bluff, America is well covered to deal with that situation and as a resultit would be suicide for those who attempt to test it out.
It's not the "nice" way of doing things, but it is an effective one.
>North Korea reportedly calling its ambassadors to major countries back to Pyongyang
user isn't saying it's fake, he's pointing out this is yet another bullshit tactic to get gibs. Think about this action; He's withdrawing his lines of communication from the world. Why? So we "know" we can't try to bargain with him, i.e., "he's serious this time." I cannot wait for the day we glass Pyongyang and loot those mountains for all they're worth.
>Can confirm, North Korean ambassadors just flew over my house.
How, on a broom? fuck you Mexican intellectual. There. That's what I have to say about that suggestion. You shouldn't bring it up ever again.
I've noticed low flying planes that don't look like commercial airliners