Dodge was hit with bat before accelerating!!!
No wonder then, anyone who's played GTA5 knows that attacking a car makes the drive floor it
are you his lawyer or something? This guy was a nazi sympathizer, plain an simple!!!!!!!!!!
take your racism bigorty and shove it up your booty!!
This. I knew something was up. I first was searching for someone to be standing on the car for 5 seconds. Now it makes sense.
Holy fucking shit
Spread this everywhere
Im trying but the entire first page is slide threads and shills.
More info.
lol, bump
wow...that person set off this whole chain of events! crazy!
kys faggot
Great find user.
No, Hillary did. Her failure to cover up her crimes combined with her inability to debate any idea at all infuriated the DNC and therefore a chain reaction of big money connections (Google, Soros, Unions) decided to double down on the identity politics and used dumb fuck drones like you to enforce racism en mass.
There were also crisis actors. Makes me think it was a false flag.
The brake lights were lit you must acquit!
Damn it's like you don't even know where you are.
Holy fucking shit
This is insane
why is this sliding?
Bond hearing Monday, \\
What Will bond be set at?
All threads about the dodge challenger are sliding?
>traumatized people are asked to express their feelings in front of a camera
wow, it's as if they're actual fucking human beings... you haven't lest your mom's basement in a few years I'm guessing.
I was watching the news tonight and the local fox news channel said that a silver charger crashed into the protestors and then they showed an aerial footage and the footage was of a red van crashing into the protestors the red van was there what happened was the red vanned crashed into the protesters then the silver challenger rear ended the red van there just happened to be people there I'm going to try and find it guys I'm 100% serious
Why would this fag drive a car that was bought for him by his mom's husband on a street full of people?
something doesn't add up here
Found the footage look at this, this isn't the silver dodge challenger guys this is big news I'm not joking this is fucking huge.
dude look at my post right above yours
Ok I just did. But then who was the dodge?
Yeah the challenger plows into the cars in front of him, forcing those cars to shoot forward and hit protestors, then he backs away.
It was a guy at the protest but what happened is he rear ended the red van and there just happened to be people there.
>this makes a difference
Everything's a-OK now!
It actually does. One of the problem plebeians have with the justice system arises from their leftist media agitators refusing to explicitly explain to them why some people aren't convicted of crimes those same media agitators convinced their plebeian slaves they were guilty of. I expect monkey-brained confusion in your future as this trial proceeds.
Yep we won
Put those swastikas back on lads it's time to start LARPing again
Have a Bump, I prefer the CIA spook driver hypothesis but whatevs.
That big girl on the hood of the maroon van was smart to grab onto the back of the hood near the windshield and hold on. Saved herself from getting rolled over.
How much of a punk do you gotta be to be afraid for your life because your car was hit with a bat. Reach more Sup Forums your profuse sweating over the inevitable party van coming to get chad is so delicious.
The fat fluffy girl should have dodge the challenger
There are people chasing his car as well go watch the vids again. Or dont and get all butthurt when he gets manslaughter or even better off completely for self defense.
Who was driving the vehicle? Where is the aerial video before the "crash". Why was there a fire truck waiting on the cross street? Why are the plates o the car 1111 vs 1122 both gvf issued in Ohio .... why is there a government truck in the video ( check the plates) why did peaceful protesters forced off their area into armed anti fa ? Why did the Mayer work for podesta and Obama ?
I'll wait
How much of a nigger must you be to use the phrase "do you gotta be"
Do not let this slide . Soros color change aka American spring.... it has worked in 30 plus countries. venezuela ring a bell .....
Justice well served
Download this and spread it
why didn't he just go in reverse? He can't see forward? are white people just too stupid to drive? do we need to confiscate their drivers licence? driving is a privilege they haven't checked yet.
So what he's a Nazi sympathizer. It doesn't make him guilty of deliberately ramming his car into a crowd. Libtards and mainstream media jumped to conclusions again and were wrong again.
Who is this guy? He is the one who should be charged with 2nd degree murder.
>brake lights off
>people already panicking
>car hasn't been hit yet
This is embarrassing, Sup Forums
paid shills
the right has loads of them
Don't know why anyone would defend this guy, he's a killer plain and simple.
Russian propaganda, obviously fake. This is not proofs. Where is proofs?
There are also very large groups of armed mobs, illegally forming blockades at intersections on public roadways. This is after a state of emergency declaring no persons (for any reason or cause) were permitted to protest or demonstrate in Charlottesville - meaning they explicitly denied this public order and with malicious intent decided to blockade public intersections to ambush and harass anyone in vehicles they did not like.
Mayor (((Signer))):
>"I am heartbroken that a life has been lost here. I urge all people of good will--go home."
The people of good will had already left and were attempting to go home -- funny how that works.
Just seen the video the fatty getting CPR - looks like just where she fell, because it takes 8 people to lift her. Fucking disgusting.
More importantly, the numberplate is different on the car that hit her:
> fatty gets inflated & needs 8 firemen to lift her bloated corpse 6 inches off the ground:
> nig zooms in on the numberplate of the car that hit her:
It looks like he was trying to do the "move through the crowd slowly but surely so they disperse" meme that you see at so many of these antifa blocking the street memes. I recall a pickup truck doing it very successfully at some environmentalist or something rally.
it's just retards. like the driver, the right has loads of them
>car is hit
>driver shits himself and revs up engine
>people panic
the video shows him going forward yes, but you hear the bang and hear the revving soon afterward. Either way, violent antifa is violent for 8 months performs violence and gets reaction... The reaction isnt the fucking problem...
Oh, in what world do we live in for video evidence to not be counted as proof?
>Everyone blocking the streets was committing a crime
>There was a death in the commission of this crime
>Everyone blocking the street is guilty of Murder1