welcome continued from the old thread...hic what are you drinking and what do you hate?
Continued booze thread of Sup Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
drunk boys~
I want to fuck her asshole
wonder what this bitch is drunking
drinking whiskey sour
hate normies
she's on almost every single botte produced in korea
fuck normies damnit
well damnit i guess i learn somethin every day
I had to switch to Stella ran out of space dust typing this made me very sad
ahh Im sorry lad
Inb4 stop drinking degenerates lol
stop drinking degenerates lol
Thanks that means alot
We have some labats for u maple nigger
whiskey is king!
Scotch is better
Corona is better.
This thread is being jacked by tweakers.
What now fags?
>you've been hit by
>you've been struck by
they stop selling at 11pm here
im on my mom's gin rn
we are seriously fucking off the deep ende
they both suck ass
ebin drunkards, what did you drink? two beers?
Jus like u mother lol
i drank lots of whiskey damnit!
You better like bourbon
it's shit to drink but i drink it anyways
Faggot. A glass of Glenfiddich 21 once pulled me out of a state of psychosis.
asahi lmfao
Gin and tonic with grapfruit + whiskey shots
Livin the high life amidst nuclear threats and tire tracks on jewish necks
My wife is a cunt sometimes
Yuengling bottles and /comfy/ as fuck on my couch, browsing on mobile. How we doing this eve, boys?
better than whiskey lmao
U know nukes are fiction right?
9% micro brew
On my last bottle of the Yung. Gonna hit the hay. Not drunk, just chilled.
Hate being drunk these days. Disgusting feeling. Alcohol is best when you barely notice her.
you drunk bastard what is 9 percent micro brew lel
It seems like the tire tracks might be too
I don't have access to good booze, so I make sugar wine. It gets the job done, more or less, but leaves your entire body feeling like it's coated with black tar on the inside the next day. Beats nothing.
Micro brew for a micro oenis amiritr?
Fine and dandy. Also waiting to die, not bad.
OP here...sayonara...I'm beaten...
K.O...knockout eat good tomorrow morning ughh,........
true though haha
alcohol is degenerate
>it really is, you're only given one body on this earth and you're willingly destroying it
Oh, and currently listening to Touch, Peel and Stand.
Next up - Intension - Right In Two, then Sour Grapes.
Good night sir it's been a pleasure
Here we are! I thought I lost you bastards!
sleep tight, drunker
it is up toooo you...fuck im gone...be prideful drunks...we are gods in the eyes of saints
god i love gooks so much
>they stop selling at 11pm here
I've never understood this.
I'm a drunk. I like to drink. I have a liquor cabinet.
One time when I moved, I decided to start fresh; so I invited barstaff I worked with to come over every Friday and Saturday for two months before the move.
Between us, we managed to drink all my stock except 8 bottles of oddball shit.
So, other than being a nigger, how do my fellow drunks NOT know they're going to want to drink again?
How do you "run out of" booze, or forget that liquor isn't sold on Sunday?
Do you people buy toilet paper one fucking square at a time, too?
Science will give me another body so suk it nigger
Why u call them gooks the?
It's all about moderation, and keeping it as a social bonding "tool".
Going to the bar everyday or getting shitfaced regularly alone at home is degenerate, but drinking for occasions with friends and family is not
I hate alcohol which is why I try to replace it with weed. Not completely successful since Finland has this heavy drinking national culture.
This guy is perfect lol he never does wrong
>How do you "run out of" booze, or forget that liquor isn't sold on Sunday?
either drink too much the night before or have a low budget
cuz they're gooks
different time zones
I wish I was working but unfortunately I am on vacation with my family
Coreans and coreaboos are so much worse than Japanophiles. Really disgusting, I can't stand them.
My friend, unless you have grandkids, living after age 65 is pointless.
You wanna live a life where you need someone to remember shit for you, where you take 20 different medicines to stay alive, have to eat shitty food to keep you from clogging up, and suffer from at least mild dementia? Nah. Not me. I go hard and I'll die happy with that before I lose control of my bowels. I'll be sure to take some riffraff with me too.
Keep drinking goys. The estrogen won't harm you I promise
The Piano must be drinking.
No I'm just saying if you like them so much why call them by a derogatory term
right im retarded.
Still, getting drunk on a sunday is ill advised when you gotta get up early next day.
enjoy freedoms of time Ameribro!
This guy has no friends lol
Smoke meth afterwards. Fully counters those effects.
Mfw I like work more than vacay :)
I accidentally ordered phenelethylanine when trying to purchase phenibut once, still have it but I'm too pussy to use it. Any experiences?
it's an endearing term
they're cute gooky girls :3
It's amazing go for it lol also tom waits is shite
>Thinking more than 6 hours ahead means you're perfect
Yeah. That's exactly what I meant.
I used to live a few blocks away from a niggerhood.
Whenever I’d hang out on the front porch for a while, I’d notice the same nogs walking down the street and back up it a few minutes later, about once every half hour.
I was confused by this until one night when I visited the neighborhood liquor store 3 blocks away.
I was there a while, chatting with the chink owner who also lived in the neighborhood.
During that hour or so, a few dozen niggers came through the liquor store and bought a single bottle of beer and a single loose cigarette, TWICE.
I asked the friendly chink about this, and he said that hundreds of them do this every single day—up to a dozen or so times a day each.
Apparently, they balk at the cost of buying a 12-pack (roughly $10-15) and a pack of cigarettes ($5-8) all at once, and prefer to buy a single beer for $2 and a single cigarette for $1 instead.
The chink and I had a good laugh at this, but he was happy as fuck at the increased revenue.
Niggers (and apparently most cityfags) lack the ability to think beyond the moment.
Your collection is admirable in any case. Thank you for your contribution
That's hilarious because..I am 65 and I have no grandkids. I don't think I have dementia yet, but I know it is out there lurking, but I still have control of my bowels and I'm not broke yet. Just bought a 27" monitor (hey, they eyes aren't so great). But you aren't wrong. It's a tough place to be.
Stuff's mostly useless, drug-wise, but if you have a dopamine deficiency from stim use, it's very handy for rebuilding your native stock, thus keeping your mind nice and healthy.
So keep it. Might come in handy for comedowns one day. Store it cool and dry.
If you feel low motivation in normal life, it might help to boost you a bit. Depends what the cause of your apathy is, of course.
NEVER mix with any MAOIs.
> drunking
Huh, so that is what american education looks like.
congrats on your awesome job man! I gotta go now, work in 19 minutes
He's sleeping.
Life is worthless just like u opinions and advice u are not better than the niggers u speak of ur good choices are no better than anyone's bad choices your life isn't better than any other you are an idiot and can suk a dick your anecdotes about niggers are with as much as your life which is worthless plz kys my man
you keep believing your bill nye's and smart black guy
Can't drink tonight gotta work tomorrow. Who /cheekydartbeforebed/ here?
Stfu cancer wannabe janitor faggot lol u have no power her the shitposting will go on also plz kys
drinking period is degenerate, it's literally poison and poison is for gypsies and niggers, which one are you?
Even if I don't get another body the body I'm in now will be enough and the cancerous niggers like you will remain miserable lol and that is enough to make my day so plz kys
Alright, time to spin on down, get a few winks.
To any of you guys out there in fear or concern, just stop. Stop worrying. Take life as it comes, have fun, and don't try to force happiness.
Happiness comes to those who just let it go, and ride the wave.
Focus on the future. It's bright even if it looks dark. Destruction is always followed by creation.
Surf's up.
Nigger, I guess. I can't dance or play the violin.
Living is degenerate as you will die no matter how you live plz kys cancer
Alcohol, yes I bleive I'm familiar with that type of brew, the devils drink as it is gnown. Because as I sat their with my monitor and my rum and coke with a penis straw, I thought to go onto Sup Forums to let everyone know how hardcore I am. Surely other people on Sup Forums pretend that being an addict is a good thing and I should just keep drinking this swill that's killing me. Yep thats me, OP, when I made this goddamn thread. I feel it really accentuates my vanilla taste in drugs when I pair my absolute shitpost with an an reaction image, because that's just the kind of faggot I am. Now let me scoff down some alc and pretend to be drunk on le Sup Forums epic meme. Boy.
If you don't like running out of booze when the liquor store is closed, just buy more than you can drink in one day, Tyrone.
See? Problem solved.
That's about some hippie shit right there lol
Living causes death.
>drinking period is degenerate
that sounds disgusting.
I'll stick to drinking whiskey.
I have plent of booze just like your mother has an unending supply of cocks in her mouth
Take it easy my dude.
Yeah, don't drink period.
I'm glad that some niggers are able to read