The driver's car was hit with a baseball bat before he accelerated into the crowd
Look at this footage:
The driver's car was hit with a baseball bat before he accelerated into the crowd
Look at this footage:
Other urls found in this thread:
The driver dindu nuffin
It's still negligent if he let his emotions (fear) kill someone, but it is good we can prove it wasn't malicious
This changes the entire narrative
Some lefty piece of shit hit the back of his car in a mob and he floored it
He drives like something is HAPPENING in every pieve of footage posted online. Suspension doesn't bottom out over humps when I drive. Why is he acting weird before the guy hits the rear panel. Something doesn't add up there from what I've seen at least. Not saying the fooyage shows innocence but the batter looks like he has a foresight of the collision or he driver has already hit people I cant tell
It looks like he is driving, then protestors start closing in on him and hit the back of his car with a baseball bat, he panics, floors it, smashes into some people, then floors it backwards.
I really don't think some guy would intentionally plow over a bunch of protestors anyways. That seems insane.
I'm walking along the top of a cliff and I almost trip over a rope. It annoyed me so I cut it. Someone was climbing the rope and falls to their death.
That's negligence, which still requires an intentional act even though you didn't intend the death.
If in the same scenario I fail to see the rope and trip over it and it breaks there is no intent, and so no negligence (negligence =/= accidental).
It was a false flag. Brennan Gilmore a deep state operative releases the first video.
There were even crisis actors.
I tend to agree and cant see why he would not react in some way to the batter in the op, but not neccesarrily forward. what happened to this guys thoughts that lead him to potentially make an impact with his vehicle through fear from behind him and not stopping, checking its clearer to reverse than risk the crowd and take a broken window whilst sat with a seatbelt on. Something already switched the driver into panic or some form of dumb plan from what ive seen is all. The way he had the bakes on and left the first impact without coming back for another run could also mean something.
No it doesn't why do you idiots keep spamming the footage when it doesn't prove what you say?
He was already dangerously close to the crowd and not slowing down
Crowd is already fleeing by the time the guy hits it once with a stick
Either celebrate it as a dead commie or blame the mayor and police for causing the two groups to mix but don't misrepresent facts and lie to yourself
Without wanting to sound naïve and ahead of my previous point. Is it retarded to think that after the batter comes in that he attempted but crucially failed to engage the reverse gear and in thinking so he ploughs onward?
He did slow down.
He was not accelerating.
Crowd is moving out of the way and the car slowly trys to move the crowd
Once the car is hit by the baseball bat, the mob surrounds the car
It is after this he accelerates.
This removes the element of intent and reduces it from 1st or 2nd degree murder to negligent manslaughter, more likely reckless.
Thats the difference between 6months and life
He did not slow down
He made no significant deviations
And the footage shows this
Why are you deluding yourself?
Minimum 15 year bid. And real Nazi's aren't going to treat this kid nicely for the reasons described in this thread. He looks soft.
>attend rally
>something happens on the way out
pic related, these are your last moments of freedom.
>It doesn't all add up for me that he was motivated by this point and if he was a poltard why isn't he memeing by this stage or doing something besides standing still just shouting, promoting something he doesn't seem to represent if you believe the media at least. Although I heard calls for "white sharia now" so what those people meant by that I don't know.
These icons reminded me of torah scrolls
I don't think I've ever seen so many 5 foot tall guy with man its in once place in my life.
>user thinks he's a lawyer
You're a moron. The intent is going to come from the fact that his facebook is literally your Sup Forums folder.
>muh he was hit first
His car was tapped by a baseball bat as he had second thoughts about running people over mudshit style. Then he did it. All the prosecutor has to do to put this guy away is to say "he showed up, he got riled up, he went to his car after being with the white supremacists, and he rammed through a crowd of civilians". And there's no fucking way a race war isn't starting if this guy gets off, so there's also that.
>something hits car
>psychotic is justified in driving into mob of people like its gta
god stormfaggots are so desperate
Leftist degenerate.
Will Ant*fa riot when he gets off the hook?
he wont get off the hook.
he might get a few years shaved from his prison time.
found the edgelord
>driving car
>see leftist cuck
>pound the gas pedal to the metal out of sheer uncontrollable disgust
It was an act of passion your honor
What it means is that they won't get him for murder.
If they cave to political pressure and try and charge him with murder he'll walk.
Manslaughter would be a slam dunk, but even then he could luck out during sentencing.
>His car was tapped by a baseball bat
His rear window has a smashed section, like it was hit heavily by a bat or brick.
He's going to do time for manslaughter, but there's every reason to believe he feared for his life and it was unintentional.
>I feared for my life
all he needs is a good lawyer, it's very easy to build a defense on this when facing a mob.
His car was hit, which could sound like gunshots to someone who is already on edge surrounded by violent ''nazi punchers'' with clubs.
All he did was try to escape.
>He was already dangerously close to the crowd and not slowing down
He was doing like 5mph. The speed you drive when you are near people trying to be safe.
proves that nazi sympathizers are bunch of cock smoking pussies
>oh n-n-no somebody hit me car
>better pedal to metal
>run over crowd of civilians
>Sup Forums defends coward
>tfw Sup Forums and stormfront is coward cuckoldry
>not slowing down
>slow enough for some guy to walk up to the car and hit it
Fucking piece of shit /leftypol/ shills are in full force
unironically I think this is pretty compelling evidence
>actually defending LARPing
disgusting desu senpai.
He clearly wasn't trying to kamikaze. It was a panicked accident.
The left will run around screaming if the charge gets downgraded from murder.
Conversely we WANT it to stay a murder charge since from the footage available it would never stick.
Point is though, is that manslaughter is not murder. It isn't an attack if he is convicted of manslaughter. It is an attack if he is convicted of murder. Big difference but the media has already spun this so much that it won't be seen that way because evil drumpf will rig the court with Russian spies or something.
so only leftists can be against autists ramming their cars into mobs of people? go suck hitlers dick u little poofta, the men are talking
Y'all don't even got the good one
It was a FAG, I mean FLAG.
>Being retarded enough to answer him
also notice that the stopped traffic is not visible at all even from this angle. even though we know its there.
American cars are pigfat heavy, especially the challenger. You're Peugeot 106 couldn't bend a twig over bumps.
You're one of those retards who just copy pastes that fucking paragraph insisting INACTION is the best action for the right because that somehow magically stops the left. If we let them attack, harass, and subdue us constantly maybe they'll go away!
did you miss the part that meant that the mob could surround the car where he hits a slow manoeuvring vehicle?
that route was the quickest possible route southwards away from the rally location where confrontations and arrest were happening.
5 mph?! He was barely moving at all. Those protestors threw themselves into the air, it's so obvious.
It's all a psyop anyway, guy in the car looks like a middle aged soilder.
Guy wasn't a Sup Forumsyp anyway, he was antifa!
Haha I bet that woman that got "killed" is living on an island with her soro bucks.
Did you hear about that Nazi that got blinded? We're the real victims in all this.
lel he looks like hes stopped
In Germany, he'd get 2 years on probation because there was no intent and probably no precedent action like another manslaughter.
No retard. He wasn't driving through a mall fucking parking lot. He was driving through a mob of violent, irrational pieces of shit, which is proven by the fucking skeletor hitting his car with a baseball bat BEFORE he accelerates. Why the fuck do you people have to be violent? Why do you hit cars passing by with fucking baseball bats?
> He waz a gud boy
> Din du nuffin
You are no better than niggers OP
5 mph?! He was barely moving at all. Those protestors threw themselves into the air, it's so obvious.
It's all a psyop anyway, guy in the car looks like a middle aged soilder.
Guy wasn't a Sup Forumsyp anyway, he was antifa!
Haha I bet that woman that got "killed" is living on an island with her soro bucks.
Did you hear about that Nazi that got blinded? We're the real victims in all this.
this justifies murder
What did Sup Forums mean by this?
Wow, if he gets light charges in court due to this... how assblasted will liberals be?
This isn't Europe user, thoughtcrime isn't on the books here
kek respects your sarcasm my dude
Legally, yes.
They'll call him a Nazi they'll call him a white supremacist they'll call him a murderer and they'll call him a terrorist. What they seem to have forgotten like usual is that he was also an American citizen with the right to an innocent until proven guilty trial and it's going to be delicious drinking leftwing tears when this turns into Zimmerman 2: Wheels of Feels.
Sorry for your loss
Kek internet neckbeard investigators strike again.
Oh, he's going to get off with very few charges, and it's going to be even bigger than trayboon monkey.
Slow down, zoom in, spread the video far and wide; Especially to the driver's family.
Also this is the view of the intersection he would have had turning from market street, with no other vehicle intersection down this narrow one way other than the street where the protesters were blocking traffic.
This is such an obvious exit so why wasn't it watched by the police before hand, its a natural choke point, so why is only an angry mob there?
especially with such an unprecedented deployment of agents?
getting your car hit with a bat doesnt justifying speeding through a crowd of people
He's just like Nelson Mandela.
Only Nelson Mandela murdered people on purpose. So did his wife.
You forget virginia is probably the most corrupt state in the nation when it comes to cops and the court system.
Sup Forums sucks cop dick because o ly cops are authorized to deal with dindu niggers, so willingly blind themselves to the fqct police are corrupt, and only see white people as an easy source of money that wont and cant fight back.
The court is going to sentence him to maximum penalty, and push for death penalty even if the state has not killed anyone for 20 years.
Welp, the car was hit. Honestly I couldn't tell from the video, but this obviously proves it was hit.
This is tantamount to shouting fire in a crowded movie theater.
Yes it does, the precedent has already been set.
I said cowards you imbecile.
What kind of fucking retard drives slowly into a crowd of counter protesters and expect a snowflake treatment?
Panto levels of debate.
>being hit with a baseball bat doesn't justify blah blah blah
Oh yes it does.
Is this going to be the can't flim flam the zim zam of 2017?
It's perfectly legal in Burgerland, not that your Emu overlords would let you know.
Uhh he wasn't out for a fucking joy ride. When you're surrounded by a mob of violence loving faggots, you're probably not going to have a "normal" reaction. Jesus christ, are you people seriously this retarded when it comes to critical thinking?
No, but the sound of metal
hitting metal that would cause a panicked and fearful mind to think "GUNSHOT" may very well justify a reckless act of passionate flight response that results in a manslaughter charge.
of course the poltard has a skinny, bent dick and is covered in moles and skin tags. god damn disgusting
>They'll call him a Nazi they'll call him a white supremacist
This typically happens when you gang up with a bunch of guys throwing Nazi salutes, shouting against Jews and wearing white supremacist garb. Go figure.
>they'll call him a murderer
This occasionally happens when you kill someone
> a terrorist.
Nah, too white and American.
are you guys actually retarded
He will go to jail for political reasons, sit for some time.
In jail he will write a book about his struggle, politics, the white race, Jews.
He will come out of jail a hero and win the election for president
plus he was white around known anti whites. you could imagine his distress
please stop trying to justify driving a vehicle into a mob of people, its embarrassing.
Die subhuman piece of shit.
so it wasn't that batter/flagger who caused those cracks then by the looks of it, If that's true then who did? is there anything that captures the dodge before the raised brick section? Also who the fuck Is capturing these great quality photos and not posting the complete set. do they want us to miss something important?
Why are Leftist unable to tie their shoes? I mean, I learned how to do it when I was three. It's not hard.
damn you kids will always justify the killer in situations like this. sick fucks. im out.
>tfw he walks
cant wait
No but actually he was doing 5 mph and there is literally video footage of it.
But uh, yeah, what you said.
>wooden flag pole
>Plastic impact bumper
Where's the metal?
OK, see you tomorrow.
Maybe pol could find the person who swung at the car and ask them to please explain their behaviour.
Reminder that these threads are posted by liberals to try to manipulate us into taking a retarded position on this issue. That faggot loser virgin cuck should rot in prison for the rest of his life. He fucking murdered someone.
The crowd was already screaming in fear before the guy with the bat hit. When a car drives up at one side of a street, you're trapped at the other side, and then suddenly he pumps the gas and accelerates, that's a valid threat to respond against. I fully support ANTIFA supporters being killed, but that doesn't change the fact that this was murder and not self-defense.
he's guilty, he's just not 100% guilty
>unite the right rally at public park
>l*ftist antiwhite rally blocking city roads
Like always
What happens if those who attacked his car are the ones found culpable?
>driving into an alley chock-full of people blocking the way
>accelerates long before the baseball bat (which is the entire reason the baseball guy got spooked in the first place)
>slows down a bit
>floors it again
y-yeah h-he was just trying to get home
he a gud boy he dindu nuffin