Why is everyone indoctrinated to think we should feel bad for how shitty other countries are outside of the west?
Why is everyone indoctrinated to think we should feel bad for how shitty other countries are outside of the west?
your country is shit
all countries are shit
the world is shit
humanity is shit incarnate
I bet you're fun at parties
And lastly you are shit.
Idk empathy? It seems a bit extreme though
never been to one
you're right. you're also shit.
Charitys are a scam. That is why they want you to feel bad. For sheckles
>nihilism is kool
go back
not trying to be cool, fuck off.
Because of leftist propaganda in mainstream entertainment and media as well as a large-scale case of mob mentality. Us trading with other nations actually helps them. All the people in those poor countries wouldn't be doing that shit if they didn't find economic benefit in doing so. The joke is that she's a filthy commie.
You must get laid a lot.
thanks for the (you)
That only makes it worse...
oh, so you're just retarded then. My condolences.
Because its always somehow made out to be "our fault".
As if we are the arbiters of this whole planet.
Guilt is the white man's achilles heel. If you can convince whites that they've done something wrong, they will eat themselves.
(you)'re welcome.
there seems to be an image here, but it has no presence...
I don't. It's their problem, and the best thing we can do for them is to keep the fuck away. I'm not going to donate $10 to feed the africans for 9 dollars of it to be skimmed off by some rich asshole and then piss the other $1 to toss some rice at a african that ought to learn how to farm or work instead of living off the gibsmedat
>muh save the planet flag
I hope you're being ironic.
Gotta love this pic.
>America gets its coffee from the South American governments that treat their people like shit, so it's the common white man's fault.
>American companies outsource all of its sewing and clothing production jobs to China and Indonesia where people earn shit wages. Somehow its the common white person's fault.
>African governments and warlords exploit their own people for diamonds and steal the aid we send for the people. Yet its the common white man's fault.
>Okay, so somehow niggers in Africa can grow food for us now. Whatever the fuck this originally was, it looks like food, and we don't get anything majorly food-related from Africa. WE give THEM the food, for free. Yet all of this misery is now the common white man's fault.
>Oh this is just gold. American women somehow exploit Vietnamese immigrants for manicures, nail painting, and other girl shit.. and yet, get this, this is the kicker, it's the common white man's fault.
I guess the niggers I see at Wal Mart loading up on the same shit in their shopping carts get a pass, right? I guess even though women are independent and strong in today's society, they can't be held accountable for taking advantage of those poor, oppressed Vietnamese nail painters?
Yeah, the real creator of the original image can fuck off.
Shit, forgot the pornstar.
>Women willingly take black cock in porn, star in films, and make bank off of their work. It is the pinnacle of feminism, that women are so independent that even married ones often do porn, and yet somehow this is made into a problem caused by the common white man.
I don't mean nihilism. really I mean literal shit that found a way to turn into a plant, then found its way into a human mouth, then returned to literal shit. the recycling logo is the closest I could get to this idea.
Are you sure you don't mean sympathy?
The despair never ends :(
Wtf is this real