>far right calling anyone to the left of them a commie who deserves death
>far left calling anyone to the right of them a fascist who deserves death
Choose the center.
Reject the thesis.
Reject the antithesis.
Choose the synthesis.
Choose peace.
>far right calling anyone to the left of them a commie who deserves death
>far left calling anyone to the right of them a fascist who deserves death
Choose the center.
Reject the thesis.
Reject the antithesis.
Choose the synthesis.
Choose peace.
Communists are not people so technically it isn't death
look guys im someone who is left or right wing
Communism brings death and unbridled capitalism fucks over the little guy.
Centrism is the solution.
choose the above, op.
have no political views at all.
just tell people they're fucking crazy.
it makes them shut their whore mouths long enough for you to walk away.
Gaze at oneself fellow males, for it is the centre (brain) of the bird that keeps it alive, the left and right wings merely keep it in the air because they are limbs controlled by the brain
A reminder that any amount of authoritarianism seems to push you either left or right. Two guys who stand back to back never ever interacting is about as centrist as you can get.
tfw to smart for political matters
Radical centrism is dumb because it appeals to concensus. It's akin to trying to debate with a lion and a wolf what to eat when you're neither a lion or a wolf.
The truth is radical ideology is the problem. From idiots who think laissez-faire capitalism is the way forward and we should strip regulations like it's a dirty word as if we haven't had a financial crash every 7 years or communism when even Adam Smith, the founder of capitalism denounced both of them.
The point is morons are morons and the empty can rattles the loudest. If your philosophy is so simple that you can summarize your political beliefs within a single Sup Forums post, you're not enlightened or remotely informed.
>Radical Centrism
>You're both big dummies, we need to exist somewhere between left and right
>People believe that this is a radical idea
The only people who think themselves "radical centrists" are those who spend way too much time dealing with radicals and believe that everyone is a radical.
It's time for you to grow up
>from idiots who think laissez-faire capitalism is the way forward
>the point is morons are morons and the empty can rattle the loudest
Is this real life or are you pretending to be retarded? Your entire ideology am be summed up by the sentence "I'm not very talented but want nice things"
You spelled "narcissist" wrong.
>tfw OP still buys into the spectrum
M-maybe left and right aren't the only v-vectors, guise. W-what if there was, like...another p-position? Like, a third one, you know? Huh. T-too bad nobody's thought of that. I g-guess I'll just c-c-all myself a
(((Radial centrism)))
Centrism is a stepping stone towards Fascism.
>hurr both sides are wrong
>anyone who has an opinion is fucking stupid
>not me though I'm above it all I'm a genius
centrists are even more stupid than liberals
at least liberals take the time to think and decide where they stand
>heh, I'll take no sides and won't stand up to anything when confronted :D:D
Brilliant dude, why don't you become a YouTube ((((skeptic)))) while you're at it.
>(((radical centrism)))
Try giving NatSoc a better image. My thread helps fix it.
This, the best way to describe National Socialism is radical authoritarian centrism. Although by using the left-right false dichotomy as legitimate reference you are falling for (((their))) D&C trap.
God in not exist.
Deal with it.
Another word for apathy.
The disease the infects Generation-X.
No thanks, Gen-Xer's, you can have your apathy and capitulation.
We will do our own thing.