Oh boy. You actually thought we would let you guys get away with this didn't you? We've been breaking up Nazi groups since you were born, kids. We haven't even started yet ;)
Oh boy. You actually thought we would let you guys get away with this didn't you...
Sad Nazis even jeff turned on them
what about the jew nazis?
what about the nigger nazis?
what about the spic nazis?
what about the mossad nazis?
That's a sad looking bird
What about the chink Nazis?
Who's a Nazi...?
cia is a nazi group.
cia doesn't like competition for the cart.
you should quit that job, kid.
you have no idea what's coming down the pipe.
Sup Forums
Start Over Sup Forums
Lets All Love Lain.
>implying the Spencer isn't a CIA operative creating dissension with false flag operations
What's a Nazi?
Isn't there a South American country you need to install a right wing dictatorship in?
>Venezuela is waiting
Those digits.
Are you Palantir guys still watching BTW?
Funny. CIA aids and controls the fringe right and left groups. They also systematically shatter the minds of toddlers in black programs.
you kikes from CIA must be feeling impending doom soon coming. as you stick your head over and over again,you must be really scared of loosing control, seeing all of your psyops all of your subversion tactics do not work on a place like this. We were born of doom forged in demise and misery and were laughing at world in chaos long before we even were men. This is what we do here, and for the first time when we unite for a good cause, say trying to save western society on our terms, you once again stick your head in and try destroying it. sometimes i wonder who does the CIA really work for? arming terrorists against your own countries best interests, killing those who speak the truth and or stand in your way, overthrowing goverments ,smugling and selling drugs to your own people, im not even talking about all the spying on your own kind.This does not look like you would be working for americas interest, and what it does look like you are all hook nosed kikes working overtime to create one world govermnent. just this time you've met a sizable challenger with no face from all around you who can't be bullied threatened bought sold or bargained with. Are you really that much afraid because i can sense it, and afraid is good afraid means we are winning bigly.
Actually they haven't. That was the OSS which was their predecessor.
And they actually armed nazi leaning groups to act as stay behind resistance forces against communism. And have worked and employed former nazi veterans in bush wars in africa and such.
>We've been covertly funding and running Nazi groups since before you were born, kids.
>Operation Paperclip
if you aren'[t a larper, I will point out that you guys unironically thought that a trump watersports lewd fanfic from here was a real thing
you guys have lost the capability to distinguish fiction from reality, you won't be able to do a thing.
I say!
Also laughing at this thread. CIA was Nazis.
Office of strategic services
Not Central Intelligence agency
know your Roll!!
don't you faggots have some cocaine you're
supposed to be importing now?
I didnt even know nazi groups existed, just make sure you work for America and not communists
Don't lie to me OP
CIA has no time for hentai website full of delinquents
If mr. Hiding the Argentinian Embassy does I'm pretty sure C.I.A does.