The war on boys doesn't exist

It's a war on ADHD children not boys because it happened to a lot of ADHD girls too. Debate this.

Other urls found in this thread:

ADHD sufferers are predominantly male. It's basically synonymous with young male behavior.

adhd is not real.
it's a blanket term for "puberty".

>war on boys doesn't exist
>girl power

There are many females with ADHD too. It's not an exclusively male condition.

We're talking about percentages, not absolutes. If something affects boys 80% of the time, then you can say that it's a problem affecting boys in particular.

Also, there's an argument to be made that ADHD is the result of a sort-of arousal addiction that comes about with too much exposure to electronic media. And this affects boys more than it does girls because boys are inherently less social than girls (the language center of the male brain is smaller than it is in women), so we end up watching more tv and talking to people less.

Many people are diagnosed in childhood before puberty.

What a good Goy you are.

Fuck off, cunt.

Of course it exists.

Because I don't want males of my generation stealing my rights or future financial success from me just because of what they went through in childhood? It's not fair I be punished for what someone else did.

No it doesn't. Otherwise most boys would be diagnosed as ADHD. The war is on people with ADHD or special needs.

>same solipsistic girl who only cares about her own interests again

Not only can we see your image is identical and has the same filename, but you have what's called a tripcode on too.

Want my bbc babe? It's not sexist cause I'm black

Let's parse this out. The notion that success can only be financial is capitalist nonsense. A woman who made 7 kids come out of her cunt, and at 90 is surrounded by like 50 people (kids, grandkids, great grandkids) probably lived a more fulfilling life and had a larger impact on the world than a millionaire. If you want to give that up in order to make a few bucks (which I good husband can do for you anyways) is actually retarded.

If you're from that other thread, I'll reply to the last post you made in it:

What anti-feminists are arguing is that your family should be the norm. It's not that we want smart, exceptional women to stay at home, it's that we want traditional households to be the norm. And if a woman is amazing (like, say Virginia Woolf), then she should be able to use her talent. But most women aren't amazing. And giving up your ability to CREATE AND SHAPE HUMAN LIFE cause you wanna LARP as a pencil-skirt wearer for a few years is retarded.

and what is wrong with caring about my own interests?

Males are more likely to commit suicide than women.

But women commit suicide too.

Debate this gois.

Women logic m8.

Okay, so what's the issue? You have the options of being a housewife and mother; being a single worker; or being a worker and a housewife and mother. You can do whatever the fuck you want. Us guys can't. It's either work or be alone. And even if we do work we can still end up alone.

and families have to afford college and other costs. You have to have resources and backup plans. Resources are necessary.

My issue is how men in the younger age group are so angry at their childhoods that they want to take rights away from me. They want to take my right to upward mobility up and force me into poverty or depending on some man that could leave me or be financially stingy.

What about having 2 people working so that if one gets sick the other isn't screwed? Children aren't in elementary school forever and my family knew this. In my experience things happen. People get sick, college costs happen. There's practicality to think about. Money pays the bills.

What rights are they trying to take away from you? Anti-feminist rhetoric is about male rights. It's about not having to have better qualifications than a woman in order to get the same job because of some diversity initiative. It's about telling women that if they want to have children they shouldn't leave their husband and in the process destroy their son's life. It's about telling boys that they're valuable. It's about saying that if women want equal rights, that they have to take up equal responsibilities.

Women want the benefits of traditional male chivalry (can't hit a woman, guy has to look strong and masculine, guy has to be successful, guy has pay for the date and open the doors for you), but they don't want the responsibilities of traditional femininity.

I think if a man wants to hit a woman for being "mouthy" he's abusive scum. I think partners should take turns helping each other. Sometimes the man should pay other times the woman based on need. There are also other forms of help than direct financial help.

there is a war. a war on masculinity, and an ideology which frames all men as oppressors and all women as victims

You can do that if you want. No one's stopping you.

>the other would be screwed if the other parent got sick or injured.
You're an American. They would receive disability checks.

Like no one's stopping you from having a job. You just have to decide for yourself whether or not you'd rather be financially better off, or be in a position where you can focus entirely on creating and shaping human life. If I had kids i'd rather stay with them than have them being raised by nannies, but that's up to the parents. No one except for the most extreme misogynists think that women should be completely barred from working.

How exactly was your masculinity stifled?

Disability for an entire family isn't enough to pay for college or live in a good neighborhood. It's not enough to pay for new and reliable cars either or towards expensive healthcare. The mother's upward mobility after the kids are a certain age is very good in my experience.I know you think money is evil but the world runs on it. Without it you're screwed and insecure.

The problem with being a man in the 21st century is that interacting with women is a minefield. Attractive men get away with way more misogynistic behavior than average men do (my brother is a Chad). We men have to display certain masculine personality traits in order to attract women physically, but then those same traits that women select for through their dating preferences get attacked for being example of "toxic masculinity." Bitch, I wouldn't try to be dominant if women DIDN'T PREFER DOMINANT MEN. It's like what women say they want and what they actually want are two completely different things.

>isn't enough to pay for college or live in a good neighborhood
This is what feminism is. It's white women's bourgeois attempt at class mobility. This is why poor people are out-breeding them too.

and what's wrong with class mobility?If you think you don't need money you're absolutely clueless about life and have never had any sense of insecurity.

My problem is that you're turning your abandonment issues into a bludgeon in order to attack reasonable concerns young men have when it comes to feminism. In the traditional system (prior the feminism), women were less likely to be abandoned because people took their marriage vows seriously. And if you were abandoned, you still had child support and alimony to keep you afloat.

Now abandonment can only occur if you're a man. Men rarely receive alimony payments, and usually get primary custody of the children.

I was diagnosed long after puberty, at 20. I was never hyperactive. Check mate.

Stop talking about things you don't understand.

*and usually women get primary custody of the children.

I want to be able to fulfill my dreams and not have my hard work and education wasted. I spent years getting skills and I don't want to waste them. I want to challenge my mind, explore, buy things, have fun. I want to lead my own business. I just hate how the rest of my generation thinks I'm so evil for wanting this. I'm not allowing them to ruin my plans.

>girl power

Great, an anti woman ableist pic. So funny.

No one thinks your evil for being a normal person. Like 3 people on Sup Forums do, and that's it. When men complain about feminism, it's shit like this
>This week's list of Army jobs on offer includes 50 roles, 35 of which are only available to women, the report said.
>Only one of 18 navy jobs listed for the next six months is open to men and the air force has none at all.

It's diversity initiatives. It's "masculinity so fragile". It's no male teachers and no dads. It's about women being able to shit on men at every chance they get, but the opposite being done would be considered offensive and misogynistic.

And if i'm being honest, it's a sexual selection problem. The reason you see so many incels now is because women make their own money, so they never settle down and only seek out sexual partners on the basis of looks as opposed to financial stability. And in that system a relatively small percentage of men end up dating all of the women (because men are far more willing to fuck down in terms of looks). Average men live lonely, useless lives when women don't need them.

There are male teachers and dads around. It's like you live in this imaginary la la land. I see men shitting on women all the time online. As for incels, I don't see why that should be my issue. Many women get rejected but nobody cares.

This is the problem when arguing with a woman, and I think it's part of why men are better at math (and more likely to be autistic). We men think statistically. When I say "no male teachers," what i'm saying is that 9/10 elementary school teachers are male, and that boys having fewer role models around to help them through life is hurting them. That's not the same as saying that there are literally no male teachers anywhere.

>Many women get rejected but nobody cares.
Again, we're talking about percentages. We're talking about the fact that something like 80% of women who use tinder get laid through the app, while only 15% of men do. We're talking about averages, not absolutes. And problems can only be discussed on those terms. Exceptions aren't statistically relevant.

>I don't see why that should be my issue
Healthy societies are made up of healthy individuals. If a large section of the population is having issues, then that affects the system as a whole.

But why should exceptions be forced to not get their needs met? And if you think 20% of women aren't enough to be a large section, neither are the amount of incels which is less than 20%.

>Healthy societies are made up of healthy individuals. If a large section of the population is having issues, then that affects the system as a whole.
He's right, young men need to feel romantically and sexually satisfied otherwise, their overall testosterone plummets, production ceases, conflict emerges and a societal break down begins to occur.

There is no societal breakdown. It's over-exaggerated. And my dreams are more important than society.

Stop LARPing as a woman.

Again, you're thinking in absolute terms. If the distribution of sex is ridiculously lopsided when it comes to men (my brother has slept with literally hundreds of women, I've had two long term girlfriends and that's it), but is more evenly distributed when it comes to women, then that's a problem that affects men in particular. That's not to say that there aren't women who have problems attracting a mate, but they're statistically less relevant because the distribution among women is less extreme.

But this isn't just about sex, it's about companionship and usefulness. Men are fractured. We don't have any real purpose or guarantees. And if we're born with mediocre genes, there's no place for you in modern society like there was in the 50s. There's no path to starting a nuclear family and shouldering the responsibilities of a wife and child. Either you're good-looking and get to fuck all the women, or you're smart enough to get rich and you attract women that way. Or you're neither and there's no place for you.

Right because women have to be cardboard cookie cutter conformists just because you think biology says so.

Listen, you. Feminism has screwed you over and you won't realize it until you're an unhappy, childless cat woman.

But why should I be prevented from a career just because of this?

>There is no societal breakdown
A woman was run over by a Nazi in Virginia. Watch this:

How has it screwed me over? I'm set to make a 6 figure income.

Who are the people preventing you from having a career? Do you have to wear a fake mustache when you enter your office building every morning?

THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU COMPLAINING? Did you come here just to gloat at us losers? As if you being a woman didn't help your get to the position you're in now?

Millennial men are angry at women making 6 figures. So angry and sad crying wahhhhhh.

It's not what's being done it's what Millennial males WILL DO.

Tits or fuck off cunt.

>Millennial men
Who outside of Sup Forums? Even on Sup Forums they're angry at their lot in life and how certain systems seem to benefit women over men. They're insecure so they take it out on women as a whole. But no one in any position of power over you thinks this way. Just like very few people outside of Sup Forums are Nazis.

LMAO Millennial men can't stop jacking off and playing videogames long enough to get a job. They're not gonna keep you from going to work

But they will get into power and try to block me

>it's a woman proves she's insane thread
Do we really need another one

I think the reason you don't have a career is because you're fucking retarded.

That's an irrational fear. Men who are in positions of power aren't insecure enough to want to keep women in the kitchen. Just like Nazis aren't gonna round up and execute the Mexicans. You're secure in your position, and because you're a woman a collapse for you is less potentially fatal (the vast, vast majority of homeless people in the US are men). You have nothing to be afraid of.

and they live in this fantasy world where a male led household always makes the right choices, where the male spouse is always the rational one.

I hope you're not an example of female rationality.

ADHD is a made up illness labeling the effects of sugar filled foods and uncontrolled access to gratification via the internet

Less to be afraid of? In a collapse women's rights are the first to go.

That's highly unlikely. At most they'll get rid of planned parenthood, outlaw abortion, and get rid of the no-fault divorce.

Since the dawn of civilized man, the whole thing has been about enforcing monogamy; which is anathema to women's primitive drive. Being an opportunistic slut is just the natural mode for women, just like killing and raping is the natural mode for men. Monogamy, at its core, solves both problems. It's why we can have civilization.

Men and women are equally shitty, but in different ways. Whoever "leads" is irreverent, what matters is that both the male and female dynamic exists.

Here's why it's important. A mother's love for her child is unconditional, while a father's love is conditional. If I did something wrong my dad would punish me, but my mom would comfort after me afterwards. That dynamic can't exist in single-parent households.

In a collapse men starve, die, get sent to war. All a woman has to do is suck a guy's dick and she'll be protected. By the way, if you do care about societal collapse, then you should care about the state of modern men. If you want to see what a whole bunch of sexually-frustrated young men without anything to do looks like, look at the Middle East.

you are clearly an ugly jewish bulldagger tranny he-she missthangfish seeking non-binary toddler enema/bondage hookups for your Muslim tranny lovers....

I care about collapse within my lifetime not when I'm dead. If caring means I have to abandon my dreams I choose not to care. Suck a dick and survive? That's rape. Having to be forced into sex to survive.

Civilization exists on bribing young men to act well by promising them at least one life partner if they don't fuck shit up too badly. If there's a civilization where that isn't promised to you, there's no reason to be civil. We men are naturally wild. I'll hoist the black flag if push comes to shove.

If men's nature is so bad why should I want to submit to them? Men's posts here just made me more convinced to stay away from them.

Our grandfathers got sent to France where they had to pick the brain of their best friends off their faces while being forced to walk into German machine gun fire. That's societal collapse for a man.

What i'm saying is that you don't want to be in that situation, hence why you should care about how individual boys are doing in society.

I'd say you're mostly correct, but I'd change "life partner" to say "lineage." I have no reason to care about the future if I don't have progeny. I have no skin in the game.

typical female logic, GURL DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT, we are trying to find an explanation for the WHOLE, not for individuals.

Your threads tonight have already outed you as a future old women whose corpse gets eaten by her dozen cats. Its the future you choose, and seriously not my problem.

Men are the worst and the best. We're Shakespeare and Hitler. We're Newton and Stalin. If you want running water, your iphone, and great works of art, you should keep us around. If you wanna live a safe life inside of a grass hut, then kill us all.

stats stats stats
saged saged saged
best post

Pic related is the best Camille Paglia quote. Directed at OP

Sexist logic
1. Women are evil for taking on male professions and should be banned from them.
2. Women are inferior for not doing male tasks good enough.

>1. Women are evil for taking on male professions and should be banned from them.
No one but the most extreme misogynists think this, and even they usually say it ironically. Again, irrational fear.

>2. Women are inferior for not doing male tasks good enough.
No, women aren't inferior. Men and women have the same average IQ. The differences is that male IQ is more highly represented in the extremes, while female IQ tends to congregate towards the mean. So both most geniuses and most idiots are men. Doesn't mean that pic related wasn't one of the greatest geniuses to even live and shouldn't be worshiped as a perfect literary goddess.

if you stay here long enough you will be made into one of us, dont you know? once you start participating in Sup Forums youre already becoming one of us. resistance is futile, surrender.

>implying posting here didn't make me hate Nazis even more
Sup Forums isn't good at being right wing

Hey op, are you willing to die in a war for your country?

your strict belief that this board is ( ( ( nazi ) ) ) would be your undoing, the subtle ideas of Sup Forums would slowly start creeping up on your subconscious. like i said, conversion as already begun