daily reminder that germany is the best country in the world. Thank you, now fuck off.
Germany iz best
Your beer is pleb tier just like your soccer
Are you dumb or something?
The beast at what?
>best country in the world
>run down to the ground by a few niggers
It really makes you think...
Beligians and Czech have better beer, and I'm german
we're talking about germany not the US
The best at destroying Europe.
Dresden 2.0 when?!
Northern german for sure if you really think belgians and czechs have better beer
2 world wars and 1 world cup
doo dah
doo dah
It is really great indeed.
I've been waiting for a thread like this
Indeed, Mehmet
You're wannabe northern Europeans who ain't got shit on us southern Europeans, nor on any of your superior Scandinavian neighbors.
same shit
Threadly reminder that all the good Germans fled to America, and that German engineering is a meme
starting world wars...
No joke of all the European nations I've been to German beer was the most mediocre.
Czech beer was awesome, French beer was almost as good.
don't drink bavarian 'weissbier' shit.
almost no one outside of bavaria likes it...
Bavaria is
>best beer
Have you ever tried Czech beers?
Putting decent, hard working and proper Catholic South Germans in the same country with subhuman Northern autists was a mistake.
>I want quality so I will go for an American car
Said noone ever
Kristallweizen master race
Hanz all your beer is shit and you're a nation mired in piss and shit
How come 3/4 of you are queing at the border? Top keke.
But belgians...
Geman beer so boring.
Also, we have some good beer in Russia
Said by an American, who has only drunk Bud Light in his whole life..
yeah, because 'Bud Light' is so much better, right?
Technically Switzerland is a part of Germany with less foreigners so this goes to proove his point
Chezh beer is good, but i like "slivovica", "grushovica" and other tinctures.
>he doesn't buy american engineered pro-ducts
i shiggity diggity doodoo
>not Slavic speaking Germans
What's next János, you are gonna call Slovakia a country?
American beer is burf, like russian beer, but us, and ru has many craft brewery.
I love Germany!! I'm 1/4 german! I don't really like weissbier (my daddy got me franziskaner once).
when i think of germany i think of a bigger version of austria, but in real life austria seems to be much different and austria is less cucked. i could be wrong though i am just a burger who browses Sup Forums
I like you guys. But don't lie to yourselves.
Honestly my fav beer is mexican cerveza.
Paulaner is delicious, fuck you guys
It's funny when you inbreds talk
I used to drive a F-150
No hate but let's be real for a second
>overhopped bitter garbage
My daddy had one and it was a rotten peice of shit. After a year all the power windows broke and he had to have them taped shut or else the glass would just slide down into the door.
I'm inside bavaria and don't like it:
Tastes like piss.
Austrians are basically lazier but more cunning Germans. They have pretended to be victims of Nazism, so they have managed to avoid most of the brainwashing Germans had to endure. Their big cities are still leftist shitholes, but rural Austria is still pretty conservative and very comfy if you don't mind the kitsch - seriously what the fuck are those fucking garden gnomes everywhere?
>grapefruit flavoured beer
You know how we call people here who drink stuff like that? Women.
megszólalt az ős kanapémagyar
Overpriced overrated hipster shir. Just drink a sierra nevada goddamn
This. Fruit does not go in fucking beer.
I've also tried at least 4 of the beers in the OP
Why do all fucking Germans pretend that their beer is something special?
Always appropriating Bohemian culture, it pisses me the fuck off!!
The eternal German is good only for stealing things from Slavs, whether it's beer or land
I like american craft stouts
> pretended to be victims of nazism
lol i wonder what happens when you tell them they gave the world hitler
>the original czech Pilsner had such a bad reputation for being shit that a Bavarian brewmaster was brought to Pilsen so he could brew a good beer
Czechs eternally BTFO
Pilsen is a Bohemian city and therefore Germanic
didn't original pilsner have henbane in it so even if it tasted bad it was hallucinogenic and a real good time?
what about before the war?
Germanons, tourist from Italy here. I'll be in Munich for work in a week. Anything worth seeing? Any good places to shop for antiques?
You must try somethik like this
But this guys is copro-bdsm-gays!
That means, they are don't like woman
that does sound delicious, I'll have to try some!
What are you talking about? Pilsen was founded by Germans in the middle ages. The brewery where Pils originated was founded as the "Bürgerliches Brauhaus" in 19th century. The brewmaster who made Pils successful was a Bavarian.
Bohemia was Germanic way before "the war".
>Daily reminder that Germany used to be the best country in the world
Fixed that. Second Reich is best Reich!
My grandma brewed sour in appartament. Without devices, brew, but it was the best sour, but we call them "kvaas". True "kvaas" is different than buttlet "kvaas" from massmart.
> technically
>second Reich best Reich
wasn't only number one in a chronological sense m8. First Riech was ultra comfy.
Well if you really want to argue semantics you could say Bismarcks Germany was the first united German Empire. Even under Heilige Römische Reich the German lords still maintained a high degree autonomy and really only listened to the emperor when it suited them (or when the emperor was strong).
Before those scummy, sauerkraut-guzzling German BURGHERS colonized Bohemia and Moravia starting in the Middle Ages onwards as part of OSTSEIDLUNG, aka "Hans leaving his decrepit, overcrowded hovel on Scheiße Straße in Wien for fertile and comfy Slavic lands," the area that now consists of the Czech Republic were inhabited by Slavonic peoples since antiquity.
Not to mention the Wends, Polabians, and Lechs that were EXTERMINATED by Germans.
Only one civilization would stoop so low as to colonize and destroy other WHITE cultures:
Nice, I'll look into that. I already brew my own mead just because you need to be 21 to buy alcohol and it's really easy to just drink from it when I want and add more honey later. I only have plastic bottles though I need a actual bucket.
Nah, no denying that, HRE was definetely not a prime example of unity, but that's why I think of it as the best Reich. The Emperor protected the kings and lords of the empire, while those were still largely independent and could do what was best for their respective realm, not for the realm as a whole.
>Not Holy (What is the Thirty Years War, what is the Protestant Reformation?)
>Not Roman (Are you fucking kidding me?)
>Not Imperial (What kind of an empire elects its own emperor? What kind of fucking "empire" is composed of hundreds of independent dukedoms, republics and bishoprics?)
>"Holy" ""Roman"" """Empire""""
>best reich
Please drink Hemlock.
Lol! I was 14. My grandma wad 82. She was born in 1913, and she dies in 2000.
Beer is fucking disgusting and you are a degenerate if you drink it. Even worse that pack walking around with their fucking glass bottles that you know will end up smashed on the ground somewhere, because they are too retarded to properly dispose of them.
>meme spouting burger
I was talking about it being the best Reich politically speaking. The very fact of it not being an ideal empire, hence the great level of independence the regions within it had, is what made it special. "lmao, its name doesn't really reflect its nature" isn't an argument against it being the ideal form of a German (more or less) national identity.
When I was 14 I got super drunk on rum and now I can't stand hard liquor.
Sorry about your grandma, I know how that feels. Mine's still alive but her alzheimers is so advanced she's pretty much gone already.
My grandma was mad and angry, but she brew exellent kvaas
Germany cool.
Someone just needs to cut you guys loose from the Jewish crap again and let you loose
I will gladly take it that our beer is right there where our Mannschaft is in footy.
But in the, end the only important thing is that all our beers are readily and cheaply available for me , i can even get it delivered to my flat for next to nothing.
So... Prost! You are irrelevant.
My gradfather made wine but cigarettes killed him before I was born. He probably had some nice recepies desu.
Czech beer is awesome. yes.
Ours , too.
French? are you simply daft or can you recommend a few brands. i like to sample different stuff.
Also my grandma was mad and angry too before the alzheimers turned her into a zombie. When she was mad at me as a kid she would chase me around the house with a dog leash but she could never catch me.
I have to agree, the huge authonomy of the Duchies of HRE resulted in constant infighting, thus constantly culling the number of Germans and making it harder for them to ruin the better, happier places of Europe with their retarded warmongering.
flovoured shit is not even considered beer around these parts. nice try hipster faggot.
American beer is like sex on a kanoe.
Now kill yourself please
You kibaszott tomatoes.
>he thinks this triggers me
>I actually hate other Germans
The description fits perfectly, Paprikanigger.
Not the best desu but very high ranked ;)
As a Hungarian you are obliged to hate each and every country for historical reasons. You should hate ourselves and Poles less than the rest of the world though.
German beer is a complete fucking meme. American and British half-crafts blow it the fuck out. Even Russian local microbreweries are leages ahead.
I perfectly understand you, Bavarianon. I'd feel the same way if I had to live together with autistic humourless heretics, especially if they were in charge.
Eбaть! Bтopoй aдeквaт в тpeдe!
>another 4 years of Mama Merkel
Was ist das Problemchen, Jodeltalent?
It's her turn user :)
Hy этo oбъeктивныe фaкты my friend, нeмeцкoe пивo этo чиcтo фopceд мeм coвкoв (бyмepoв) для кoтopых ГДP был caмoй дaльнeй зaгpaницeй. Бeзвкycнoe гoвнo pили.
>Yaaas Mama, slay
What did the German population mean by this?
just wait until the Muslims force you to get rid of beer.
>all these plebes not liking bavarian Weizen/Weißbier