You tell us your age, height, weight, race and level of education and others make assumptions about you.
>white non Hispanic
You tell us your age, height, weight, race and level of education and others make assumptions about you.
>white non Hispanic
fuck off shill saged
CIA data gathering thread.
Google: CIA deep learning program
>160 lbs
>Pure white, basically Aryan
>Working for bachelor of fine art
Lobster fishing urchin fucker
And into the trash she goes.
That image is sexually stimulating me
Don't ever post it again
I am a meat popsicle
>Non-Hispanic White
>In college
thats all youre getting. any guesses?
Back to /soc/, Paco the Taco
>Race mixer
Go back to Brazil nigger lover
>pic related
>graduated highscool
Your parents are well educated.
>172 lb
>over 75% white. rest east, south and southeast asian
>high school
Cs major
>190 lbs
>Half-Slavic, Half-Spaniard
>BoSc. in economics
Unathletic or track
normal (bachelor) college educated parents, so ye, well educated
>60kg (fuck lbs)
>Sephardic jew
>Master in fine arts
>immortal (probably a couple of thousand years went by already)
> 7"0
> 430lbs
> ayylmao green
> interdimensional college
why not?
185 lb
Mostly white
Associates of Music
You seem well demeanored so I imagine they had some money to bring you up decently.
A racist cuck who's a CJ Miles fan. Now I've seem everything.
The combined numbers of the entire Chinese Olympic gymnastic team.
Not racist or a cuck and idk who that fine ass lady is
Blonde blue eyes
Chef at Wendys
$300k a year
Ten inch dick
>white hispanic
>in college
Single but have a kid
steals more women than tyrone
yep, good parents, comfy middle class, the only time we really worried about money was during 2008 crisis
>Chef at Wendys
Let me guess the kid's a nigger
lmfao this is a datamining thread. don't reply you fucking idiots
>white american (Somalian born)
>Harvard Math
can you show me the universe?
>ooga booga
Lol do u have a drivers License? Consider yourself mined
average person on Sup Forums
>white slavic
>vocational education in IT (technikum), going to college next year/in 2 years
about 90kg
white (english, irish, french and ukrainian)
>level of education
Nice! Good luck! When I first started I fucked about and failed, don't do that and you'll be fine.
You lost a parent.
>former navy seal,helped put men on the moon,became fluent in french in 2 weeks.
You have a gf
>White (Slavic)
>HS diploma
you like fruity drinks
far left jew
water,fire,air and dirt.
Fucking magnets how do they work ?
Close. Dad left mom when I was 10 because she's an abusive bitch but he kept in touch with me and visited me every second day.
Tell us about yer dad's willy.
Solar eclipse, and vicious weather
Fifteen thousand Juggalos together
And I love my mom for giving me this
Time on this planet, taking nothing for granted
>250 lbs
>White (Aryan)
>Running my sex toy workshop
Shut it down the goys know
>BS in Molecular Bio, Masters in Systems Physio
You are trying to prove someone something. Also nice edu mate I'm sure you help people too.
fucks kurwas all day
CJ Miles - oriental asian model
>germanic white/slav
>business uni, dropped out after 2 years (on my own accord)
>President of Marketing Research of All the World
u r the sex toy
your great grandparents owned a rubber plantation in indonesia in the 1890s
0% indonesian
ancestry is pic related
Croat. Didn't even realize the meme flag; sorry
>masters in biochemistry
you aint wrong my tall friend ;^)
>germanic white/slav
Your grandma was raped by an invading bolshevik peasant back in '45.
If you give us the earth's core.
literally spend all your time either studying or browsing Sup Forums
>Black as a winter night
>Bachelor in mechanic engenering, biomolycular chemestry, gender studies, larping and a master in shitposting
average swede
Fake and gay, always a faggot
Shirt collar goes under the lapels.
Tie is tacky (too bright), knot is too thick. Needs a dimple too.
Jacket is likely one size too large.
>Some trade schooling
you would want to be a neet playing vidya and browsing Sup Forums all day
Skinnier than me !!>>>:(
Does anyone NOT suspect this is a data mining thread?>
If you post from a company I it's pretty useless data mining
>46kg/101 lbs
>part kike, part white, part native injun
well off brazilian family
You have an overinflated sense of self purpose. Nobody gives a shit about this place.
>Mostly white, thanks dad!
>Currently studying CS in college.
Protien>carbs my dude
Marinated and grilled chicken is your friend
My twink sense is tingling
Future Borderhacker
Bullshit. There's always money to make off data mining. It has nothing to do with me personally.
Middle class, but compared to most people here, yeah.
But I have a passport, why would I need to hack the border?
>135 lb
>college drop out
>Half Black, half Euro-Mexican
>Bachelor's degree in Engineering
Chubby dicklet
>implying they don't have it already.
You compromised yourself just from using the internet retard.
Does payroll for plumbers
Soon to be sjw
Will probably make your family shorter by procreating with a midget.
Will still die poor
If I didn't respond to you it was because you were a manlet.
whats quadpa??
>Finnish, aka. white
>university(currently an student in public administrative sciences department).
hapa but not half, 1/4
thicc based black man
>white non hispanic
>dropped out of college for beauty school. It's what I actually want to do so might as well be happy and not just be a wage slave.