Why don't we just give up?

Why don't we just give up?

...i did, yesterday.

Other urls found in this thread:


We need to disavow swastika larpers who worship a foreign nation's history that all normies have been brainwashed to hate -- not a battle worth fighting. And fat people.

No more big everyone's invited rallies with these faggots. Optics above all else.

Mock Nazi larpers on sight. You can hold ideas about hierarchy and nationalism without flying a foreign flag.

I'm at work and I just jerked off in the bathroom to Antifafu


the last 48 hours have been heaven for me. all the years of stormfags shitting up pol is finally being repaid them in full. and its glorious. nazi larpers BTFO eternally

Hi /leftypol/ shill

In a few days Sup Forums will be back to normal, we are getting hardcore raided right now, nothing new
If you can't handle a shitty raid like this then Sup Forums isn't for you


Why do they think raiding is a good idea?
we're not changing our minds, and they end up getting flustered in arguments so...thanks for the entertainment i guess.

All they end up doing is sharpening our claws


Antifaggots didntbgive up when they massacred cops who were protecting a blm rally in Dallas last year. You didnt hear a peep out of them and obama didn't hold them to task.

What happened yesterday wasnt good for anyone. But let's remember when grenades are constantly thrown at you by your opponents, they shouldnt be surprised if someone finally picks one up and throws it back.

Weak times make weak men.
Don't let stormfags discourage you.

It's probably a shill? Don't even pretend like it was ever one of /ourguys/, cuz I promise you it's not.

Don't give up Schlomo

maybe you faggots should stay in your own containment board then.

This isn't fun anymore
This isn't rebellious punk rock counterculture anymore
Sup Forums is literally full of psychopaths who unironically advocate genocide, murder and racism

I'm saying it's fun for us, retard. Why would we ever stop.

You need to lurk moar.

if you want to be anything like antifa we have already lost

OP, I don't give a shit if you gave up. Nobody gives a shit if you gave up. The rest of us just think you're an embarrassment. Black pilled weakling.

You're right, user. But it just makes me angry, especially in the part of generalization to white people

Because we have barely even faced any hardship at this point.
Are you seriously telling me that you're weaker than niggers?

Shamefully replying to my own post to direct OP to the last 4 characters of my ID, since it has a point. KYS, because if you're not going to do anything useful then don't bother making a whole thread just to wallow in your sadness whining to everyone about it.

Hello controlled opposition.

i'll never give up fighting identity politics.

>alt-right movement is just getting started, defining history already
>"W..wh...why dont we just give up?"

Fucking kill yourself you spineless bitch

Because I'm a man, and I love my people.
I will fight for them as long as I breathe.
The other groups know what I'm talking about.
They think that way about their own.
They just hate it when we think that way about our own.
I will always love my people more than yours.
I will always look out for them over yours.
That's the nature of the world.
They do that for their own peoples.
I will fight to the bitter end, because it's worth it.

>acting like a pussy ass libtard raid is the same as taking over
oh please, like you faggots haven't done this lame shit a thousand times before.
leftypol has nothing going on, that's why they're so frequently here.

Damn right.

>giving up
no one cares about you, you gigantic pussy

Fucking nazis. Get out of my thread

You're not fighting anyone, you're just an autistic larper who takes imageboards far too seriously.

You're a faggot then

Nope, you got a war. Our flag is red from the blood of our martyrs. Nazis, Alt Right, and Fascists fucked up hard. kek.

If you want to preserve the culture and ethnic makeup of your country you are considered to be the lowest of the low.

This was true before Charlottesville as well. This was always an uphill struggle so suck it up and endure.

whats the point in giving up? It's not like Ive been doing anything anyway lmao

You don't seem to understand. A civil war is what KEK wanted all along.

Dear alt-righters,

Overthrowing the capitalist system which oppresses and holds you down is the one true solution.

The only ideology which can defeat the corporate globalists who seek to control every asset of public life is communism.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

This. There is nothing with aspiring to have America, Canada or U.K. of our grandparents without nazi fapping (aka 40s EU with less whites.)

Yep played right into the left media's hands. And made it harder for peaceful people on the right to have their opinions heard.
Not that they care about balanced reporting. Media still saying this was a far right rally. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Good point. We shouldn't copy their methods at all. I'm surprised it took this long thought before someone finally punched back.

i gave up over a year ago
now im just in it for the blood

the international capitalists and their antifa lackeys will never call you a nazi again

Fuck this nigger here Take the radical centrism pill and fight everyone.