All of Sup Forums has screeched to a hault over the Charlottesville protest, but why?
This is the same thing leftists did about Michael brown
>take isolated incident
>ignore evidence which suggests that the perpetrator wasn't attempting to kill someone out of nowhere
Pic related
>Claim all *insert* are like this (cops alt right ect.)
Inb4 "you do this with muslims"
no we don't JUST use the terrorist attacks to prove islam isn't peaceful, we use sources which prove a radical majority, and attack the actual IDEAS of islam to prove it isn't a religion of peace.
But here let's assume this is a white supremacist who intentionally drove into a crowd of people even though that whole idea is blurry at best (again pic related)
Does this even prove that white nationalism is wrong? No it's a complete appeal to emotion and praying on recent tragedies. a car driving into people doesn't debunk IQ testing, white birth rate censuses, or any of the alt right's anti diversity arguments.
All this has done is create hundreds of bump threads about the same broken topic and take away from the redpilling and actual debate