>claim to hate identity politics
>rioting for white nationalism/supremacy
>claim to hate identity politics
>rioting for white nationalism/supremacy
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Weren't they peacefully protesting the removal of their states history?
They're trying to fight identity poitics with more identity politics
You don't get it. Whites in America didn't hate identity politics as per se, they hated not being represented in them like BLM.
antifa still has yet to KO someone w/ sucker punching. I've seen them sucker punch Richard Spencer, a woman.... actually multiple women, and the effeminate bearded man, still no KO... wut gives antifa?
Political extremists are fucking retarded regardless of side news at 11
diverse populations always fragment into groups arguing using identity politics, since it's human nature to form groups based on appearance. ethnic states are the only way to stop this and actually get something useful done.
did it ever occur to you that the people complaining about identity politics aren't the ones partaking in it?
we're nazi thought, we aren't are t_d go their, now fuck off. you fucking shill.
well that and some domestic terrorism
It wasn't terrorism, it was self defense.
It also wasn't domestic because leftists are enemies of the country.
Liberals get the bullet, too. Pick your side huwhite man.
It's wonderful to see you scared.
You're both retarded collectivists clinging to dead 20th century ideologies. Get with the current century.
>It's the current century!
>current year fallacy
It's just a hand sign guise. Can't believe normies would get mad about me supporting ethnic cleansing.
Newsflash: it is the current century, this weekend just happened, and these ideologies aren't dead. Troll better.
What, no! Pol is one person. And that person is Sargon of Akkad. This entire website is just his personal blog.
Also Fuck off libergtarian.
Has this guy been doxxed yet?
He looks like a plant to me, so it would be interesting to get his back story.
>i can't stand your hand symbol
>so ima attack you
I bet the anti-white activist who hit him felt pretty empowered about assaulting someone for raising their hand in the air in front of them. Sjws increasingly notch up the violence while screaming about fighting hatred and promoting tolerance.
>yo dawg don't do that gang sign, we's all gonna get down with you, cuz!
>dis be da LEFT side- none of ya right-wing mudafukas betta show pride or do hand symbols ah don't like!
literal children
>get mad about someone supporting an ideology different from them
So when you niggers going to start attacking the Jews and shit for hating on whites? When are you going to burn down Huffington Post and New York Times for supporting anti-white rhetoric? When are you going to attack the people who preach hatred on the left side on how whitey can't be discriminated against and that whitey should be killed? When are you start cleansing these communists whose political ideology has slaughtered millions upon millions more than Nazis ever have? When will you start attacking these stupid niggers that promote this type of rhetoric?
You won't, you don't, your type don't care if there's racism or a genocide against whites, so long as nobody else is discriminated, oh you poor babies. Kill yourself, you insufferable virtue-signaling pop-culture consuming faggot.
We don't hate identity politics we are just picking a side and the jews are running scared because identity politics was supposed to be something only niggers would be allowed to engage in to guilt white people to pay for their gibs
>brutally shill identity politics, with the main characteristic of that specific identity being a hatred for whites
>surprised when that creates an ingroup feeling among whites
you have no one to blame but yourself. all you had to do was sit on your fat asses and let history take its course, you had already won. but then you had to be retarded and constantly harass white people and bait them about how they'll be gone from the planet soon.
everything that happens from now on is because you were too greedy to just wait another decade.
>rioting for white supremacy
I'll take "Shit that didn't happen" Alex
>Get with the current century.
not sure if you are aware of it, but the 21st century still has monarchies, dictators, communism, slavery, child marriages, cannibalism and so on and so forth.
>calmly carrying some torches around
The fuck?
stormfags are right wing sjws and just as bad. the parallels similarities are undeniable
this is why cops want to them to just kill each other
I agree. All of this bullshit talk about "one people" is a joke. Identity politics has taken off like it has because whitey us tired of building a shallow identity out of economic gain. So he turns to his home. Europe. Mostly to Germany, as most of this country hails from. He sees ww2. He sees Lenin. He realizes that his home is gone. And that he is a minority in his new kingdom. He becomes upset. Humanity is reactionary.
Lmao leftist """"punches"""".
>claim to hate identity politics
Nobody claims the edgesocs aren't tribalists, back to the drawing board you retard.
Also, the destruction of identity into a singular caramel colored mass is only good for one thing really. When they install global communism, why would anyone fight it?
>hurr if fighting is bad why do you fight back hypocrites
Your ID is pasair
You claim that most Americans 'hale' (unintentional pun?) from Germany. Not from Britain which colonised America, but Germany which didn't even fringing exist at that time.
Oh, the irony.
Was anyone removing Lee from history books?
Statues aren't history, they're monuments.
What the fuck kind of punch is that.
If the guy actually had any strength he could say bye bye to his wrist.
This is the lefts fault they made these people by labeling anyone with a slightly right view point a nazi.
Kill yourself. And take that flag off cumskin
>The nose
so is it wrong to have monuments for people who gave their lives to fight for the freedom of their state?
even if the state had wrong views in the eyes of the north it doesnt chance someone gave everything they had to lead and fight for their people
thats like removing all Otto bismarck's and Frederick the great statues from germany
Mass immigration, rape and acts of terror are just part and parcel of living in a 21st century.
Nigger out!
Why are they punching blind people?! This guy can't even open his eyes and still they attack him?!
White genocide in action
yeah and those ideologies were all proven bogus wastes of time that causes the lives of hundreds of millions
>>claim to hate identity politics
I've never made such claims. I love my people, I love my family, and I love my country.
Heil Hitler
Everything is "identity politics" you dumb fucking Marxtard
And no, just because some autistic kraut sperged about muh class unity does not mean I have more in common with a MENA goatherd than I do a slightly wealthier Kiwi "becaush *schniff* your relationship to the meansh of producshun ish.."
Anarcho Capitalism will never work. How can 1 be free with private property? There will have to be law enforcement to protect private property.
lol It was antifa who were conducting a state sponsored riot. The altright people were just trying to break out of the ambush they set up.
Funded by Soros
Yeah the left are pretty much collectively niggers.
>be anti-white
>calling to kill whitey while being white yourself
>not killing yourself as a demonstration
We're waiting Commie faggots.
You're a fucking retard. German was considered as a second official language there were so many of them here. And a shit ton came in the mid 19th century.
It was the whole DNC and media complex. This was the same shit that happened in San Diego and Chicago with the Trump rallies. Why the fuck hasn't Trump cracked down on them for that shit yet? Is it because he knows they will start a civil war?