Just received and email from a work colleague. Apparently, today at work...

Just received and email from a work colleague. Apparently, today at work, our boss is going gather everyone in our office together and make each of us perform a public pledge, disavowing the alt right as a terrorist organization and swearing to report anyone we suspect of being a civic nationalist to management.

Anyone who refuses to make the pledge will be fired on the spot.

I'm employed in Virginia, which is an at-will state. My employer has the legal authority to fire me any time they want, without cause. So I'm either going to have to lie to keep my job and make the pledge or get shamed out of my office in disgrace.

I really like my job because I'm getting paid very well for what I do. I doubt I could make as much money anywhere else, so quitting would most likely be 10%-15% pay cut.

What should I do?

Other urls found in this thread:


Be an adult and do what you have to do to keep your job. Then start looking for a new job if you don't want to keep doing what those bosses make you do.

Just do it. Your pride isn't worth losing a job over

>civic nationalist

That's a fucking witch hunt if you're not lying. By definition civic nationalism is not racist.

Fuck you larper

Shoo jew shill. Easy to see you're baitin by the wording.

I'm not larping.

Do the pledge. Don't even cross your fingers.

Then come back here and shitpost as usual.

just bend the knee at the office, it doesn't make anyone popular at my workplace to say they support Trump so its best to just keep it on the dl and smile and wave

Lie and make their stupid pledge and dont get caught posting any risky shit. They have no honour so fuck em user.

This isn't bait.

Kel get on your knees and start working that mouth for your boss fag

Blend in bitch. This shit isn't new. If liberals only knew how many people of "problematic" ideals lived and worked among them, they'd develop even more mental problems.

Tell him you have no idea what civic nat. is and wtf is the alt-right?

Probably bait buuuuut
at will doesn't mean that your employer can force you to make some political pledge and fire you because you refuse.
>raises finger
you should refuse. get fired. sue them for fucking gobs of shekels

Lie and say you're not down with that shit

Jesus christ, op. Don't be retarded
Go watch Fight Club and learn how to live a double life

Do the pledge. Gain insider news on whats their next big plan.

Lying is the key to succes

lie to the leftists, infiltrate and wait for the right moment. now is not the right moment. save money, buy guns and train with them. are you a fucking idiot?

Good reasons for both, but if people don't take a stand in public, then political correctness will drown us all and neo-liberalism will dominate culture, politics, everything. We're on the edge where it could go either way, so to keep quiet is essentially to go along at this point.

I'll take "Things that never happened" for $500 Alex.

Be an adult and stand up for your beliefs. If you can't support yourself without resorting to wage-cuckery you're subhuman and don't deserve to live anyways.

>Civic nationalist

Who wouldn't want to disavow them?


>what do?
Not give them reason to stop giving you their money.

file a law case against em for organized and forced discrimination

spread your case in social media

I'm not an idiot. I just feel like I shouldn't lie. It's about being able to look at my self in the mirror.
>pic related

This is some 1984 shit.

Record the evidence and submit it anonymously to Breitbart and GotNews. Pamphlets, emails, the entire "disavowal" struggle session. Request anonymity from Breitbart if you have to.

Equal employment opportunity needs to be broadened to include political beliefs. You have a serious chance of making a big impact on this long overdue civil rights battle.

Play along and look for a better job.
Once you find a better job sabotage them on your way out.

maybe you shouldnt have voted for the guys who are anti-workers rights then, cucklord


And I still think your ideology is none of your employer business and that he should be sent to court if he fires you for that. So much for your "freedoms" americans, if you don't have the legal tools to defend the most basic ones.

didn't you hear? cap is a nazi now.

quit before they fire you then sue the boss (don't sue the company) I'm a lawyer and these are the cases that always win. If you get fired they will throw the suit out

stay in your job and slowly sell all their IP to the chinese

Hide your power level until you can find a suitable and equal paying alternative for the short term.
Long term, move somewhere else that doesn't have bullshit labor laws.

lol dude
I'm a busted down NEET myself but this right here sounds pathetic

>alt right

grade A bait, there's no such thing as alt right anyway
I doubt management of most companies knows what a civic nationalist is.

Sue on what grounds?

I'm sure this is happening.
Do alt-cucks get off on these fantasy ideas? How many yous will I get if I just make some shit up?

You must eveal your power level and convert the whole office. Check 'em.

>I really like my job because I'm getting paid very well for what I do. I doubt I could make as much money anywhere else, so quitting would most likely be 10%-15% pay cut.

Make the pledge. Get promoted as high as you can until you're ready to go to a new company.

In your last week, fuck over the company in every way you can.

Ssssh, you're ruining The Narrative!!

my college gym coach just emailed all of us and said we're going to have a special penis inspection tomorrow and that anyone who still has foreskin will be branded an anti-semite and forced to either pay for a circumcision within the week or be expelled.

what should i do /pol?

>Marxist talking negatively about fantastical, unrealistic ideas

That's pretty rich

First off there is no way this is true. If it were, I'd say the obvious thing to do is lie and then start sending out resumes the next day because fuck working for any such company. You wouldn't be the only one lying and then quitting either. If fired I'd be on the phone with a lawyer before I was out of the parking lot.

So you are gay and black?

seems "creed" is not a protected status in VA, although it could be in your employment contract.
In any case, fuck the place and sue anyway

Just pledge, but make sure you'll be ready for the day of the rope.

Record and sue them

surely this is bait



also there are an exceptional amount of (((faggots))) ITT telling you to cuck yourself. Holy shit don't listen

go to it. Don't film it but record and leak the recording.

I swear it isn't. I don't know how I can prove it without revealing my identity.

It's better to die on your feet then live on your knees.

Just lie.

>muh dignity

That shit won't keep food on the table.

lol, he'll lose any liberty or freedom he has by bowing down to this totalitarian bullshit.

>imagine being this cucked

Lmao what did you do in your life to end up here

But if you have to, just lie until you find another job. No shame in that. No point in making a big statement and marching out of the business...I guess

Lie your ass off, if true. Work to get a better job elsewhere. Collect rent on. Inimum effort til then.

Prolly fake though. "Civic nationalist" is a term for people the altright laughs at, people to bluepill to even be alt lite.

where do you work at the toilet store?

living on your knees, this is what has led to this situation.

Take the pledge.

Later, send an email to all co-workers: "Hey guys, don't you think that pledge business was kind of a strange and creepy thing to happen?"

Get fired for the email.


>What should I do?

Taqiyya, of course.

Start pointing fingers at leftists.

Call Veritas and wear a wire. Do it.

>Say it's against your religion to make secular political oaths.
>Record your interaction
>Get fired

>whinging over a theoretical 10 percent pay cut over being put in federal prison

this would be a good time to kys

I would certainly be able to get another job quickly. It just would be for less money.


This desu. People are losing their livelihoods for political beliefs and it's being used as a weapon by mostly lefties. It'll go a long way towards healing the country to force left and right people to work together if they know they can't be discriminated against hy their employer

But that's not going to happen

>over being put in federal prison


the alt-right is pro-socialism, or at the very least is deeply statist.

if you reject the state's authority, then you can define anybody in favor of using that authority as threatening your life and property.

lie and take the oath, and with this sort of thinking, you can make it sound less like a lie.

in the meantime dedicate yourself to opposing the very authority that the alt-right, and all politicians and statist activists seek to wield.

>federal prison



(make sure to record this shit and gather other evidence and sure their asses into oblivion after)

You should quit your imaginary job and get a shittier imaginary job that doesn't care if you're fash.

He probably will deny you a reference and might even send out your info to employers and recruiters (who, believe me, blacklist people for even more benign shit).

Keep your job.

Look for a new job in the meantime.

Then, on your last day, call your boss a gas loving jew and that his wife fucks niggers and walk out laughing.

>OR give us his personal information, like a phone number to reach him, and I'll piss him off!


Nigger its just some fucking words for a faggot boss, it's part of what you do every day.

>What should I do?
Beat the piss put of your boss for being a communist.

Become the Jew. Subvert the shit out of that company and try to cost them as much as possible. Constantly report them for ANYTHING they do out of line.

>My employer has the legal authority to fire me any time they want, without cause.

It's funny how you fail to see the real problem here, comrade.

>OP is lying LARPer

If you weren't, you'd out your shitty boss/company so they could be destroyed for thought policing their employees. Only the googles of the world have the cash to weather that kind of storm.


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Fake the pledge.

Report your commie coworkers. Plant evidence if you have to.

You could also report them anonymously (use a non-work email to your boss), claim you're afraid for your safety.

These fuckers eat that shit up.

Kek. The fire truly rises

get it on vidya.. call a lawyer.

Shoot up the place.

do it
record it
share the video and ruin the company with bad publicity

>Just received and email from a work colleague. Apparently, today at work, our boss is going gather everyone in our office together and make each of us perform a public pledge, disavowing the alt right as a terrorist organization and swearing to report anyone we suspect of being a civic nationalist to management.

Sounds like a PR statement. I'd say go for it and yes, from the looks of how ham-fisted it is, you could be as easily at-will fired without cause anyway for something as tangible as downsizing. I've took a look at your other posts, such as place you as merely a conservative, not that of the alt-right. The media has done a good job degrading alt-right to that of the reputation Black Panthers held in the 80s/90s. You will find soon enough if it's about targeting conservative principles - take the pledge and let your gravy train continue for the foreseeable future.

Or, do what and trade your at-will termination to a for-cause termination.

No, being a Nazi or member of the KKK is not against the law in any of the 50 states. Though obviously unpopular these days, it is specifically protected in the First Amendment.

I would ask him if he understands that no rightist will answer this question honestly...

Call the ACLU anonymously. Dont believe the memes about them, they will help you. Thats your only chance here. This is right up their alley and they protect both right and left causes.

You were never "alt-right"
the media labelled you that.

Keep your job.
Also contact a lawyer because that shit is illegal as fuck

Murder your boss

They stretch to defending retarded shit on the left side (such as helping illegal immigrant lawbreakers stay in the country by giving them tricks to defy ICE agents) but they do hold a core set of beliefs that keeps them mostly in check.

go ahead and lie

extreme circumstances call for extreme action

nobody will hold retention of your job against such oppression against you


Record it and spread it.

1 Play along nicely
2. Start searching for a new job
3. Tell them you quit as soon as you can without giving them the real reason.

also, record it all and find clandestine legal means to sabotage your employers for your own benefit.