With the new events that took place and the rising contrarianism in this board, not to mention how most other boards are growing to dislike us (most prominent being /his/ and /lit/), what do you guys think we should do to improve the quality of discourse here in Sup Forums
/meta/ - Hiro approved meta thread
Kick out redditors and nazi larpers
are niggers ctually human tho?
ban for shit tier threads, like the usual twitter screencap from some literally who accompanied by a bait oneliner about how Sup Forums will never recover. shit just clutters up the catalog too much
This. T_D and the stickfight enthusiasts have turned this place into the special olympics of political discussion.
wew /lit/ disliked pol for a long time
That's because /lit/ is intelligent. Sup Forums doesn't read books.
Anyway, add more flags.
Sup Forums should add a plugin that auto archives links, i saw it on some Sup Forums archive, why not add that?
>Are X human?
This should be added to the sticky. Also the sticky should stop being ignored.
At least half the posters on /lit/ are underage.
>what do you guys think we should do to improve the quality of discourse here in Sup Forums
Ban all storm-fags and nazi larpers.
you havent met the norwegbot yet
Ban indians from using the ideology flags. It becomes a lot harder to smell those poos without their wagon wheel of shit
Pretty sure I've read more books than most people on /lit/. Simply due to the fact that I'm older than the average and had more time to do so.
/his/ and /lit/ can go suck a tail pipe.
/lit/ are faggots, there's a reason /fitlit/ sucked so much dick and they were glad to be rid of you
The mods need to be more lax with their thread deleting, there are great culture threads that we have occasionally that the mods keep deleting and frankly it's becoming annoying.
At the very least, late-nite america time the mods should relax a bit.
dont get me wrong he is doing gods work, but i would rather rely on a plugin, then some turbo autist
True but lately it's been way too antagonistic towards us
Gassing the niggers would oribanly be a good first step in creating better quality discourse
/lit/ readsbooks with a bunch of jewish lies i bet, so i question your statement that they are intelligent
how to make Sup Forums better:
all posts have to be written by dictation so you have to listen to the shit you say before you post
>most prominent being /his/ and /lit/
Those are liberal echo chambers specifically targeted by reddit though. Don't see why they should like us
>not to mention how most other boards are growing to dislike us
Are you fags really just noticing now that the whole site hates Sup Forums? This place is reddit central.
Sup Forums is outdated as shit, I'd much rather prefer someting as a sidebar where new threads are added as they are made with options to click on them to expand
this way you'd never miss a happening
something lie the twitter side window for firefox
>he doesn't read the post out loud as he's writing it
Is this autism?
Ersatz and homosexual.
>how to trigger Sup Forums
/his/ and /lit/ are pseudo-intellectual niggers so who gives a toss what they think
We are the board, the redditors are the alt-lite and leftist whiners like yourself.
embeded vocaroo would be fresh
Basically already exists. Lots of mobile clients for Sup Forums have a side bar with the board on the left side and the thread taking up the rest of the window. All you'd need is an auto refresh on the board, sorted by creation time.
I wonder how hard it would be to get one of those working on a PC without using some smartphone emulator.
Nothing, Sup Forums is became the safe space of insecure white betas. You can't discuss news, economy, diplomacy here anyomore. It's all about irrelevant things such as race and gender now while fags miss the point that these topics are specifically created to derail the public from actual issues.
I've not seen him for a while now, starting to worry about him.
Sup Forums has been hated since it was /new/ with stormfags trying to evangelize their bullshit cross-boarding.
Now it's trumpfags and kekfags and frogposters.
I want my god damn board back.
fucking this. sticky should be treated as Sup Forums rules and bans should ensue for not following. also remove non-geographical flags
>how the whole site hates Sup Forums
srsly wtf is this retarded shit
>i did a personal survey of thousands of autists in my spare time just for this statement
yeah i'm calling bullshit on that
>All you'd need is an auto refresh on the board
something that doesn;t feels like 20 year old web1.0 tech would do it
this place is literally on the forefront of culture and yet we use the same fucking layout as 50 years ago
kinda tought he'd show up because of the huff link
>he doesn't read over everything he posts before he posts it
Are you actually retarded or just inconsiderate?
>his/ and /lit/
>(most prominent being /his/ and /lit/
lmao who?
Back to r/eddit
It's been forced into the mainstream and you know it.
You're right though, it is irrelevant, and generally retarded. Doesn't change the fact we're going to have a fucking civil war over it. Doesn't change the fact that the whites in your Europe are going to be slaughtered by racist Muslims, and be offered on a silver plate by white (typically women) traitors.
>this place is literally on the forefront of culture and yet we use the same fucking layout as 50 years ago
>wanting to change an autists home
This place would fucking explore with rage if it were significantly changed
is hiro /ourguy/ or part of (((them)))?
>not to mention how most other boards are growing to dislike us (most prominent being /his/ and /lit/),
Other boards actually dislike you because you can't stop shitposting about SJWs and jews, pic related.
t. Sup Forums and Sup Forums user
Wouldn't be the most optimal solution but it would essentially do what you were asking for.
I wouldn't expect any major overhaul of Sup Forums, ever. Layout changes always lead to a huge outcry in the userbase, even if the new one is objectively superior, and on Sup Forums you have a bunch of legit medical autists on top of the usual outraged crowd. The website would be unusable for weeks with hundreds of threads complaining about the new "reddit interface" or something like that.
Every board has their stickies ignored for some fucking reason.
On /r9k/ everyone circumvents the robot by posting. And Sup Forums is now completely a consumerist board.
It's a disaster.
>something that doesn;t feels like 20 year old web1.0 tech would do it
You must be pretty new, there was a point where there wasn't even a (You) feature
Hiro doesn't really care one way or the other though in answer to all the /qa/ whining he said that he prefers interesting Sup Forums over profitable Sup Forums with regards to the notion that Sup Forums is scaring off advertisers and so it must be removed and its users banned.
75 words op at the minimum
Do not censor free speech.
Sup Forums is constantly changing depending on what we perceive to be true. We were once libertarians. Now we are primarily nazis. But if this nazism is shook up(as is occurring now) our entire ideology can still change yet again. It just depends on cultural shifts and ongoing events.
After the first debate most of Sup Forums jumped ship from Trump, yet we were back after the second. We undergo radical shifts from constant self doubt all the time simply depending on what's going on.
After all we're just an anonymous imageboard. The fact this became one of the few havens for nazism in the world says something, doesn't it? If actual nazis were in power this place would likely become a haven for communists. We have a social niche.
>daily reminder that /vint/ proved that Canadians are the cancer killing Sup Forums, not Sup Forums users.
>using a meme flag
Post disregarded.
>And Sup Forums is now completely a consumerist board.
It really turned to fucking shit. It's nothing but brand-wars, with everyone trying to peddle their favorite meme tech 24/7. And most of the time they don't even understand what the intended application field of their meme tech is.
did not explode with the gad google capcha because you could still use the old legacy capcha if you look at the settings
always leave options to revert back
if they can't janitor the shitskin and jew subversion threads they need to give the user the option to find what he desires faster
and that fact that they can't even handle the ozzy BBC myth threads for years shows a lot about their competence
I'm 07 and it feels the fucking SAME
To be fair, the changes that have been made have basically all been just built upon the existing layout. What that user is asking for are changes to the layout.
same answer as ever : just have mods that actually enforce the rules
also kill yourself if having other board hating us is a concern to you. theyre less than nothing
The flags are the biggest mistake gookmoot made
literally just so shitskin indians and other fags countries can have they posts read
>other boards
What other boards
This, the board is one of the last bastions of free speech.
Which is stupid, there's nothing wrong with the layout.
I would stop using Sup Forums if they switched to a reddit-esque "nested comment" (where replies are ordered according to who they're replying to) CSS layout.
I'm an Englishman visiting family abroad and so I'll use the flag of my faith over the flag of the nation that I currently reside in but hold no personal attachment to.
Does nothing to change the fact that Canadians are as a matter of fact the sole reason for Sup Forums being so laughably fucked.
Canadians should be rangebanned from Sup Forums tbqh, you shit up every board.
You're like Australians without charm, wit or humour.
Why do you want a different layout though?
It works, it is simple and easy to use, you can also personalize it with stuff like 4chanx
You sound like a whiny little bitch dude
>nation that I currently reside in but hold no personal attachment to.
What a parasite you are.
Sudoku the board
Ban Trump praise. You can still discuss him, but sucking his cock is bannable. Most of the people who still support Trump on that level are low iq faggots. Banning them will force them back to /r/the_donald.
Also, instead of captcha, have people answer questions about The Culture of Critique. This will force people to read the book and prevent people from discussing our topics who don't understand them or the current state of the world, frankly.
>and that fact that they can't even handle the ozzy BBC myth threads for years shows a lot about their competence
It's more that it cannot be properly handled due to the way Sup Forums works.
Perfect example for that is one autist on another board I'm frequently. He gets severely triggered by one specific topic and every time it is brought up he'll throw a huge shitfit and make sure to shitpost the thread to death. The mod always appears a couple minutes later and starts nuking all posts attached to his IP and constantly banning him, but he is essentially battling against autism since all it takes for the guy to continue is to switch to airplane mode and back.
And the guy has been doing this for fucking years. Without some kind of permanent account system (which no one wants, for good reason) you cannot effectively curtail this kind of behavior.
Though they could try a bit harder on Sup Forums, I agree with that. Especially all the twitter-bait threads are very easy to spot and get rid of.
post disregarded
Badass post, 52%.
I'm only here for another half a month mate, as I said I'm visiting family after my Dad did himself an injury.
Remove nazi and white nationalist flags. /nsg/ should be banned. Pro-white shit should warrant a ban.
>Sup Forums is one person
This is not an nazi board, cumskin. There are no representative metrics to determine what Sup Forums predominately identifies as.
Your dad is a weak cuck and so are you.
Get rid of Sup Forums and migrate everyone to Sup Forums.
>t. nigger
If you don't like it then there's a myriad other websites you can fuck off to.
Agreed. The mods will happily delete a flat earth thread within minutes, but will leave the BLACKED and slide threads for like an hour+.
It's a white nationalist board
Fuck off,either remove all flags or none at all.
>nazi larpers
Ok reddit
If this continues, I'm just going to Infinity-Chan. Fuck this.
>/nsg/ should be banned.
>lets kick the beehive
Last sentence gave away that it's bait though. 3/10
It shouldn't be surprising that the rest of Sup Forums and all other social media sites hate /pol. It is a safe space for the worst of the worst the internet has to offer like Assadists, Putinbots, Tankies, Trumptards, Fascists and literal fucking Nazis. Nothing can be done to fix the toxic nature of this cesspool.
My only request for you guys is that you keep political discussion where it belongs, on Sup Forums. I don't go to Sup Forums to talk about how much I hate niggers, but it always seems to work out that way.
>said the Canadian
The time will come where Hiroshimoot sees the light and the Day of the Rake will commence.
And change the celtic cross flag to "white nationalist" from "white supremacist"
Ban that stupid fucking t*rk that post dead americans
>wog too stupid to recognise that the culture of Sup Forums is dictated by the commonly held beliefs of Sup Forums
Well then maybe you faggots on other boards should stop being fags
t. Cumskin that cares about a stupid fucking skin color.
Wake up, being a nazi is going to fuck shit up big time for trump, I don't want that. Not for my country.
Sup Forums has never been primarily Nazis, but overall I agree.
Most of the website would move to some other chan. Not even joking.
Fuck off.
I hate this flat earth shit, but I'd rather see it than BLACKED and other bullshit.
Their mods on Sup Forums are C A N C E R.
Your only hope is making another Sup Forums that's extremely fucking loose with modding.
Ban all turks from the site honestly, there is no nationality or people more truly without value besides perhaps the Australian aboriginal.
If you don't like it then leave nigger, that simple.
Not really, Sup Forums is just a boogeyman. I know enough people who fucking hate Sup Forums and yet still get told to fuck off to Sup Forums quite frequently. Lefties just pretend that every opinion they do not like must come from this place and can thus be disregarded without even looking at the argument.
It's Sup Forums's version of calling someone racist. No one here gives a shit if they are being called a racist, so that shaming strategy does not work. A lot of people do care about being called a Sup Forumslack though since they think that this place is full of idiots, so just switching those two words makes the strategy viable again.
>Their mods on Sup Forums are C A N C E R
Their mods actual moderate like they're supposed to and are quick to get rid of slide threads and shitposting. They are far less cancer then the mods here
It has only become that was over the last few years. Nazi scumbags and Fascist betas were in the minority before that and it was actually Libertarian shitheads and the pro-Ron Paul crowd who dominated the early /pol. Maybe this board was always racist and hardcore anti-Semitic, but it was not a white nationalist board from the start that is revisionism.
Redpill thread. Dump infographics, links, and ask questions.