are his delusions of self-importance getting out of hand ? hes so unbearably arrogant
in his latest call in show he went on a rant about his "einsteinian verbal" skills
are his delusions of self-importance getting out of hand ? hes so unbearably arrogant
in his latest call in show he went on a rant about his "einsteinian verbal" skills
Other urls found in this thread:
not an argument
its not about arguments here, but about the diagnosis of his mental issues
you are using the same tactics as those leftists saying "DRUMPF IS MENTALLY UNSTABLE"
its fucking stupid and based entirely off of subjective observation
He's completely crazy, I can't wait for him to lose it completely, it will be glorious.
>delusions of self-importance
excuse me? he hosts the world's largest philosophy show with hundreds of millions of views and downloads
He's a trained actor. He is temperamentally inclined towards performance art. Of course he's an egotist. He's the kind of dickish personal that you always have to walk on eggshells around in real life because people like him react with indignation and spite at anything they don't like. I bet if you crossed him once, of got into a really bad argument, you're relationship with him would be over, and he would NEVER allow it to be mended.
That being said, he does platform a lot of interesting people that deserve exposure so who cares. It's not like I'm trying to be his friend. I doubt he has many RL private friendships.
>get drunk one night and tell my friends about Molymeme and how great his videos are
>he goes from libertarian to borderline alt right like two days later
>mfw my friends think I was praising a right winger
my sides
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
He's going to end up being a commie, isn't he?
I saw Stefan Molyneux at a grocery store yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Stefan "one dollar" Molyneux
All atheists are technically insane. Even a mozzie is more sensible.
What's wrong with that, though? Cross a person, and you're not to be trusted.
hey man, the guy has a daughter to feed. show a little respect.
His head is slowly going further up his own ass. I think he has forgotten that his shit stinks too.
He's one big fluffer-nutter
To be fair, Einstein convinced entire civilisations of Goys that his (((thought experiments))) and (((theoretical physics))) were the gold standard.
It's only leftist rootsnappers complaining about Molyneux because hey have feared his argumentation skills for years now. Right-wingers seem to be able to disagree with a person or even to accept their faults while also still accepting them.
To be fair, if his head is up his ass but he doesn't know whether his shit stinks it only stands to reason his shit does, in fact, not stink.
'Cross' not 'double-cross'. 'Cross' simply means to oppose someone. That could be a serious disagreement, an impassioned fight, or perhaps competing for something that you both want. Stefan is extremely spiteful. He does it with call-in guests. He has done it with his mother. Even if she deserved it, he can't help but telegraph is still burning resentment towards her.
I've had friends who had very similar personalities to Stefan. They are VERY hard to be friend with. Some grow out of it, some remain hair-trigger enemies their whole lives. It's almost as if they're looking to spar. He's a grown up Holden Caulfield who does social commentary and calls himself a philosopher. He really is a tool, but he runs a good show, and has good guests, and his researched episodes are excellent. He's very competent, but not a man's man, which is why I assume he doesn't have many friends.
i like him but he is arrogant as hell its starting to annoy me. especially after his "ONLY 1 DOLLAH" video
this, nice digits
He's a verbose pseudointellectual. He has contributed nothing to philosophy.
sup retard
Used to watch Molymeme back in my ancap days, and even then he was pretty much insufferable. His videos were educational, but he more or less regurgitated the work of greater minds. He's shown his true colors in the past, and is an arrogant, hypocritical greedy piece of shit.
>inb4 "not an argument"
You should have stabbed him in the balls.
why did Sup Forums go against stefan?
hes probably lurking on this thread right now, you're hurting his feelings
Not an argument
What's your radio frequency?
Yeah he is absolutely fucking ridiculous. I have never liked his personality.
Some of his interviews are pretty good tho
"im a big fan of personal attacks" t.stefan molyneux
His egotism, Dunning-Kruger effect and Narcissism know no bounds.
And he cites (((Einstein))), the fraudulent, plagiarising, mediocrity as an example of genius.
Self awareness score, -9000
But his verbal skills are fucking amazing, that's a fact. Whatever criticisms you have against him, his recognition of his own speaking ability isn't a good one.
Go away Stefan
pics or gtfo
>Self awareness score, -9000
Yes fellow 4chaners, he's horrible.
This guy is utterly repugnant. Worst part is he doesn't know the first thing about basic logic he is pretending to preach
He's smarter than you, faggot.
I used to watch him a lot before he began pandering to Christcucks and rednecks. But I saw the Brimelow interview; my God, he doesn't shut up. Every time Brimelow was saying something interesting Molyneux had to interrupt and make the show about him. I don't think he was this bad in the past. He even disrupted the story about Milton Friedman, cunt.
kek haven't seen this pasta in a while
Anyone checked out Rationality Rules? He seems to be ok, sticks to the science, red pilled on Islam as well. And is not a cult leader like Molyneux
not an argument
Is that the new cool thing among the 12-year old pseudo-intellectuals now? You realise for someone who memes "not an argument", he is extremely scarce on arguments?
Piss off Stefan.
Hello, I am Jesus, please pay me., we need your help people, I am the messiah, 20 bucks a month.
His mental issues and arrogance have never been optional. Either take it or leave it.
That's not an argument.
Molymeme is basically the postmodernist version of Noam Chomsky. A washed up hack.
>"this show is funded by people like you so please donate"
>donate $1
>get made fun of
Both Molymeme and Jordan Peterson are the most post-modernist popular speakers on the internet right now, and both of them insist that they hate and fight against post-modernism.
I don't get how come they have such a large following, when they are so self contradicting.
>took you this long to realise he's a narcissistic sociopath
I could see and feel something was off about him from a few videos. He also reminds me of that kid in school that did everything he could to fit it into a group, yet everybody didn't like him anyway.
Does he still mention that he got an 'A' for his masters thesis on his website? That's fucking pathetic. He's a charlatan that believes himself to be some great misunderstood genius.
Holy shit this ancringe damage control
Molycult fans are well indoctrinated it seems
He's a bald cunt with bad breath
How are they post-modernist?
>philosophy show
Germany is so cucked, the second you see a relatively successful person take pride in themselves, you do everything you can to reduce them to your cuck level.
It isn't subjective, you autistic tard. It's just that you are naive (probably under 21, never had a gf, and think yourself better than everyone else) and incapable of understanding the social.
Just one example. Stefan markets himself like some great man with his shit in order and even gives life advice, yet he can't even keep his wife from divorcing him.
Jordan Peterson is post-modernist in a very radical way, redefining reality itself. Look at his Darwinian view of what is "true" and what is "real" that he uses to dismiss leftie views and prove spiritual/conservative views.
Basically it goes like this: if something is useful and helps us, its true. If its useless or harms us, its false. In that sense, hierarchy is true, it is real, it is right and correct, since it has advanced us greatly throughout history. Equality is false, its not real, it is wrong, because it gives us bad outcomes.
This is 100% applied post-modernist thought.
Molyneux does the same for his Universally Preferred Behavior, in a more roundabout way, and in a very long book. Similar logic applies, except he doesn't go conservative, and goes anarchy instead, while ignoring that state/government have been very beneficial to humanity and increased our numbers, prosperity, etc tremendously.
So Molymeme uses longer words to make an even worse claim, but still being postmod about it.
I can't listen to/watch his drama pieces, it's too overdone and cringey. He'd increase his growth at least 100% if he put on his jovial persona most of the time and stopped the egomaniac shit.
I think this video pretty much sums up molymeme pretty well. He's an intellectually dishonest narcissistic asshole.
Except he was a calm snarky joker at first, and greatly increased his viewership when he started putting END OF THE WORLD DOOM IS NEAR in the titles and started overacting all the time.
The opposite of what you say is true, and he knows it. His views have moved towards the money too, he was way more liberal initially.
Source? Because that'd be funny.
He also pretends his show needs more funding even though he made $2 million in btc donations alone last year and doesn't even edit his videos
are there any podcasts where he talks about his marriage ? he also said hes certainly never gonna get divorced so that would entertain me through my neet-life for days
1 (ONE)
This pasta never gets old.
Everything I've seen from him is drama so I wouldn't be able to know if that's true.
But he's certainly learned the clickbait game and hired(?) someone to make good thumbs. Thumbs are the most important thing to getting views nowadays from what I've read. Pic related is the point where he started experimenting with them before settling on the precursor to the current style. Just thought it's a little interesting because I've been thinking a lot about making some clickbait content for fun and profit.
>Molymeme and Jordan Peterson are the most post-modernist
I've read a book by Molyneaux. He uses the utilitarian consequential approach. His UPB concept is close Kantian categorical imperative. There's nothing close to post-modernism. No Foucalt, neither Heidegger.
>An introduction to BRAP philosophy
What did he mean by this?
Double kek
I don't know jack shit about the intricacies of philosophy (I'm a maths and physics guy), minus the historical details and some general ideas, but I know that people who do know about philosophy say upb is a load of garbage. I can recall Stefan being decimated for upb by a philosophy undergrad on his forums with Stefan proceeding to ban him.
Wtf, you're really all against him? The dude is red pilling 650,000 subscribers.
Sup Forums is nothing but masturbatory purity spiraling these days.
"Red pilling".
This board is for people over 18.
did you hear that molyneux records all of his private conversations and even those with his barber ? because "wouldnt it be great if we could listen to socrates talk to his barber ? the source is a former member of his cummunity, which is talked about here
I'm guessing neither of you know what postmodernism means. Explain it to the rest of the class
>Anti-rationality: like the postmodernists, Jordan believes that rationality has a hard limit in people and that progress in this is impossible (and that's why we need religion). In his words "rationality is a surface facade" and "Harris and his crowd think that we were superstitious and all of a sudden the enlightenment came along and poof we got rational".
>Anti-realism: postmodernism holds that it is impossible to speak meaningfully about an independently existing reality and Jordan alludes to this multiple times in this conversation and others. Although he's not as extreme in his claims and he does at least concede that there is an external reality. See this segment that starts "what the postmodernists got right" and he goes on to talk about how because the A.I. researchers found that programming perception is hard that it must somehow means that knowledge of the world is conditional on function.
>Perverting truth: postmodernism "deconstruct" truth because they believe it's an instrument of oppression by the west. Jordan doesn't agree with that but as you know from the his first podcast with Sam Harris that his conception of truth is that it's conditional on the survival of the species.
There are a few other similarities like his obsession with dominance hierarchies and the postmodernists obsession with power hierarchies. And their obsession with Continental philosophers like Nietzsche.
Jordan Peterson deconstructs and redefines reality in the best traditions of post-modernism.
He's a massive faggot and basically a shill. He also got BTFO by cultured thug in a recent debate.
Why am I not surprised.
Stop shilling your video you commie fuck. No one here wants a welfare state.
Theres a difference between refines and redefines. I dont like either of them BTW JP or SM. Postmodernism is defined by the following statement:
The rejection of all meta-narratives
This was defined by baudrillard, the father of postmodernism.
If Jordan Peterson is attaching more conditions to the definition of truth, he is doing the opposite of rejecting metanarratives. He is building a metanarrarive about truth. Postmodernism does the opposite and says that no one truth can contribute to another.
t. fence sitter
i don't get the vibe from him at all
Kek thats fucking hilarious
>The rejection of all meta-narratives
Yeah, and communism is defined as: anarchy.
Except nobody uses it that way. Nor does Peterson use "no meta" to describe what he is allegedly fighting for.
The post-modernism he is fighting against, as he defines it in his attacks and as his supporters see it, is the backbone of his own world view.
Of all the meme edits of this, this is the first time it's actually believable.
The part about using the state to silence his enemies actually did make me laugh.
We can like some of his work while also not liking other aspects. This isn't the DNC.
Don't forget to donate to freedomainradio
>Basically it goes like this: if something is useful and helps us, its true. If its useless or harms us, its false. In that sense, hierarchy is true, it is real, it is right and correct, since it has advanced us greatly throughout history. Equality is false, its not real, it is wrong, because it gives us bad outcomes.
>This is 100% applied post-modernist thought.
>are his delusions of self-importance getting out of hand ? hes so unbearably arrogant
Watch this:
For me it's hard to watch.
The cringe is so high in this one...
He made many "truth about X" videos unveiling the hidden truth about popular persons like Mother Theresa and then he did this one on himself where he presents himself basically as a perfect hero of truth... and he rambles trying to use as many complicated words as he knows, it's really hard to watch.
People who like this clown must have daddy issues.
>mfw the caller does not recognize that I am correct because I have ten years of persuasive experience
Every time I try to hear him speak I just can't get over how fucking narcissistic he sounds, it's fucking horrible.
Even if he makes sense he should work on not sounding like a self absorbed asshole
Molymeme runs a cult basically without ever meeting his acolytes in person. He took it down but before he had some really megalomaniac shit on his site praising him as the "greatest philosopher in 1000 years". It wasn't a joke.