What will happen to us when we become a minority?

We are fast approaching a point where whites will be a minority in America and elsewhere in the world. What will happen to us at that point? When the other races outnumber us will the kill and or enslave us?

What do you guys think our fate will be in the future?

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The incompetent negroes, mutts and other idiots basically collapse your infrastructure, and then Russian and Chinese conglomerates will buy it out.

That will never happen. Stop shilling, you shitskin, and/or being a defeatist white, which is even worse.

Whitey gonna get their comeuppance

Can you tell me why it will "never happen" ?
Year after year the white population continues to decline. I want to believe you but you have to give me something more then "don't be a defeatist."

It won't happen the Black population dose not grow, Hispanic and Asian communities are already decreasing by double digits. White are gaining percentage points back again.

Oh my God.
It's glorious!

Wh*Tes will become extinct by the end of the century.
Everyday hundreds of people convert to Islam, every month a church gets turned into a Masjid (Mosque).

Everyday I masturbate to US soldiers dying. Everyday I masturbate to wh*Te """people""" being executed by ISIS.
Everyday I masturbate to documentaries of wh*Te people declining in number.

Can't wait for the race war in major countries like the USA, UK, Germany, France and Sweden in 2050 which will see thousands of wh*Tes being hanged on lamp posts.

Islam will win.
Blacks will win.
Liberalism will win.
The alt-right will die.
Wh*Tes will die out.

It's gonna be spectacular.

Allahu akbar! We're going to continue Muhammad (SAW)'s caliphate and the black and green flag will fly over the world.

Take the Islam pill.

We become jews

Look up non-propagandistic statistics. You need to travel the world to realize the white race is very much alive and the populace is only now starting to wake up to what they're doing to us.

>implying Soros and co. will leave it this way

>and elsewhere in the world
We already are though.




i thought she had a giant shlong

It's important to recycle your comeuppance.

Rhodesians were able to rule their nation and fight others even though they were less than 10%
If anything what white people need is to be a minority to feel threatened again and start the reconquering
Leftist have created a monster

People are to scared too reply!

They'll try to turn up the heat on the "tax slave" idea even higher. Whites pay the vast majority of taxes already, they're having kids and collecting employment checks on our dime. You can see this shit for yourself in south africa right now.

i wish

then we get a victim card of ourselves, can't wait.

Chemical castration, humiliation, and financial ruin. thats what happens to minorities in america

What are you winning nigger? Your lands of origin are fucking cesspits, where you slaughter each other and a daily basis and defecate in the streets, and you just replicate it wherever you become a majority. You want war, you will get it, have no misconceptions about that but stop being delusional to the fact that your people are mouth breathers that prefer to live in depravity.

See the white experience in South Africa. They live in the gated community without blacks. Nothing happend to them as bad as the concentration camps in Germany or the USSR. Among all the ape, blacks are not the worst, but whites.

>amerispic getting rowdy

If all the white people vanish don't you just go back to living in shit? Like you did before?
Yea....yea you do.

Yo chill there bra..
take a comfy seat whilst I calmly place my cock in your mouth.
Ok now suck..

Man, it's almost like concepts of race are bullshit. But I guess the edgy kids here don't want to hear that, since it ruins their race war fantasies.

In 50 years or so there will be groups advocating for more representation of whites in the media.
Then we get #WLM and it will be our turn to chimp out

Just pointing out simple truths, shouldn't you want to build your own people up at some point, you claim that your superior? Yet your countries look like Detroit ( On a good day), Dont be emotional, you know Im right.

>We are fast approaching a point where whites will be a minority in America and elsewhere in the world.
Europeans are a minority in the world and it has always been so.
There are fewer Nords in this world than people who live in some major cities.
Being the minority is not the issue. Being weak and letting the masses roll over you are.

>yet your country looks like detroit
And caused by who? Yes, you.
It's called revenge.

The Jews will destroy your country.
Yesterday was an embarrassing day for the alt-right, even GOP leaders condemned and back stabbed you.

Can't wait for the race war, you'll get destroyed.

>Look up non-propagandistic statistics. You need to travel the world to realize the white race is very much alive and the populace is only now starting to wake up to what they're doing to us.

You are a fucking retard. All the data is there: go and get fucking spreadsheet and check it you innumerate fuck. And also Ive traveled the world: we are a small shrinking minority. If you are not informed, dont share you opinion you fucking cock sucker.

Invent new styles of music and become good at sports

Muds aren't competent enough to shoah us. They'll treat us like shit, to be sure, and they'll implement their laws once they're the majority, but they won't directly genocide us. Just look at South Africa.
The reason (((they))) push for "nonviolent" methods like mass immigration and acceptance of """"love"""", among other things, is because they know the only way to win is to appeal to the altruism of whites. Muds are too incompetent to do anything to us directly, at least not at the scale required to take us out for good, so all (((they))) can do is have them outbreed us while controlling the narrative by sweeping immense and violent mud crime under the rug while sensationalizing every little thing thing that comes out of the resistance movement.

kys ahmed

>become minority...
say 7% like it is now?

you'll be exotic and preffered in areas you are not common

will have positive stereotypes of intelligence and success

...so basically the current year

The states like Commiefornia or Florida where whites are already a minority can give you a clue of what is to come

Ever hear a little story about farmers and jews in Russia around the turn of the 20th century? They will shove sticks up our granddaughters vaginas and rape them to death. We make a stand now or there will be no one left to get to the choppa.

>What will happen to us at that point? When the other races outnumber us will the kill and or enslave us?

see: south africa

In order to survive we should create own strong ideological basis for White Supremacy Movement. On the other hand, we shouldn't use "pure racism" as ideology since it may descredit us even among white people. Fortunately, White Supremacy Movement has very profound philosophical and ideological basis: if you look carefully at history of modern philosophy the idea of Freedom had been developed by Northern Europeans: Immanuel Kant, Hegel, Leibnitz, et cetera. They created the very concept of Freedom and human rights and liberties (which became the basis for many constitutions including American) and only then these ideas spread throughout the world and came to non-white population. What does it mean ? It means that white people historicly the Source of all Freedoms for other races and if non-white people deny it they deny own Freedoms and rights they have and, since, one can not apply these rights to them.

Caused by "me", you speak like the typical nigger claiming systemic racism on your problems. Why dont I see you direct these threats at the politicians who gave the order to commit the drone strikes on civilians, the generals, following jew orders to invade countries. Nah, you dont care about that, rather raise up animus towards "me" or the "you", even though "we" had nothing to do with or have any control over those decisions. Your a mental midget.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:

Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

>americans count arabs and north africans, and tonnes of niggers as white



The same thing that usually happens to us in dire straits.

We realise we're in trouble.
We band together.
Have a white chimp-out. (Usually reserved for other whites)
Subjugate the known world with little effort.



Judging by the uncalled for aggressiveness of your post, you're a lying shut-in. Your statistics are false, and you probably are too asocial to know the right kind of people with the right mindset, a vast silent majority who give great hope to the white race. You're a sad troll, literally GET a life.

How come the Nordic looks Anglosaxan (Germanic ) and the Germanic looks Nordic!!

Is this what were doing? Child

We won't. Stop being afraid all the time.

Whites won't become a minority in the states, if anything they'll grow. If the RAISE act passes we'll mostly get Europeans coming here. Not to mention if we deport all illegals and end birthright citizenship we'll have enough room for White South Africans to come in as Refugees. Plus if the Tax Plan benefits white families they'll end up having more white children. America could become 80% white at the most in a few generations. Without third world immigration spics will decrease in size. Most of the states pictured here will have the demographics of Maine if this happens.

>B-Buh muh White Hispanics

4/5 "White" Hispanics are Mestizos LARPing as whites for more benefits. They'll never be considered white in the census at all. We don't even need them because of all the stuff I mentioned.

Also Trump supports more Immigration from Europe, He'll likely add this to the RAISE act.


Europeans are pretty fucking resilient mate, they've dealt with worse throughout history. Invasions, genocide, the black plague. They always end up on top, with empires in tow. They'll be fine

Niggets and spics will do absolutely nothing. Maybe a few occasional killings.
What will very likely happen is chinese immigration and the inevitable colonisation.

And Zimbabwe is now white mecca right?

China will grow larger

Tons of Younger White Americans support Nationalism. Especially the younger generation, becoming a minority in our own nation will ruin what's left of America's history. Anti-White shit will only make the movement grow in numbers.

Look at Lebanon nigger.

That hoe is atleast 85 percent white LOL

Finally I'll be someone's ethnic sexual fantasy.

Whiter then most Pureto Ricans who are 6% Nigger

But I can't stand being around non-whites all the time! They're mean to me always talking shit and when you try giving it back the threaten to kick your ass. I hate this non white country.

You make it sound like being a minority in the US is a bad thing.

Read my first two posts, We won't become a minority

The USA will be even worse than today. Instead of half the country looking like a third world shithole, all the US will look like Brazil.

>end birthright citizenship

How likely is this to happen? I'd love this but I don't think this is constitutional

You won't become a minority because continued race-mixing with whites makes the population whiter.

our country will collapse, the minorities will go to Europe for gibs, and then the US will likely become balkanized white ethnostates, with the only minorities being natives.

No we are around 90 percent mixed race, wikiamerican cousin fucker

Here is an ingredient for the new ideology

It wasn't a thing until the 60s, It can easily be removed especially if Rhinos are kicked out in 2018.

your gonna have to define white. the Latina in the picture is probably 82% European. Your mom is probably 8% African. Your hated Jews have been interbreeding and passing for white for a century in the US. are you white? are you pure? would your great grandfather consider you pure or a ginger mud-blood?



>We are fast approaching a point where whites will be a minority in America

This isn't the Hillary timeline user. Spics (even those under DACA) are being deported en masse, SCOTUS upheld the Muslim/African travel ban, green cards are getting rekt, and legislation to promote white birthrates is well underway.

Gen Z is ~55% non-spic white, Hispanic birthrates are falling dramatically, and blacks continue to shoah themselves, meanwhile, racemixing is at its lowest in decades, especially among whites.

We'll never be 90% white again like we were in the 50s (barring a NatSoc uprising), but we're not doomed to being Brazil-tier either. We'll likely stabilize at 65-70% white by 2060, barring massive policy changes cucking shit up.

>where whites will be a minority elsewhere in the world
I thought european whites were already a global minority?

Trump also wants to increase European immigration if you read my first two posts. As long as whites have children with their own race it will benefit us.

You probably live in a shitty neighborhood. I hope you'll find a way to change some day soon.

I'm a ginger mud-blood. That's what happens to whites res in America

God bless Trump

poor snowflake


Nothing will happen
There are already places with white minority.

They will constantly demand law that advantages themselves. Black's will attack you in the streets.

the problem with European immigration is that Europeans are not standing in line to get into the US like the rest of the world is.
Getting immigration from rich nations is harder than from poor shitholes. You might receive a lot of eastern Euros or disgruntled Spaniards / Italians.

Most of those being Mestizo shitholes and South Africa.

I rather have Slavs, I'm currently dating a pole who's really nice.

>tfw you wake up and slap "6% Black" Rican Booty

But what if they don't?

Whites will always be the most numerous in America. Even if they become a "minority."

In the USA of course so your point is irrelevant.
Whites in S.A might have it bad but still better than the niggers. Theyre also 8percent of the population.

Whites race mix the least, the ones that do are with spics and usually live in California.

Merely the swift application of justice for the countless crimes of oppression and genocide us whites have committed throughout the centuries. It's time!


honestly, save up and move to a suburb. no one talks to their neighbors in suburbs anymore. They could be meth dealers or Mormons, no way to tell.

The US is still white majority, Also you do realize whites in South Africa are going through a genocide by their nigger government. Trump should offer them free citizenship along with the whites in Zimbabwe. Overall white minority nations that were once white majority turn to hellholes.

What actually angers me about your post is that there are people who genuinely believe this.

All white women will want to fuck a brother, that for sure!

WV is the best state to live.

Its the highest white rate while not being a faggot liberal state like the NE.

There is only ONE nigger in my city lmao

I already live in the suburbs. It's when I go out, especially at work.

Aye, it's a self-hating cult. Joking with it is sometimes the only way for me to cope with the insane reality.

The population of the White Straight Male is 8.6%, WE ARE ALREADY THE MINORITY

The ignorance is dripping of your fat, retarded burgerface.
S.A was never ever white majority.
The whites worth their salt will be able to escape to better/segregated neighbourhoods. It's the poor whites who will bear the brunt.
Er zijn mensen die echt zo denken, en daar zullen wij handig gebruik van maken, Inch'allah.

you are in luck since there is no shortage of Slavs wanting to abandon their nations.