Sorry guys. You lose



Not on my watch

Yes... Illuminati using leftist dupes to manipulate society. Were you making a joke, OP? Because that is happening, and no, nobody is winning.

i place 1 card face down, and summon exodia in attack mode and obliterate your life pts erectly


You've activated my trap!

It doesn't matter if they manipulated leftists or not. What matters is the final result and it's that the right loses.

Donald Trump



post teflon coating and bimbo at 11

Black Lives Matter

were bing slid HAPPENING---

If you haven't figured it out yet.....



The first was about Scalise.

Bimbo at 11

Megan Kelly

is their a dump with all the cards? also what are some that are have been shown to be eclebs and events we know and what are some future ones that people have predictions about or think are certain people?

Where can I buy this game? Walmart didn't have any copies.

Not in this reality or any other.

yep, but I will not give you link
search interwebz :^)

It's on YouTube

Hitlerchu I choose you!

It was niche as fuck back in the 90s when CCGs first started going insane. I had a full set. Tossed it before a move because I'm a fucking moron.

Did you even try?


Did you?

I win

of course

Fug this bread

>tfw remembered I could've just roleplayed I drew last Exodia piece due to Dark Bribe just after posting Seven Tools

Is this a libertardian meme? The declaring of Martial Law is going to be the only way to get the coloureds out. If the State goes door-to-door without first declaring Martial Law then a lot of white anti-whites will get in the way... You saw what happened this weekend, user.

How many fucking cards are there


Sorry, you two, but I think it's time to stop.

You fool.

You only have one place left on your side of the field anyway!
(I discard Laval Lakeside Lady)

Is duelingnetwork still down? Is there another site or program I can use to play ygo online?


>the more conservatives you destroy, the less liberals you control

Hail Hydra.

Duelingnetwork was shit anyway, there is some other network that's also shit but there's ygopro. You can grab one with links or one without, just need some google searches due to konami taking it down.



it's not the damage step m8

not so fast

Thats a goal card, not a happening card

Fuck this shit. Let's see you counter your way out of THIS.

banned but...

I remove from play my discarded Laval Lakeside Lady!

nice try trap faggots try this one

Oh, hey, looks like Jinzo was on the field all along. I declare a game loss for the initiator of the chain.

When they declare Boston strong, martial law, with the tanks and everything, the brigade. I would like to reach for my rifle and have one at my disposal, but sometimes, that's not always possible. So a knife can do the trick, sometimes even more so. Just go to a gas station, pick up a weapon.

Excuse me Sir, do you have a cigarette?

Screw all of you I win.

D-did you just summon a monster during the battle phase?!

Duelingnetwork still exists as DuelingBook. Someone must've nabbed the source code before it went down.

Player: eff firewall dragon

>power to the (((people)))
good goy

>eff firewall dragon
>no co-linked monsters

What really grinds my gears dot jaypeg, is that fucking assholes like you would bring a gun to a political rally.
CWPs are for self defense, not going somewhere looking for trouble and oooowoo look I happen to have a gun.
The rule of CWP: if you're thinking of going somewhere that could get violent- don't go there. Normal people don't go to protests anyway, this is nigger tier.

>ywn own Hitler's brain

Hate to break it to ya but Asians are the future


actually wait, this one already came true. The frog is Sup Forums's Pepe lmao!

Not so fast. Jesus comes back!