I wholeheartedly believe that when the day comes that the caucausoid race is triumphant...

I wholeheartedly believe that when the day comes that the caucausoid race is triumphant, and all the mongoloids and negroids have been defeated. We will enslave them and when the have outlived their usefulness as workers, we will devour them and then they will become like the shit they truly are, and it will become a cycle for those races to toil and work and then become sustenence for the caucausoid race.

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I don't wanna enslave them.
I don't wanna eat them.
I don't want anything to do with them.

So you don't think they would be good tasting and a good source of nourishment after we breed them to be so dumb they become like cattle?

is this some sort of fetish? Ok, mexico will pay for the wall. We need to keep bad hombres like you in.

Non-whites aren't good at anything. What makes you think they would be good-tasting?




LARPing kike

You will pay, no matter what

What is the foundation for your belief, except for emotions? The white became smart, because all silly people were starving in north. Smart people have built this civilization and conditions for silly people to survive. On average whites are going to become less and less smart. They already have lower IQ than asians.

It's meat. Most meat is tasty unless you're a faggot pussy vegan.

Shills you really need to try doing your job a little bit better, right wing flag and this drivel dont cut it, shooo

>the cotton wasn't worth it

didn't you learn the first time arround?

is it just me or a lot of shills/non Sup Forums users been using the confederate flag for shitposting

What else use is there for those subhumans? Might as well use them for something.

>narrated by technically distorted voice
There is no any moment in the video where guys speak for themselves. This is fake and it is made with purpose to discredit them.

The point is you breed them to become so dumb, so that overtime they become like a work animal that can also be used for food.

>for shilling

this is obviously bait but to even have these thoughts in your mind is pretty disturbing

>we have internal combustion engines
and delicious animals

>fuck off OP, go to bed, you are clearly drunk

So you would rather just ship them back to Africa, instead of colonizing Africa as well and having slaves and cattle everywhere?

>replyng to self...

dumb as bests of burden, used for food

is this what OP wanted?
for me to loose faith in humanity and cry myself to sleep
>I hate you OP, now I'll have nightmares

Dixie lost the war 150 years ago. Its the United States of America.

>dude your shilling is showing real hard
flag swapper

you can't affect a chaotic mind, or put words into my mouth

You've never given a legitimate argument of why doing this is not a good thing. Simply killing negroids and mongoloids is a complete waste.

its 2 am, too sleepy for any rational explaining

>good night user
wish you a nice day, it raining lots here. white noise will help e sleep after seeing your ideas

uncivilized, human eating
>very bad

Have fun with the prion brain eating disease you will get from cannibalism.