Change our image

I feel like the thing holding our movement back the most is that we are seen as like scary, boring and not very fun when it comes to public events and shit.

So here's my idea, what if we have this huge gathering where we all speak about our politics & shit, but also have this dance party concert shit where we dance & sing to songs like "Girls just wanna have fun", and we all scream out the lyrics in unison? Would get tons of media attention, right?

Other urls found in this thread:

Could you shitpost somewhere else

I'm 100% serious, it could have a huge political impact.

Just imagine tons of buff white nationalists dudes singing Girls just wanna fun, and dancing. It would show we aren't such uptight really serious & scary, it would attract tons of people.

And the media coverage. Media would totally cover it and it would be hugely positive for us, they can't spin it to make us look bad.

What the fuck man
I leave for 5 seconds

Think about it.

heres an idea: if you dont want people to think youre violent retards how about not advocating for the death of non-whites? no? too difficult? well carry on then

>how about not advocating for the death of non-whites?

Who is advocating that?

This is the stupidest shit I've seen today
Post your face, you are probably an underage dumbass that should stick to lurking

Name one person advocating that

20 years old

Explain to me why it's a bad idea

Spend more than 3 minutes on Sup Forums.

Because no one but larping faggots and underage retards would want something like that
Stop posting without understanding what this place is about
Fucking Sup Forums meetup, give me a break.

Yeah I'm sure they are actual politicians suggesting we implement genocide laws against minorities.

>Because no one but larping faggots and underage retards would want something like that

How about somebody who wants to win?

What exactly is your goal? What do you wanna win?

Survival of western civilization

>what if we have this huge gathering...
>... we all espouse how much we want to gas the kikes and hang niggers?
>why does no one take us seriously?

>our movement
the imageboard is anonymous for a reason
Sup Forums is for discussion without repercussion
worrying about PR is worrying about repercussion
stop larping and lurk moar, faggot

There's actual white nationalist parties you know & they don't advocate for anything like that.

>they don't advocate for anything like that.
But they secretly believe it.

You are fucking retarded. Are you a burger? Thats the only way you can get your little Sup Forums meetup because no one else gives a shit.

Cool how you can read minds & shit.

I don't know about you but I actually want to do something about this situation & get actual political power to save the west.

If the sum of your ambitions is to shitpost on pol all day that's fine, but don't attack me for trying to do something.

What's holding this 'movement' back is the fact that you could lose your job just being recognized at the assemblies. You'll never get large-scale participation if people have to worry about getting fired for 'misrepresenting' the company they work for. Yvette Felarca, one of the leaders of BAMN, was caught on camera assaulting someone and got to keep her job as a school teacher. The police were even there ignoring the whole thing. That's power. The right has the momentum but not the power

Exactly, so what do we do about that? I say change our image until it's embraced.

Fuck off you lefty faggot. There is no "our movement".

Go back to the shithole you came from, fag

>projecting: the post
why don't you go to your local town hall and do something? get politically active. don't sit here on Sup Forums expecting THE HAPPENING just because you larp with good intentions.

>girls just wanna have fun
Your sure you're in the right board

I'm trying to discuss strategy. Why don't you contribute instead of trying to shut me down faggit?

Yeah there is.


My idea always for the EDL in England was to organise a choir and simply chant over Muslim demonstrations.
The organisation started as a counter protest so by drowning out muzzie voices with christian and patriotic hymns would have been ideal I think. Also impossible to demonize.
I went to a protest once realized that the EDL Was too far gone at this point. I was too late. I found some people who liked the idea in theory but unwilling to put it into practice.

You are an unfortunate victim of brainwashing, kid. You are on the wrong path, but there is still time to recover.

Or maybe you are.

Already a thread about rebranding the NatSoc movement.

What am I brainwashed about buddy?

>implying memes aren't fun and that we have no relevance to modern influences
>implying acting like degenerates as if you're in a Disney Channel music video will make a statement we stand behind

But that's the difference between Pol & actual real life white nationalist movements.

Pol doesn't take itself so seriously, and it's tons of memes & humor which attracts people.

While the image of white nationalism IRL scares people away, because it seems so serious.

I think a good mixture balance of serious & humorous & fun is the most healthy for our growth.

And that is also the image that the mainstream media is trying to paint, a really serious group of angry people.

We shouldn't let them.

Fuck off

Pol is a white nationalist board

Yeah let's be fun silly goys instead of changing things.

I bet it is shill. I bet it is.

Your trap. 0/10

>seems so serious
well it fucking is, life is war, see darwin. Western culture must maintain dominance, just need a second Enlightenment. Go listen to the classics, and if you need something lighter there's illegal fashwave.
Reject degeneracy, bring back neo-classicism. Establish yourself and work on being influential, either by practice or speech. Teach yourself, then teach others.

>well it fucking is

Yeah, but if we want to attract more people we might want to mix it up with some humor & shit. That's all I'm saying.

You new here buddy?

I think they're accurate and I won't stop being angry at destructive forces. In fact we must be destructive to them while rejoicing our supremacy. We conserve what we value and we must defend it from being taken from us. One does not go without the other.

You're playing into their hands then

We want this to be the mainstream, we don't want to scare people away & create enemies.

The left and their degeneracy pushes normies to us. I came here being moderately left during election period/pizzagate and I have completely awoken. Redpills are effective. Resuscitate. Lead by example. Be a fascist. Worship the natural order and the will of man. Deep down everyone is attracted by righteousness, so don't let anyone step on you. Crush opposition.

Okay, achmed is around the corner ready to rape your family. I suggest you surrender to ISIS this instant. Start some blog about how your skin color makes you feel ashamed for nazism, supremacy and not putting women on a pedestal enough.

I'm telling you a strategy that I think will be most effective for making it the mainstream instead of being faggots like you being edgy in your moms basement, why don't come with a counter-argument or explain why you disagree.

fuck you kike, you have said nothing.

I've said a scary image scares away normies from joining & makes them demonize us & work against our interest.

If we give off a less scary image, more people will join & support instead of working against us.

And i've also said the media is painting us as scary because it's in their interest to do so, so why should we let them?

White nationalists have been painted by the Jewish owned media as the ultimate evil for many many years, it would be in our best interest to destroy this image, and make normies think of us as normal people just like them.

Then when the Jewish media tries to demonize us, the normies will turn on the media instead of us.

Repeat yourself all you want shill, I have already responded to why your ridiculous perspective is based on nothing. Your "solutions" are degenerate and insulting. Are you not a jew then you must be below 18, either way, nobody is falling for you shit, JIDF child.

If you are so serious why not attack these ebil mediams you speak of? Nobody is buying their shit either except eurovegan soccer moms. Do it, take your assault shotgun and show them who's boss. Be part of the beta uprising. Make it a decent kill count, will you?

Okay, I guess since you have a Nationalist Socialist flag you must automatically be someone with our best interests at heart, and totally not shutting down my ideas on how to make us mainstream because you're a Jewish shill.

Why logic when you can shut down.

You're the one in denial faggot, and you should listen when daddy talks. You have no better ideas then shut the fuck up. Pro tip: you don't have better ideas otherwise you wouldn't be here shouting in this MSM echo chamber.

Go back to playpen toddler. You're probably an american who cringes at the idea of white supremacy since in your country you have never seen it properly. If jealousy and obesity is not the reason you're denouncing my contribution and not actually contributing yourself, you're a JIDF mossad cia agent shill under the age of 18. Go watch disney channel if you want TV to dictate your world and believe happy fags like yourself can make a difference.

I'm out of here, sage.
