>not covering their faces
Are you fucking for real? Even antifa aren't this retarded. Everyone in the widely circulated pictures has already been identified and it's only a matter of time until the rest are too.
>not covering their faces
Are you fucking for real? Even antifa aren't this retarded. Everyone in the widely circulated pictures has already been identified and it's only a matter of time until the rest are too.
Other urls found in this thread:
Every single one of them is going to lose their job and be on welfare for the rest of their lives, ironically becoming the niggers they hate so much. The stormfags lost their website; they're shilling on Sup Forums now.
That's the difference, though. The right will stand for their beliefs while the leftists just come off as hooligans who burn and destroy while hiding their faces behind masks. If they went there with masks it would have been awful for the public eye.
Why would they? They have pride in their heritage and their cause unlike subhuman antifa babies who fight for the state like the useful idiots they are.
That's exactly the problem. They have more pride than common sense.
Which is exactly what authoritarian statists want.
The endgame is the suspension of the first amendment, followed by the second. You can guess what happens next.
Pretty sure you don't have any common sense. Thanks to them not covering up they different from the violent left AND if they continue not to have masks on the numbers will grow large enough you being identified wouldn't matter jack shit and it'll be like a drop in a sea. But I wouldn't expect to see a britbong with a nutsack so I'm not surprised by your reaction.
White men and women stand up with PRIDE
we're not pussys who hide behind masks and mudslime veils.
Based Martyr's are based
>be cowards too, so we can call you as such REEEE
or they'll just return to their hometowns and get jobs because no one outside of leftist activist gives a shit
If they take your guns away, the next step is fema camps.
>hi, just wanted to let you know X was at a nazi rally this past weekend
>X, You're fired.
Sup Forums does this to lefties all the time, they will do it back.
They are probably self employed.
I think you'll find that most conservatives find this tiki torch bullshit embarrassing...
Damn, I never knew the Alt Right was so cute!
The fact they are revealing their faces seems to indicate they don't think they are at risk of firing.
Self employed or employers that agree with them.
>If they went there with masks it would have been awful for the public eye.
Are you implying Saturdays events weren't already awful for the public eye?
Definitely true dude. A few of these guys have already been doxxed by leftist twitter and found out to be students, and a couple that I've seen have already been fired.
>covering your face to express your opinions
>The stormfags lost their website
I'm guessing you missed the fact the owner is trolling
It's not a problem, unlike the cowardly antifa that's going around causing problems, they don't need to cover their faces, they are not there to cause problems. You can accuse them of being racist, nazis and all that, but they didn't do anything and people will see that with their own eyes. They are just normal people protesting for their race, but they aren't rioting and that's the main difference. Putting a mask on automatically makes you suspicious, it's like you're preparing to cause some problems. In BLM and antifa case that becomes apparent, especially since no one would take antifa seriously had they shown their faces proving they are just a bunch of kids. They might get doxxed, but they all knew the risk they were taking
Hiding your face is for cowards and fits Antifa who are just faggots
Where the fuck do you think we are?
can't happen with success, people won't let it happen
>The stormfags lost their website
Literally or figuratively?
>Sup Forums does this to lefties all the time
give me a one example
Feels nice being self employed. If they ever dox me, what are they going to do? report me to me?
Why? Nobody has anything to hide. They are not doing anything wrong. The more people see and understand this; the more normalized it becomes and people who were afraid start to join.
Covering your face only helps the medias agenda that you are some terrorist neo-nazis.
Obvious shill post.
It's illegal to wear masks in Virginia.
Neither, it's literally fake news. even MSM like The Guardian wasn't dumb enough to believe it
A chinese claymation forum.
I do not hide my beliefs in public,
They followed the law and it also shows a clear difference between them and the commie scum. I approve of it myself. Plenty of time for masks when the real fun starts anyways.
When exactly did bongs become such insufferable pussies?
Good for the having real conviction whilst everyone else is a fucking coward completely fear ridden and enslaved by the financial jew, "b b but muuh job" fucking pathetic cuck bullshit, exactly how the west let itself get in this mess in the first place controlled like donkey with a carrot.
product of the police state.
How was this shit shit a big deal again? Except for the car thingy i mean
Just a couple from hundreds and thousands? Sounds like there is little danger if being fired, dude.
Who cares half of them are CIA shills the others LARPers.
>no-one gives a shit
>gets fired
I live in a police state at least I have an excuse
I've done it to people who were violent at the women's march
It's probably one of our paki's who's buttfrustrated his wife got told to stop wearing a balaclava to the grocery stores again.
You can tell by the inability to understand how white men might have some pride in what they're doing and not need to hide.
why would we listen to you foreigners???
you guys don't know shit
they can blackmail your customers
It's the US. People there get fired all the time for no reason. It's a product of their glorious far right economics and left wing useful idiots.
B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but masks make you a pussy, r-r-r-r-r-r-r-right?
These faggots lost all credibility the moment they started heiling Hitler and walking around with swastikas.
Did they want to become a national joke?
Because this is how you become a national joke.
Being from UK, most of the people you see have covered faces. Those guys
>did nothing wrong
>are armed
wearing a mask delegitimizes everything and implies you are doing something wrong
It's illegal to cover your face in Virginia retard. But you're right, why couldn't they see the light? Just stay on the internet and post Pepes, FUCKIN' BASED! Never leave the internet if you want to save the white race lol
Lmao you think these people have jabs
>who were violent
not what i've asked for
You're right, they followed the law until one of them ran over a group of commies with their dodge
>lose job
>lose friends and family
>tons of other who share my ideology do too
Shucks! Better get together with all the other people who lost their job and work together to make something of ourselves!
...didn't leftists come up with the whole doxxing bullshit before right wingers turned it right back at the worst of them? I remember it was swatting initially before it became doxxing thanks to dumblr
criminals wear masks
looks like the mustard race aren't too smart
I don't think 50 year old John and Claire who want patio lights installed are gonna give a shit
Nope, white americunt are denegerate who spread ultra political correctness into the world
"people" gonna do it , the real people who vote nixon or reagan already dead
And next time they show up with mask. They went full nazi and shooting every leftist and minority
Good, more people need to loose jobs and get thought policed. It will end just like before Hitler came to power.
> blaming white americans for degeneracy
Is it possible for me to get doxxed if iv deleted Facebook, don't use twitter, don't upload pictures of myself etc?
This uproar has not made me less of a white male but I have gotten rid of any social media I was on.
>he fell for Anglin's bait even though it was obviously written by him (he has a specific form of dyslexia dealing with homophones)
Precisely why this is a retarded move by leftists. The young/true right has been building their own network of people and businesses. This will only accelerate the phenomenon. It's going to create a parallel society and the ones that don't network will have nothing to lose.
So, it's immediate, obvious proof that they have more balls than their opponents? If there are things that Americans hate, it's boldness and bravery. Wow. How will they ever recover?
Well they were having a peaceful march (albeit w/ torches), the didn't set out to commit a crime other than exercise their first amendment rights, and they shouldn't wear masks for that, otherwise America is seriously fucked.
The protest the day after with everyone Larping around with Nazi flags really isolated them from a population which is brought up to despise nazis. Doesn't really get sympathy, even if the left were the aggressors.... I mean what did they expect with that power level reveal?
yes, frog
White Americunt are problem
Fucking 68 movement , political correctness
Wonderful idea! Let's cover our faces anons ^_^
Reminds me of how the bongs fought Mel Gibson in The Patriot
soros instructed them not to
They are LARPers. No need to cover up anything when the kikes controlling them will let them off the hook once they finished their D&C objective.
I mean if you don't show up at any nazi rallies i think you'll be fine.
>> ill call you a coward while i hide behind a memeflag
If the country loses it's entire conservative white male work force, who are they going to tax to pay the dontdoz.
Ghosts spoop me tho, plz no
I don't want to be limited by what I can and can support irl by some basement dwelling communists. So I'm organising my interest behavior to make doxxing harder.
We're on the ascendant.
This is what they call an "early adopter" in the tech world.
No. Blacks aren't on welfare due to losing their jobs through coercion and political pressure, they're just lazy. These people have honor, LARPers or not.
I suppose so, you do you man
You can always be doxed, if you're on the front headlines of the national newspapers and media, someone must recognise you, especially if you're a student or the protest is where you live. Reporters would probably ask around, "oh I know that guy, he's in my engineering class!" + your number will probably be in a phone/address directory etc.
Unless you're a neet with nothing to lose
>Being used as a deep state psyop
Punch a faggy "liberal"
It's illegal to run people over with a car, too, and this didn't stop the altcucks from doing it.
There's nothing I like more than a 100% only group of whites.
Only east asians are comparable, and for all their goodness they are still disgusting ant, bee hive pesudo-men.
This gives me hope and happiness.
Expect more.
The odds of getting on tv or the news is pretty rare unless you show up at a high profile event. Deleting your accounts protects you from what this board does to antifa and what lefties do to the alt right
Covering you face means that you intend to break the law. So no.
lol people were attacking his car and he panicked. Don't stand in the middle of a fucking road and act like a bunch of chimped out niggers if you don't like getting run over.
wew lad, there's a difference between freedom of speech and an actual crime, don't want to lose that "violent left" angle you got going on
My colleagues are all either white or Muslim. So I would only need to tell the Muslims that I hate gays and want women back in their place. They would like me more.
Secretly I want the Muslims gone and I don't give a shit about gays or women.
you wish cucкfag, nothing is going to happend
That Czech guy.... wish I could buy him a beer right now
I never saw a black until I was over 20.. that was Eastern Europe only 2 decades ago, not middle ages.
No no. You misunderstand. I'm a centrist acting independently. I just find lefties far more irritating than righties at the moment.
Yeah, and wear some fucking masks if you don't want acid on your face.
Sadly true.
Who the fuck thinks swastika flags and waving your arm in the air will somehow help white America?
I mean fucking seriously what's the master plan here? That torch march was fantastic and an incredible sight, and then people start Sig Heiling?
Who the fuck is your audience? Who are you trying to appeal to?
Fucking imbeciles.
Well then just wear a mask or some shit, and go live your life
It's specifically to attract attention. They are the news headlines for days now.
Crowbar to the knee
>Implying multiple
It was one guy, and uncoordinated...unlike Berkeley, you actual fascist.
You make LARPing as a nazi more preferable than sitting in a basement doing nothing - you do realize that, right? You are the reason people left their basements and went to a rally about a dumb statue.
I think it's called 'blowback.'