How does it feel knowing your meme movement got someone killed?
How does it feel knowing your meme movement got someone killed?
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Pretty good wbu?
breddy gud
pretty good m8/10
One wasn't enough
>fat communist coalburner
it was about time.
lefties still have huge headstart though
BLM got multiple people killed
by those cop killing snipers
blocking ambulances on the road
but white people are the only ones with guilt and empathy so now they feel ashamed by a single murder.
Feels great. God bless America!
Name a single movement in history that didn't cause the death of at least one person. You can't, so fuck off back to Sup Forumseddit.
Horny mainly.
I dunno, ask antifa and BLM
Memes that kill ?
Feels good man
Not all Berniebros, you bigot.
Feels good man
Would have thrown them out of a helicopter, but it crashed a few blocks away.
How do the plebbitors ITT feel knowing they've destroyed the credibility of the American right and ruined trumps chances of a second term?
It crashed trying to airlift her out
Its not a meme. Pretty good, communists are not really people so.
Did they use one of those slings used to airlift whales?
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
This event wont be remembered in a month let alone 3 years from now. By then it will be as fresh in the mind of a normie as all the ISIS attacks in the last few years.
Sup Forums sure has come a long way.
Not the first newfag, neither was it the most high-profile.
I dunno, why don't you ask a communist or a BLM member?
Yeah, true, their score is depressingly higher than ours. We better try harder.
Bloooooood for the frog god
Should've called in a Chinook
>this event wont be remembered in a month
>in a month this event will be fresh in the minds of normies
Why even post if you are this retarded?
The drover is not Right Wing according to his online profile
>killing people is justified because people sometimes die
You're a retard son.
>in charge of reading comprehension.
Pretty sure standing in the road got someone killed, desu.
>Implying there was any real life lost.
She was just a coal burning communist. No one fucking cares.
Pretty fucking great
This is essentially correct. Autistic newfags thought they were so smart, but they unwittingly got tricked into labelling the entirely of their movement as driven by white supremacy and Nazism. If anyone thinks this will help them fight the Jewish media then they are legitimately unintelligent
No, killing people is justified because they were commies
They believe this is the thing that will finally crack Trump's base. Just wait until the next round of polling.
nigger I'm not actually gay.
A lot more are gonna die one way or another. I listened to a couple of Democrat strategists on NPR the other day saying they think they need to stop advocating for equal opportunity and start "directly addressing the inequality" between whites and non-whites. They are actively calling for wealth redistribution and anyone who has ever read a history book knows exactly where this leads.
>take wealth from those with the ability to produce
>give it to the non productive
>wealthy cannot produce
>non productive squander the gibs
>think it's because the wealthy still haven't given enough
>class warfare
>repeat until system collapses
Hate to break it to you, you fat retard, but what you've typed actually implies normies will remember this in a months time. God it is so fucking funny to see Americans fail at speaking the English language properly
I'm glad someone got killed, but memes and shit piss me off. I just don't find them funny.
>fat retard
weird, I was calling people that all day. it sure gets a strong reaction from lefties.
The burden she would have added to our health care system has been removed.
Her death is a net win for taxpayers wallets.
Nothing of value was lost, antifa and leftists are traitors and should be dealt with as such.
>in a month this event will be fresh in the minds of normies
Read it again you stupid faggot and quote me properly. I said this even will be AS fresh, emphasis on the word "as", since it implies that it won't be remembered very well given that normies have forgotten about ISIS attacks. Stupid fucking 3rd world flaggots I swear.
Never said it was right, just that every ideology no matter how peaceful they make it out to be has loonies who kill people.
What are you implying?
Communists aren't human. When one dies, I don't give him a second thought.
I believe he was implying that normies generally forget about ISIS attacks after a day or two of Facebook profile pic flag overlays, therefore normies will not remember Charlottesville a month from now.
But I disagree. The media is going to latch on to this and not let the normies forget like they do with every Muslim/antifa attack. The hitler saluting white males, the alt-right bogeymen, its an event that finally matches the narrative that's been pushed for years.
Literally nothing of value was lost
>Read it again you stupid faggot and quote me properly. I said this even will be AS fresh, emphasis on the word "as", since it implies that it won't be remembered very well given that normies have forgotten about ISIS attacks. Stupid fucking 3rd world flaggots I swear.
This is honestly a third world childs understanding of the English language. How do you expect to fight the highest echelons of society if you cant even speak your own language?
Stop embarrassing yourself. You are Dunning-Kruger in action.
What are you even arguing? His post makes sense.
How does it feel that your meme movement has killed twice as many people as Islamic State attacks in US over last 12 months.
How does it feel to be twice as shit as the people you hate?
>This much fucking damage control when I objectively proved you wrong
Look up the definition of a simple two letter word and then off yourself.
/sg/ has already done it like twice.
I weep for America. Your death will not be swift, nor will it be kind, but it will be what is right.
This is cultural appropriation. Japanese people don't go around eating cheeseburgers and fucking their sisters. Don't steal my culture and I won't steal yours.
I've watched enough anime to know that you guys definitely have an incest problem
Fucking great!
GAS them together.
Right now.
In sweet harmony...
can someone remake this one, it is superb for a mu-meme, just like Shadilay!
Don't stand in the street.
The end.
Yeah, yeah, death to America the great Satan. Now reveal flag.
Feels good. I'd do it again.
I feel good that it got 6 million kikes killed
I weep for your reading comprehension and borderline retarded level of denial, even when called out by three different people.
It's a low-ball number, but it's a start.
Pretty sure japan is the only country that lovea those two things more than america.
Pretty bad. We only got one of 'em.
>Can't fucking read
>Threatens death
Show us your flag faggot
Is it too soon?
V good, i didn't expect this to go down so soon, here's to killing all leftists and neocon politicians
Let the fire rise.
Prove it by sucking my dick
pretty good, and it's even more satisfying that it was a woman
Quite good actually, one less scumbag on the earth.
Who knew saving a race might get a little hairy
>communists are people
One less monkey fucker...
user its time to stop posting.
Feels pretty bloody good.
Our power is increasing
>fat antifa commies going to beat people with sticks and throw acid on people get hit with a dodge of peace
Like advertising a certain brand of breakfast food