So Sup Forumsacks tell us why we should bring you to our cyber warfare department. We are expanding tenfold and making sure we get people from every background.
Share your stories and if you seem to be who we are looking for...
Expect contact soon.
So Sup Forumsacks tell us why we should bring you to our cyber warfare department. We are expanding tenfold and making sure we get people from every background.
Share your stories and if you seem to be who we are looking for...
Expect contact soon.
Other urls found in this thread:
I call people niggers and get away with it.
I'm a leaf hire me
You don't have better options.
I have a diploma as a electrical technician and need a job
Please send job offer
You're allready aware of my stories
I have intimate knowledge of your wives and daughters pussies and film of them being spit roasted by some beaners I paid to gang bang them. Enjoy!
Dat missing flag
We here at Sup Forums are people who live in opposition to the way things are currently being run in our society.
Rather it be the pornographic epidemic which has consumed the minds of our people, homosexual behavior being viewed as normal - by even doctors, abortion being normalized, white people being mistreated simply for being white or scientists trying to tell us there's unlimited genders.
Not only in our daily lives do we have these lifestyles being impressed upon us by the degenerate sheep masses, but they also slip it into our education and our entertainment.
I would like to ask anyone reading this who pushes degenerate lifestyles to please stop.
Please stop promoting your way of life to our society.
That is all.
Thank you and go with Christ, He is with us until the end.
>Matthew 28:16-20
Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go.
When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
I will work for the russians instead
3D pornography ethically destroys societies.
Ban is a nasty word that no one likes.
However, I don't believe we can allow pornography to continue to dictate what is ethically free in the west.
Have we grown incapable of protecting the women of our western societies by allowing them to be put in harms way, in terms of abusing their bodies for capital gain?
Ask yourselves, "How many women will sexually exploit themselves in 2017 for money?"
Rather the sexual exploitation is occurring in person or online, the effects are being seen in the actions of others.
Countless billions of viewers are in the process of being so desensitized to reality, that it's horrifying - and we're likely only beginning to see these effects in the younger generations.
Overall, we know that pornography has negative effects on the brain.
When will we take the first step in repairing society by banning 3D pornography and promoting 2D pornography?
>But 2D porn isn't any better!
2D porn is ethically a better choice, no one is hurt besides the user's brain.
>Why not ban porn completely?
Because there are people out there who refuse to ban porn outright and would make a big fuss.
The best option is to make all 3D (real life) sexually stimulating images illegal, after 15 years of being 3D free, maybe we could start looking at banning 2D - one step at a time.
I can read peoples thoughts by just looking at their eyes. I also see the ether and quantum particles. I have successfully escaped police department detention cell. I have serious street knowledge and I have autism (weapons tier)
I LARP as a murican nazi and get away with it.
i just got a ban on fb for telling a nigger out of africa theory is false and debunked
im really good at triggering people with stats and swaying peoples opinion and getting people i see spouting bullshit to delete their comment out of shame hire me senpai
Are you the fags shilling up this board?
I actually know how to use Wireshark and Kali/Backtrack and am planning on getting CISSP & etc certified once im out of college. Considering most the population can't even be bothered to have a passcode on their iPhone we should be good.
Because we've been able to identify and deconstruct every single one of your operations against us. We're better than you.
a Neet who been following this from the begging ,
Sorry CIA, you are no longer necessary. Please see yourself out.
I dont fap to trap porn anymore
>Share your stories, and if you seem to be who we are looking for...
I'm an independent thinker. That's probably a liability for the CIA, though.
i have psychic powers
Sorry, just thought it would be funny.
I lurk on ATS sometimes because it makes me feel special, and I type fast.
Well that's not spooky at all
Fake and gay
Is nobody else seeing this flag?
Also, maybe later. Gotta finish my current job first. Current flag for me is wrong twice over, so disregard.
Dr Pavel,
Cuz Id do anything out of boredom that doesnt cost me my freedom(life?) Not as important. And a cia job would be great fun.
>1 post by this ID
>not high quality
>not well thought out
>not high level discourse
stop shitting up the board.
sage goes in option fields.
Will do bad things for money (I'm starving), please give me a job.
PS: I drive challengers really well and I can reverse over a mile without looking backwards.
>United States Cyber Command DoD image with numbered filename imblying it's been saved directly from Sup Forums
>/CIA/ recruitment
>random string in name field
>Antarctica proxy flag
>skykangz 8992 no repet
good catch. i barely even look at flags anymore
Because I'm a cold heartless monster who's fantastic at reading body language, and using it to manipulate to further my own goals.
because im the cult of personality
I want money
Nice flag m8
also gay and homosexual
I am in tune with this culture, I would prove to be a valuable asset
Also you wouldt have to ask me twice to do shit, id be so down even if its morally wrong as long as im not phYsically there.
I'm good at shitposting.
(DISKORD) (DOT) gg/ucwm74W
I'm already putting together a network.
Would love to have you around, even if just as company.
Why do the elites ritually rape, sacrifice, and cannibalize children, OP? Can you tell me what the purposes were behind MKultra/MKoften? How many branches were there in those kinds of programs? What was the CIA's connections to the franklin scandal?
I don't care about other humans lifes neither their feelings. I really don't hice a shit about anything.
Nice flag
>This thread
I fucking love America.
There is nothing in my life I want more than to make a difference. Contributing to a cause greater than myself is my dream in life. My goals and my morals are the only things that are keeping me going at this point and they drive me with passion beyond words. I go to my wage slave job every day and I'm sickened by the monotony of it all. I'm sickened by the people that I have to deal with and their ignorance of the evils and threats of the modern day world. Their safe space bubbles that they so comfortably reside in repulse me.
I miss what made America so great. I miss the fire that people had to move forward. Not this bullshit progressive movement now, but striving towards a genuinely brighter tomorrow. When we, as a collective people, dreamed of reaching the stars, and of feeding the hungry, and of sheltering the homeless.
Seeing and hearing about the mountains of injustice today fill me with nothing but rage. But I do believe that there is still hope. I am not ready to lie down and go gently into that good night. Before the end I promise you, one way or another that I will make a difference. Whether I get my chance with a government agency or whether I make one myself is yet to be determined.
Of course this thread is either a LARP or a honeypot to find potential patriots and take them out. I won't be silenced.
>missing flag
>shitty low res .jpg
I´m studying computing engineering so a work at the CIA would be appreciated.
At least OP has a good sense of picking a proxy flag.
Now that's the rarest of flags
I'm a Linux high performance computing administrator but I can do anything in between reverse engineering and assembly to rapid high level development. I also have good computer networking skills and experience working in data centers. If you give me a task, I'll make sure it gets done, not only as part of my work ethic, but because I really enjoy what I do
>divergent thinking
>natural bullshit detector
>hyperfocus when the topic is interesting aka weaponized autism
>several years of experience in the german cyber underground economics
>knowledge about all kind of malware
1. Image cannot be attributed to any specific organization.
2. Uses board grammar, indicates poster/organization is familiar with what the board is and how it works. Therefore, they know what they're looking for.
3. Deliberate action where not necessary. May be indicating deliberate action in posting.
4. I have browsed this board for years and never even heard of an Antarctica flag. .aq registration requirements: "Must have physical presence in Antarctica or be a governmental organization signatory to the Antarctic Treaty".
nice try,trump tower
i dont fall for your drumpf new york tricks
I graduated at the top of my class at Shitposter Academy. I majored in Racial Flame-war Theory with a minor in Quantum Memetics.
I'm an expert at producing counter propaganda. With me on your side movements like the alt right will not be able to take off without being ridiculed.
I LARP in believable ways, often using proxies to reply to myself with weak memes and counterargument I can refute. I am an oldfag, familiar with most of the popular boards and their culture. I am very good at subversion.
*May be indicating deliberate intent in posting.
Do I get to be bring friends?
YoU'Re RiGHt I FoUnD iT
>ITT newfags don't know who OP is
I'm good at motivating people
Why would I work for the government and not a contractor? Freedom of movement on multiple projects. Also you can not afford me.
Me too, thanks
The .AQ domain is available to government organisations who are signatories of the Antarctic Treaty. A .AQ domain name is also available to registrants who have a physical presence in Antarctica. But it’s so cold and we don’t want you to freeze so we’ll allow a physical presence to include unattended installations owned or operated by the registrant, and short term visits to the ice by the registrant or its employees. Plus you’ll need a letter signed by the officer in charge of the base or expedition. Don't forget your coat!
By registering a .AQ domain name, you're proving your commitment to Antarctica. Local websites attract local traffic, as users show a preference for going using local businesses. Language and currency are familiar, and delivery costs are going to be lower. This means that your .AQ website will rank higher in local searches, and you'll maximise your revenue.
The registration of a .AQ domain name asks that the Owner and Administrative contact have a local presence in Antarctica.
>The .AQ registry asks for a letter signed by the officer in charge of the base or expedition, to support your application.
It wouldnt be impossible to fake such "signed" letter - official in charge will have the responsibility
humans can be tricked through social engineering
im cheap
I can do psyops at university. Moreover I look like a degenerate leftist so I can do all kinds of undercover work. As long as the pay is good. Since I am Dutch nobody will suspect me
Are you shitposting from New Swabia
im autistic and work in IT is that enough?
I've been doing this for five years plus i'm a foreign faggot so
gib money for shitposting
we found the hwndu flag under a day and it took you guys 10 to find bin laden
You are controlled by kikes why would i want to work with you
>I actually know how to use Wireshark and Kali/Backtrack and am planning on getting CISSP & etc certified once im out of college.
>The shill fell for this old meme.
If you don't have the power in you to resist, your soul will be corrupted. Save yourself and leave this board for good.
No thanks,
I'm working towards making a career in the FBI
my uncle built you and the nsa a helluva data center. then you niggers fucking killed him, send offer anyways. or if youre larp, KYS NIGGER .
either way KYS SPOOK
Wow, French war flag, never seen one as this!
Implying CIA experience and a TS clearance won't put you ahead of other applicants.
What's the chance of a random shitposter getting an AQ IP
>implying I'd work for the enemy
HEY! JEW I A ! If you are real, post pics of area 51. oTHERWISE yoU are a faggpot.
>making sure we get people from every background.
Fucking pokemon players took over the HR department again...
Redpill me on the holocaust. David Irving says it kind of happened and over 2 million jews died
Probably, but I'm doing it the other way around.
Once I had a nice career in the bureau, I'll try and give a shot at Langley.
I'm well versed in Philosophy, Occultism, theology, and politics. I don't have many friends. I can type 100 wpm. I'm a jazz musician, who is classically trained. I'm a psychology major, working towards a masters. I train kick boxing. PICK ME
you must be truly desperate to come to pol for this
I really don't have anything better to do right now. I mean im probably not the most skilled but i learn fast when motivated, like laser focus learning.
I'm sorry, I don't want to work with flaming jew-cock sucking faggots. Go back to getting fucked by your pet polar bear you LARPing scum.
I study radical behaviorism and operant conditioning. Let me MK Ultra some cunts.
I don't hate America enough to be in the CIA.
because i can communicate clearly, think critically and analyze patterns to gain information. especially interested in memetics, semiotics and the evolution of culture. my education is in history, specifically the downfall of empires. i have a theory that you can explain the dissolution of any empire using the second law of thermodynamics. i'm a student of the occult.
i won't sell my soul though, so if that's a precondition for employment count me out. otherwise i think i'd be a great CIAnigger!
ps is it true that you guys glow in the dark
Because I have no remorse.
why are you asking on Sup Forums and not Sup Forums ?
Why would you want to work for the CIA? There are other agencies with much, much, much nicer digs and roles.
I got an interview with the NSA but i didn't get the job. How big of a guy do you need to be to get into the CIA?