Rural and suburban retards will cling to their beliefs because they have nothing else going on.
There are no rural and suburban retards in mainland Europe.
Rural and suburban retards will cling to their beliefs because they have nothing else going on.
There are no rural and suburban retards in mainland Europe.
Yes there are. Wtf are you talking about?
>Yurocucks will never know the feel of owning 100 acres and an armory of high caliber weaponry to defend it
I'd almost feel bad for you guys if you weren't such limp dick spineless nu-males
This is a lie.
>Le Pen: lost
>Hofer: lost
>Wilders: lost
>AfD: polling in the single digits
As evidenced by Trump and Brexit, the rural and suburban retard phenomenon is confined to America and UK.
The answer is pretty obvious.
Cut away the atheist Eastern parts and the prot*stant Northern and Western parts of Germany and you'll be on Poland levels.
They still exist. Just because they don't win national elections doesn't mean they aren't there.
He's talking about Mainland (Frankfurt)
We're truly winning
Defend from what? A 54% white rate? A corporate owned Congress? Out of control SJWs? Majority black major cities?
Yeah, good job defending against those. Well done.
Church is gay.
Christianity is not European.
Church supports open borders.
Less ignorance, more (secular) education.
>complains about christianity
>posts some heretic burgers
What comes next, you talling me that England is Christian?
>Less ignorance, more (((secular))) education.
look at how smug that obese fatso is lol
>I'm mos defenetely for abolishing them hatreds. mmm-hmm
Isn't gluttony a sin?
k. Melkamu Abdul Azard
protestants blown the fuck out
if you consider yourself to be somewhere on the rightwing, no matter if conservative or full blown natsoc, you can't support christianity in europe.
church wants openborders, massimmigration and bends the knew to islam on daily basis.
>church wants openborders, massimmigration and bends the knew to islam on daily basis
The american church doesn't?
Eastern euros doesn't count. And i said that Maine was more religious than most western european countries. Not all
>if you consider yourself to be somewhere on the rightwing, no matter if conservative or full blown natsoc, you can't support christianity in europe.
These are some wewuzins levels of retardation.
Every family you see with an adopted nigger child is Christian.
You have leftist retards who arrest people for mean comments towards muslims online mehmet. Can't wait for the next trucking.
>No Slovenia
Shame, beautiful country with beautiful woman.
>Italy, Irelans, Poland, Czechia
>More than 30%, no upper limit given
You're shit at building arguments you know that?
>There are no suburban retards
How do you explain Antifa?
I live in a City called Heide (20,821 Souls large)
And the Local Party-street with Pubs, Bars and such is filled with Antifa-Propaganda and it makes me sick to the fucking Stomache to see these disgusting malcontents put their mark on my pretty City.
fucked up, meant Slowakia
The better question is why the US is more religious than comparable Western European countries
I don't get it
Did he mix up Germany and USA here?
Well I'm Proud anyway.
Can't waitcfor you to scream for "the suburban retards" to help when you're about to get beheaded by achmed
Because that's coming sooner than you think with the state pf your pathetic excuse of a country
This is a lie.
Liberalism is the result of political, economic and social enlightenment and, therefore, the exact opposite of rural and suburban retards.
because it never had to suffer from a catholic "statechurch"
lots of people actually left europe for exactly that reason
Antifa is controlled opposition and was formed by false-flagging rural and suburban retards.
Pretty sure more than 50% of Germans do not live in cities.
>Italy Ireland
More religious than Maine
>Poland Czechia
Eastern european.
My argument works just fine
I said it was more religious than almost all west european countries. Not all of them
Praise Allah.
That pretty much was the question. I just used the least religious state in the US as an argument for how religious the whole country is
of course, among other things, but nobody is perfect.
It's because of world war 1 and 2.
America hasn't had the bloodshed on their continent and thus hasn't experienced the hopelessness that in turned pushed people away from the church.
combine that with education reforms and boom goodbye religion
k then
maybe it's because you have so many niggers and spics?
So it is this guy's fault if so many Bangladeshi are landing in Italy.
>if you consider yourself to be somewhere on the rightwing, no matter if conservative or full blown natsoc, you can't support christianity in europe.
Proof that most "right-wing" people don't know what they are talking about.
Because American stats count the Afro-American churches too, the ones where people go play and sing.
lurk moar newfriend
>Europe has one currency
>Europe has one central bank
Because western European is more logical and rational and does not rely on pathetic delusions for existence. They acknowledge that at the end, everything is meaningless, whereas eastern Europe is less intelligent and has contributed nothing to research.
Chatolic hungarians tried to save your fucking asses and holded the line against the turks you ungrateful mountain jews. You only get your capital besidged once as far as I know.
Because European christians are paulinians, not followers of Jesus Christ.
That's why western Europe is cucked, lol
Yet christian faith is big part of most of Europe's culture ,and culture and haritage that keeps a healthy society functioning.
Good meme, but many major urban areas voted to leave like Birmingham, Sheffield and Bradford.
I'd rather take an country with rational propel over one with christkikes. They are the ones bringing down europe, their sandnigger religion isn't welcomed here.
>"The corpse was provided with a council," details one historian's account, "who wisely remained silent while Pope Stephen raved and screamed his insults at it." The moldering body was then stripped of its sacred vestments, three fingers on its right hand were hacked off and what was left of the corpse was dragged through the streets of Rome and dumped into the Tiber river. Stephen, though, didn't last long; he was strangled to death by his own enemies the following year.
I think what it comes down to is the loss of national identity and patriotism (as part of the push for multiculturalism). If for example being Christian is no longer a defining factor for being "a true German" and your own culture loses more relevance it will become less important to you. Urbanization is certainly also an issue, but that is because cities are overwhelmingly multicultural whereas the rural areas are predominantly mono-ethnic.
>Modern day Western Europe is logical and rational
You don't know jack shit about European christians. One of the main anti refugee narrative in hungary is that "the refugees are not christian and have a foregin culture".
Faith is just like Nationalism, a necessary evil that holds a big group together. Otherwise you get a bunch of hedonists.
Shariablue fags really aren't even trying anymore
Stop it you, get your own women
How about Mudslimes fucking your daughters?
Already have.
what's your point Janosz?
>bends the knew to islam on daily basis
is that europe? are these people catholic officials?
Nah it's murica, they would have been arrested for hate speech in Europe.
His name is Brother Dean. He's an evangelical and he loves to trigger libs.
what's your point then?
people can larp as deus vult crusaders 24/7. that doesn't change the fact that the policies of the major church branches are the political enemy
t. Muhammad the conqueror of london
Grow up.
He's trying to say that, if it wasn't for christianity, we(or they) all would be muslims, because they wouldn't save your asses. It's a shame that in so little period of history the entire church tradition in the trash bin thanks to marxists that infiltered and corrupted the church. That's the main reason you see catholics being harassed here, because what today is considered christianity has little more to do with old christianity than the costumes.
Flag checks out
you confuse the church with the church's officials
Christian people don't praise the Pope/it's official, they praise the Church's teachings/saints
Go be a fedora-tipping faggot elsewhere
I started attending again in winter 2016.
Hopefully I am not the only one.
He said that you can't support Christianity and be right wing. Supporting Christianity =/= supporting every policy of organized churches.
>policies of the major church branches
That's why I'm non-denominational and a member of a local independent Baptist church. They don't have an organized hierarchy like catholics or protestants do and don't have to submit to any "policies".
>christian people don't praise the pope
>you confuse the church with the church's officials
you really should grab a book and look into something called catholicism and the role of the pope
Your country is literally being taken over by those who so cling, user.
White self-hatred is SICK!!
Grow up.
This is a lie.
I don't know why rural and suburban retards consider hyperbole to be a suitable substitute for sound arguments.
>and don't have to submit to any "policies".
except they don't
I've done my catechism you faggot, nowhere did it say to "praise the Pope" before you fall asleep.I pray to God and the holy trinity, not to some guy from Vatican.
Retarded faggots like you believe all catholics are popists(lmao) when they are not, most catholics today don't even subscribe to the current Pope's south-american commie policies.And they don't have to, if you don't agree you just got to ignore him, yes he's either shilling or you could believe the more blue-pilled reasoning which is that he does these things because christianity and catholicism in the west is dying.
Let's imagine there's a dark power ruling the earth, a malevolent deity, let's call him Yahweh, he woudl have his very own people dedicated to evil, let's call them jews, to whom he would give power and riches so they can rule the Earth.
This malevolent creature would fool people into worshipping him by masquerading behind a religion of light and behind an alleged great prophet, let's call him Jesus.
Let's imagine that this belief buttwrecks bot kikes and christkikes alike, not only does it remove the mask of kikes but it also enrages christians to no end.
Pic related, a christian so butthurt about gnosticism he advocates for murder.
>muh trollz
are you part of the catholic church?
if you are and don't think that the pope is your spiritual leader on earth you should probably drop out and pick a denomination that is actually aligned with your attitude.
True. In Sweden the church is always pushing for open borders. Christianity destroyed our culture and made us weak. The christian globalist mentality is so deeply ingrained in us.
Great argument. I can't even tell if you're a butthurt c*tholic or an atheist.
>Bad mouthing Christianity while striving to live in a peaceful country which abides by the Christian moral values.
You niggers need Jesus or at least some basic education.
have a (you)
The last good Pope was PJ2, yes i reckon Francis as the vicar of Christ and i follow his word but that's it.I don't have to literally do whatever he says just because who he is.If he tells me to jump off a cliff i'm not going to.
Go be a shill somewhere else
As a gay lefty Bavarian, I was raised Catholic but I have never really been religious.
>Why is this the case?
fuck off ahmed
Jesus is the last propeth of islam
and you should follow his order
deal with it
no shilling was done.
at least you admitted that you are just cherrypicking and have issues with church policies.
have a good day
Because god, duh.