So Hitler won?
So Hitler won?
Apparently yes
So Hitler fanatics are building a new Reich in Brazil??
Then why are the Jews still here and controlling our country ?
You niggers want to remove gays... they're making brazil white.
>fags and single moms raising whites
>whites become niggers
>hitler "wins"
Yes, user.
They've figured it out.
The way to become first world is letting your mixed women get pregnant with white germanic seed.
IIRC Doc Mengele moved to Brazil after the war?
Hitler won, just like Hillary won. It's called Socialist winning; When we lose we actually won.
>with central european background
What would the world do without Germany? We're carrying the burden of the world on our shoulders. Since 1618.
Well at least these guys in Blumenau can get rich easily now by masturbating furiously.
>5' 11'
What's that? 1,75m? What a fucking joke.
>entire Reich cabinet made of raven haired, black eyed men
Truly blasts the neurons
Wasn't there a village in Brazil that had alot of twins in it?
why do they want manlets though?
thos confuses me
It's 1.80 or above. Average, not manlet
Yeah VICE made some documentary about it years back.
Turns out all of southwest Brazil is neu-Germania that supports the rest of the mongrel nation.
>bleaching the world without even trying
trying is the fun part.
>tfw hue posters were whiter than me this whole time
Why are they importing future manlets?
So is it true that latinas like stereotypical aryan looking guys?
M-maybe I should book a trip to Brazil some time
in the same time period 5billion black favelados were born
h-have they learned?
Once you get to choose your baby, how many people will decide against having a cute blonde blue-eyed boipucci?
I think that's the extreme minimum required height.
men dont need to be tall anymore maybe for ancient battle but not now the age of manlets rises
I love thse smell of lanklett butthurt in the afternoon.
that's how we became ubersmench
If that's how the average person looks in the future I'll take it. BLANDA UP boys.
I wonder how manny of them will survive to age 20
Literally the average height around here buddy.
Is int eugenics at extrame?
> Allow LBGT to have Aryan kids
> In brazil
> Dengerouse for kids as fuck
> Only strong will survive
This is eugenics program as fuck :D
Some of the hottest Victoria secret models are from there.
>tfw 5'11 white, blue eyed, blonde male
huebrahs can we cut the process and just have me fuck your qtpies?
Too many
The hottest Victoria secret model is trap. Women can't compete
am i white Sup Forums
Yes, you're whiter than average american
why don't cha fuck off, show your flag asshole
Will science, natutral selection, and popular demand save the white race?
Typical clueless Eurotard, living in a future Islamic country where the most common name among the youth is "Mohammed."
Blonde hair currently makes up 2% of the world population.
Still got a ways to go.
5'10 - 6 foot is real man height.
6'1 + just makes you look like an awkward lanklet. Also as your body scales up you get uglier and your muscle insertions look shittier.
>inb4 manlet im exactly 6 foot
There has never been a single invention or cultural achievement of worth done by a blonde haired person. prove me wrong.
>inb4 manlet im exactly 6 foot
they threw that in not to upset manlets
im 5'10 and wouldnt wish this life upon any boy across the world.
You are probably one of those 5'7 manlets who say 5'10, i am 5'11 and is the perfect height for the modern world
181 cm
lmao seriously women are that tall these days
i/m 190 even tho my father is 173
We wuz hitler n shiet
This is so racist...
Who the fuck want a nigger baby? Only Swedish girls and Californians
>6 foot
>not a manlet
chose one
Watch as the Big Powers in the world just look at Brazil in a bad way and Brazil will do anything they want, we are a domesticated country.
Sperm donation legit makes me rage and fuck every "man" who does it. You are enabling degeneracy and the removal of males' presence from society by providing the very one thing they absolutely need from you, all without any of the added baggage of living as nature intended. Fuck you. Fuck you. Fuck you.
>the next reich won't be german but brazilian
Do you have any source to back this meme? It would be good if true.
Most men get darker hair once they grow older. Most blonds gets darker hair at 20-30. Sometimes earlier.
It's 100% true. Brazilian women are whores and racist sluts
Traps can't reproduce and thus have no need for a sperm bank in brazil.
>I am deeply upset that alfa males can afford to have white children without the burden that a wife is and without having to pay the bills, which is something I could never aspire to accomplish. Feels bad, man
top zozzle m8
What a fucking ridiculous monkey-nation Brazil is.
Every man or woman there is either of Mestizo descent, or a beige subhuman with black hair and jack-teeth. The vast, vast minority of people in Brazil are what I would ever consider white.
I appreciate their overall lack of faith in brown/ poo looking soccer niggers, but Brazil will 100% be getting the gas on DOTR.
>tfw brazil race-mixed so hard that they all became redpilled
I live in the south and here most people are 100% european, mostly germans, italians and poles. There are some people of portuguese origin too. It's rare to see a black person in my town, they are always migrants from the north of the country. There are no indians or descendent of indians too.
Also, there is no racial tension here, both blacks and whites share the same culture so it's alright.
>when choosing, anyone would pick the superior race
people just pretend to be progressives, they actually prefer whites
Can you post the dog that looks like him?
As an American, you'll have to forgive us for seeing the "national culture" in Brazil as merely soccer, hue's, and gang-rape.
They also make some nice planes.
why is the amazon river so dirty?
>national preference are 5'11'', blond and blue eyed men
I'm all of those
5´11 is manlet status desu but if you're blonde and blue eyed then you're good in my book
Maybe because it runs over dirt? What were you expecting?
5'11 is 180 cm i.e. not manlet.
Are you retarded?
Jag vet. Anything under 6´1 ( 185cm) is manlet status.
>what were you expecting?
maybe shitskins like you poo in it?
Brazil used to be like 80% white
Next step is getting rid of that uma delicia language that sounds like a frogs last words when driven over by a truck and being high on weed. Also create an ethno state and built a wall.
IT used to be, Brazil was also the slave capital
Europeans have settled there over time. Whatever settlement they accomplished has been largely for nothing.
There are a precocious amount of niggers, spics, and actual monkeys breeding with already browned-whites. It's nearly impossible to bring pure whites from Europe to the nether regions of South America and expect to remain that way. It's part of the reason why most sensible whites stay away from anything below Texas.
Brazil's culture has always been a fucking joke. The only thing that redeems them is the slavery, other than that Brazil populated by a Portuguese speaking monkey-race that rapes everything near them that doesn't have a soccer ball on it.
>bRazIl cuLturE
let's see that flag ameritard
Use normal measures barbarians.
Yeah, I know how bad it is. Brazil was the slave capital that's why there's so many blacks
Is this a pasta?