North Korea’s Missile Success Is Linked to Ukrainian Plant, Investigators Say
North Korea’s Missile Success Is Linked to Ukrainian Plant, Investigators Say
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big if true
It could be true, Ukraine is known for selling various technology on black market.
They sold Kh-55 to Iran and China and what not.
I thought Ukraine would've learned the last time they messed around with nuclear stuff
Looks like they sold North Korea engines for missiles. Ukraine also produces missile guidance systems using laser gyroscopes.
Norks could be using Ukrainian guidance system along with engine
Blimey, a lot of Putinbots in this thread
>inb4 Ukraine gets sanctioned
Is NyTimes Putinbot site?
Ukraine's military is largely National Socialistic.
>pic related
Russia wants to invade Ukraine because Putin is a Jew. This is a falseflag to invade Ukraine and North Korea.
Dont fall for Jewish tricks.
dont fall for jewish tricks!
So Putin is against North Korea?
You sold technology and production to North Korea. Ukraine is literally finished.
Putin has his own interests in mind - namely strengthening Russia, and to do that, he needs Ukraine. Israel is against NK tho. Theyre killing two birds with 1 stone
But Ukraine sold technology for a while now. They sold Kh-55 to Iran and China, sold ballistic missile tech to China. Why do you think they wouldn't supply North Korea?
Kim himself uses Ukrainian An-148 jets they sold him
Polish/Russian partition when?
So this is a US false flag to get troops into Ukraine to fuck wit Putin?
Based Trump 4d Chess
>mfw Kim Boy starts Chernobyl 2.0
Too bad Ukraine is a ZOG that voted for an alliance with the (((EU))).
Funded by Jews, they are just useful idiots
fucking russki in georgia
fuck off alkash
Sort of confused by the ukrainian opinion around here.
Sure the government are kikes but Azov and right sector are ourguys.
>for a while now.
where was the complaint then? false flag m8. Putin is Jewish cancer, Ukraine is NatSoc just like NK.
NK's loan is about to default so theyre getting over-thrown. Ukraine is becoming too powerfully NatSoc so the kikes are sending the Russian kikes to stop it.
>ukraine is a zog
>their military is literally Hitler
try harder, Vlad.
>funded by jews
post source azov battalion is funded by jews?
Could be misinfo. If murrilards buy it, their support for Ukraine will diminish. And then Putin could just annex Donbass without repercussions and maybe even get sanctions cancelled.
>leftover RD-250 engines might also be stored in Russian warehouses
>How the Russian-designed engines, called the RD-250, got to North Korea is still a mystery.
Yeah, a mystery.
You are fucking retarded if you support Ukrainian NAZI's and you are from the USA.
The people who want to destroy your country are very involved with those Ukrainian NAZI's.
>post source azov battalion is funded by jews?
>how dare you goys support da ebil nazis!
>my grandparents died in the holocaust and became soap!
>This is a falseflag to invade Ukraine and North Korea.
This is fine by me.
B-but there is no nazis on Ukraine!
Dis. Invade fucking russia.
the words:
aren't used once in that article.
>pic related
wanna try again?
seems legit.
Pakistan & best korea can thank this man for stealing nuclear secrets. I would not be suprised if Ukrain wanted in on the action. They are corrupt af so why the hell not.
I always wanted to get in on the action.. I know of some archives that would be valuable to third world leaders.
Easy money creating supervillians these days.
> Horth Korea has nukes. Russia has nukes.
> Hmmmmm, mistery, yeah who could gave nukes to fat asshole from shitty state?
> Aha! Thats Ukraine!
Fuck off tard.
What an dumbfucks you british libtards are .
Lindsey Graham and Amy Klobuchar just so happen to visit Ukraine on the 1st of January.
The day Ukrainian ultra nationalists march. I guess they fucking liked what they saw didnt they.
Look at this video, anything look familiar?
>Torch lit rally
Then you get that CIA nigger Evan McMullin speaking at the society of veterans of ukrainian insurgent army "A literal group of SS jew murdering NAZI's" but then goes on CNN and cries how evil the fucking ALT RIGHT are.
This isn't like a secret conspiracy dude
Forgot to mention that McCain in the picture was with Lindsey Graham at the same visit to Ukraine as well.
>"A literal group of SS jew murdering NAZI's"
and this is bad because?
> but then goes on CNN and cries how evil the fucking ALT RIGHT are.
I hate to break this to you but... the Alt-Right is a Jewish trick, user. Spencer, Anglin, Southern, Enoch... they're all Jews. In fact, not only do Jews fund the Alt-Right but Jews who are connected to ANTIFA fund the Alt-Right. Maybe its you who have been fed disinfo?
interesting. what of the Jews behind Putin? what about the fact Putin is a Jew? do you think its possible Israel is playing everyone against everyone else?
Liberahas, Liberahas never change. Best friends of cockholes!
That'd be pretty stupid. Kimmy looks uncontrollable, certainly there's no reason for the chessmaster to trust him. I still think they made the nukes themselves.
You are so dumb dude, I dont give a fuck that they are SS veterans, I care about the hypocrisy.
These people hate NAZI's so much publicly yet they meet with people who have actually murdered jews and pols as NAZI's and there are pictures of them giving NAZI salutes.
>I hate to break this to you but... the Alt-Right is a Jewish trick,
That is the point I am making retard, I am sure most of the people in that march are just misguided youths but the deep state has engineered this shit.
I would like to see an actual family tree before I believe anything like that pic, but the Jews almost always play both sides
Fuck off, slav scum.
Well they weren't happy with a cut and clear North Korean war, so why not somehow try to draw it back into Russia? Why am I sticking around in the face of this again?
>you liieeeeeeeeeeeee reeeeeeeee fukin russians reeeeeee
sorry but are you saying murdering jews is bad?
Nah Trump is a bitch
B-but Ukraine is a democracy now, a legit country free of foreign influence
Sława Ukrajini
Not big surprise. Hohols are even more subhuman than russians.
How's the enrichment going?
Wouldn't actually be that bad but the hohols are being baited by the left to hate the polish majority just like the niggers are baited to hate the whites.
They are working now.
But as soon as they get uppity gov better do something or group of Kowalskis will go around bashing their heads.
I wonder how long until we get blamed for it. Oh nevermind, it's the first sentence
>with historical ties to Russia’s missile program
>hohols are being baited by the left to hate the polish majority
That's new. Would have never guessed such shit could be possible.
Got yourself a free Ukrainian gf yet?
Too busy preparing for the Upcoming European Civil war but I should.
Please don't invade after we are done "liberating" Germany.
lol putin a "jew". dude if u pick up books the USofA never liked him. if he was a jew when he came to power was the perfect time to jew the country but he kicked out oligarchs and pretty much stole their shit(some who got their financing from the west)
Your cuntry is a poor shithole and so is Russia.
You will never ever do anything against us.
We will always control you and keep you on our leash, slavic peasant scum.
I like how they still manage to blame Russia in the very first paragraph
>Would have never guessed such shit could be possible
Why? It's the same strategy the left uses everywhere in the West and now they're starting this in central Europe thanks to the Soros shills.
Put minorities against the majority, destabilie the country then install your shills by democratic means if possible or by (((colour revolution)))
Everyone will ignore it because it doesn't fit the narrative.
>city of Dnipro
They've literally renamed that city last year to make it less Russian, used to be Dnepropetrovsk. The audacity of that separatist nation.
Do not give up, olya!
That's rich because you wont be able to do any of that once you become Islamic State.
Or in max 5-10years when all the "refugees" will have enough population to overthrow you.
Germany becoming more and more butthurt every day
>he kicked out oligarchs
No, he just kicked out those against the merging of corporations and the state. The state corps are all run by billionaire jews and muslims.
he nationalized companies lmao he BTFO jews
>muh economy
We don't need to buy mountains of worthless consumerist shit to fuck all of your women again. All it takes is pride, will and a fighting spirit. Something your emasculated society no longer has and never will again.
Still triggers me.
Well, it's not like there's that much difference, unlike with nigs and muzzies. Same race, similar religion, similar language, easy to find common ground.
what is pic related here ???
Yeah Ukrainians are not nearly as bad as the shitskins but every little difference if blown out of proportion.
If they can put women against men and fags against normals they can make Ukrainians attack Poles and vice versa.
They aren't our guys considering they shell their own civilians in donbass.
That's how you kick out the globalists. They have virtually limitless amount of founds and will eventually own everything unless you secure strategic companies in the hands of the people you trust.
lol what? again if he was a jew he would have continued selling everything the government owned.
Trump kids are married to jews
> to make it less Russian
less soviet
Dude Ukraine isn't natsoc. Quit fucking deluding yourself. It's a country ran by a bunch of oligarchs on the payroll of EU and USA activism. The people are poor as fuck. The government is trying to oppress a large portion of its own population by eradicating any russian identity. If it is natsoc they're doing a shitty job.
this is fallout from Obama foreign policy. we have been so focused on Libya and Syria we forget about Ukraine. when is king nigger going to be arrested for high treason.
That's the essence of Ukrainian nationalism. SS were horrified at the shit they did to their women and children as collaborators. Not to mention casual slaughter of Polaks.
Are you mentally impaired? Jews are better off than ever. Now they don't even need to compete in the market, they can just run the state monopolies.
A globalist oligarch, a regional oligarch. Makes absolutely no difference on the fate of common people.
If that was the case you would return its original name Ekaterinoslav.
youre avoiding the question tho? why is putin so friendly with orthodox jews if he isnt a jew? hes been surrounded by Jews for decades. why is that? is it because Putin's mother was Jewish and he's a kike?
can you explain Azov Battalion if theyre not NatSoc?
Post Shiro
wat billionaire jews nad muslims run everything comrade? plz tell me
Azov doesn't represent the government. It is it's own militia that likes to wave Nazi flags. They're Ukrainian nationalists for sure and they wish to impose a Ukrainian identity on the large russian speaking population in the country. If I'm not mistaken they routinely threaten the government and make demands for more aggressive action against donbass.
Go to forbes -> list of richest people in Russia -> look up their ancestry
Jesus, I'm so tired of countering the putinshill menace, but Sup Forums must be redpilled on the true state of things in our country.
Ukrainian nazis are the same as American Antifa retard. Ukrainian antimaidan are like American trump supporter. It's upside down.
>globalist oligarch, a regional oligarch. Makes absolutely no difference
It makes all the difference for the future of your country, unless all you think about is gibmedats like a fucking nigger.
RIP in pieces hohols
you dun goof'd but good now.
Azov is part of the Ukrainian military now.
How do they not represent Ukraine?
>Ukrainian nazis are the same as American Antifa retard
post sources demonstrating their support for Jews and communist then? :)
Regional oligarchs want to ruin your country by flooding it with mudshits, all the same as globalist ones. For different reasons, supposedly, but it's the end result what really matters. I don't care who is the elites of a Muslim non-white totalitarian world, I don't care if it's the Russian Jewish oligarchs or the American Jewish oligarchs, I don't want to live in such a world whatsoever.
nice edited picture