Constantly shit on white males for being who they are...

>constantly shit on white males for being who they are, bombard them with endless anti-white propaganda and blame them for every problem in society

>" W-why are they so angry... why are they being radicalized? What could be the solution?.... We now! More anti-white propaganda! That will make them obedient!! xD!!!!


Black Pride, Asian Pride, Latino Pride = Good

White Pride = Bad

> no wonder why whites are going to chimp out like the blacks did in the 50s

>be white male
>have all privileges you can get in this world
>close any opportunity for anyone else
>various social movements had to fight for centuries for rights against injustice
>feel offended that they're succeeding better than ever in 21st century
>"Why do they hate us? Why don't they realize white men have the right to feel proud of their race too?"

Minor aspects of reality have been amplified in your minds to where they seem huge and all encompassing. It seems like race, racial differences, and race relations are the most important thing to focus on in the world, but it's a lie. You have unfortunately been brainwashed by a concerted and well planned agenda to snag the minds of (especially young) people online, and turn them into pawns. It's not going to work for you, if you keep on this path. The real world is not like your Internet enclave, and this shit isn't going to fly very far at all. Certainly not like it once did. I encourage you to rethink your life.


And the Serb comes in with the save. The rest of you can eat nigger dicks.


Cry more, trumpfag. That's what everyone likes about liberals too, the constant victim complex

The Idea of "White" Identity as it is is a modern concept that might not even be 50 years old. many groups like Slavs,Italians Greeks, The Irish weren't considered White until maybe the 60s-70s. and "White" Identity was a way of banding those of European descent together after other groups started uniting. So the idea of White history month is a scam but having a month for Anglo, Saxon, Celtic, Slavic. Mediterranean history would work.

What world are you living in? If this is your experience as a white person, then you might be a rich cunt that is out of touch with reality. That is called being a heartless snob. It has shit to do with being white.


This place has been ruined after 2016

I'm glad I'm a white guy. I sure as hell ain't proud of it though, why the fuck should I be? It was no accomplishment of mine to be born white. Just luck of the draw I guess.

I'm sure not crying about it though, like so many on here. I mean jesus christ it takes a serious loser to blame everyone and everything around them for why they haven't succeeded in life, even when they have had a lifelong advantage. Being a white guy is really fortunate. Take some personal responsibility you fucking whiners.

>your race is literally dying out
>"just take some personal responsibility guys it's not that bad"
literally hang yourself you cuck

This. If you scapegoat any given group, you'll find them forming a resistance. Sup Forums is just a place where they are safe to do so. It is most certainly not the cause. The SJWs are the ones who believe themselves to be superior, they're the ones who have provoked hatred and lunacy. Any blame rests squarely on their shoulders.

>retarded enough to get radicalised on Sup Forums
>doused in piss

It's alright, spew your vitriol at me. I don't care. My race is first of all, the Human race. But even as a fortunate white guy I can see that the idea that my race is literally dying out is bullshit. Just because it's repeated here over and over, it seems like this huge truth, but it's not. Your programmed, you're tuned into the drum beat, and it's gotten into your soul. I feel bad for you, that's why I'm reaching out. I'm not judging. But I want you to snap out of it. It's not too late for you to have a good life.

>constantly shit on Muslims, bombarded with how evil and violent they are
>w-why are they so angry guys? Why are they being radicalized?


Keep browsing this board for a few weeks. When anons post the graphics that show our deliberate demographic replacement in our own nations, and how things like "minority majority reaches school age" are hailed as "milestones", you'll see we're right.

thinking not here for the laughs, this nigga.

>>close any opportunity for anyone else

By abolishing slavery, giving women the vote, legislating against discrimination, legalising faggotry and opening the borders...

All that and they still fucking bitch and moan

Yeah no fuck off.

Why do you never hear shitskins or cunts expressing gratitude for the opportunities the white man has afforded them?

Inferior ingrates incapable of productive collective behaviour

you dont get it OP. while white people do need to fight when confronted with violence and in some cases people who are not white will suppoort you when the evidence shows some one else didnt know how to act in society

the media has a agenda and they understand that they can make you look like niggers and hypocrites if you chimp out and then brag about it online

you dont have to be passive but you need to try to keep your hands to yourself if at all possible. some one maces you or some one next to you for no reason thats another story

can someone post that maisie Williams reaction image please

I need it

Pretty glorious once you're use to living in it
Liberating almost.

Yet Muslims insist on moving to white countries while white people want to be left alone.

Slave races groomed to only view the master's whip as good.
Now they have a political master in the democrats rather than a physical one in the fields.

Don't expect great things from slave races.

I do laugh at the funny shit, but there is an awful lot things said here that are no joke. They are deadly serious words said by people who have no sense of humor about it whatsoever, and they're meant to brainwash susceptible minds. So keep laughing.

I've seen it all. It's a way of framing reality so that everything seems to conform to a specific set of ideas, but reality ain't like that. You're looking at small subset of information that's filling your entire field of view. Because it's an echo chamber in here, for one. But also because those with a lot of experience manipulating people's minds are very active online, recruiting.

there's so much more to it and it's 100x worse than this but, this

*unzips pants*

Some can't handle the bantz


you don't have room to talk boris, you haven't seen a nigger in your life

They legitimately think there will be no resistance to their new order they're building. They're delusional.


>progressivism is bad
White identity is a recent discovery that white people work well together.

Kill yourself please.

What's with all the le ebin troll1111 faggots in this thread

Yes I'm sure you are quite the (((fortunate))) """"""""""""""white"""""""""""" guy. Get fucked you dirty kike

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction

the left doesn't get this

>It's not too late for you to have a good life
Do you really think I'll have a good life when weedman has turned my country into a sub-arctic version of Somalia?

Believe me I'm much further from killing myself than you are. You'll figure that out right before it happens, I suppose.

sorry if youve seen them before



last one

>left alone
>world police America
>white military/men in every brown country with oil/ gold
We just want to be left alone after we stuck our dick in your soup.

Funny how everyone shits on whitey, yet they climb over one another to get into any white-built nation. Then they get there and rape the system. What a fucked cultural climate...

> plebbit calling us an echo chamber

Top kek, also nice statistics to back up all those meaningless words