Europe's right wing is essentially like America's Democrats, while America's right wing is full-on Nazis.
How come?
Europe's right wing is essentially like America's Democrats, while America's right wing is full-on Nazis.
How come?
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I guess the fourth reich knows a nazi when it sees one.
Because mental diseases disrupt peoples thinking.
Come in here and learn, OP.
>Full-on Nazis
Not even close. Those neo-nazis you see are nothing like the Reich. They lack discipline, honor, integrity, and direction.
Because europe is cucked beyond saving.
because we can't get sent to jail for saying mean things unlike most countries in europe.
Because we still remember the real Nazis
Because mongols are more uncivilized and violent.
WRONG, Europe is FAR FAR more right wing than America when it comes to immigration and racial issues.
European right wing is ANTI illegal immigration, in the US the majority of the US right wing openly opposes the Unite The Right AND the RAISE ACT. The RAISE Act is DEAD on arrival in congress.
People like David Cameron wanted to CUT LEGAL IMMIGRATION.
Congress wants MORE legal immigration AND AMNESTY FOR ILLEGALS.
This is WAY WAY different.
what about polan?
>America's right wing is Nazi
t. Propagandized euro
our right wing are old anti-racist civic nationalists
>Europe's right wing is essentially like America's Democrats, while America's right wing is full-on Nazis.
>How come?
There is an easy explenation for that.
For every action, there is a reaction.
If left winged people are getting too extreme, right winged people will too and the other way around.
Since feminism, BLM and Antifa went from "Fuck Nazis" straight to "Kill fucking white men", right winged people started to get nuts too.
I don't know how this all started, but it baffles me, how men and women can hate each other like this in a first world country.
I am just glad that this shit doesn't happen here.
The US doesn't have a true European style "right wing". The overwhelming majority of the population are classical liberals or Progressives with a handful of genuine Commies and White Nationalists.
Right wing parties in Europe tend to hover around 15-30% of the vote depending on the country. In the United States, a European style right wing party couldn't get 100,000 members (out of a population of 320 million) if they tried.
Americans never experienced actual Nazi's.
They just think it's fun to LARP.
Bullshit. European right wing, even mildest, is at least trump level or further to the right
We killed a few hundred thosand germans on the border at the end o the war and took their land. War is shit.
They said the same about my country 15 years ago.
Our only far-right party couldn't even win the 0.75% of the votes necessary for a single seat in parliament.
America has a two party system.
Other parties will never be big because they are a waste of your vote.
If you had proportional representation I'm sure a far-right party could be very big, especially assuming the Republicans are willing to form a coalition with them so they could get actual power.
This is not true. Liberalism is the very backbone in American society on both sides of politics. America hardly have any socialists and Europe hardly have any libertarians. Other than that Europe have a more complete, ideologically pure, political spectrum.
1st amendment.
>How come?
We're a far more conservative country than any place that isn't run by Muslims, but we're so wrapped up in ourselves, we don't really know it.
Because it's about that time.
.t 56%
I wish we were. The American right wing are just Isreal evangelist, kike worshippers. The exact opposite of Nazis.
didnt germanys antifa murder kidnap and murder their trademinister in the 80s?
thats pretty extreme
Simple. Low IQ
Europe has neo-Liberalism (Thatcherism).
And it has dominated the last decades.
Calling yourself a full libertarian is easy when you have zero chance to actually implement it.
Actually leaving public transportation, the care for elderly and the drink-water supply to for-profit corporations, that takes some real stupidity.
What? Have you seen the Right wingers in Poland?
They make people like spencer look like limp wristed faggots
It's not though. Europe has much more extreme groups and most Europeans hate niggers and other filth, while they are pretty much accepted as a large part of America.
Americans are always more civic nationalism than ethnic.
Most Europeans while fall under the term of being "hu-white" still don't want to mix with other countries whites.
Americans are already all mixed.
Americans are Western/Eastern Europe mixed and while people will say both groups are white which they are, if you are a European or live in Europe even visually you can tell who is Eastern European or Western.
America doesn't have that or doesn't seem to understand that.
You must be an English fag
The mayor of your capital is a Mozzie, and ten years ago nobody saw that coming. Are actually optimistic or only making some noise, user.?
Making some noise is all you're doing, I bet...
Freedom of speech and less censorship from the government.
We don't go to jail for speaking undeniable facts, of just get fired from our jobs for it.
Murricans always exaggerate in everything, it always has to be the superlative.
They are also the ones going full-blown retard when it comes to conspiracies.
Mix that with low education level and you will see down-syndrome-hitlers pop up for years.
This guy get's it. America is a liberal society, Europe is more conservative. It has always been like that. Our economic policy have socialist elements, but our culture and cultural policy is very conservative compared to any political element in the US.
And what you are describing is liberalism and not conservatism.
Is this what resulted from the raids? More redditors?
The mayor of your capitol is a black woman
And even less white than my capitol
>our culture and cultural policy is very conservative compared to any political element in the US.
That's not true at all.
Americans are EXTREMELY conservative.
Even if they say they are liberal and mostly are in a purely economic sense, in reality they want heavy government control on social issues.
America is decades behind Europe on things like gay marriage, euthanasia and sex education.
>hurr le reddit spacing
>i have no refute
Anyone that says "reddit spacing" is a fucking newfag.
Shut up, Ahmed.
because europe's men are as feminine as America's women.
Libertarianiso cannot exist without whites.
Europe has many ultra nationalist groups.
America has uh.. a bunch of guys wearing bicycle helmets with a kekistan flag?
Lol don't make me laugh.
Even your "right" is filled with spics and Jews.
They all seem pretty extreme to me.
National Socialism and their symbols are illegal here. But we got PEGIDA rallies with 10k-20k people regulary in every German big city, multiple rallies in England who constantly btfo AntiFa and Nordfront in Sweden with thousands of members etc etc.
Those 400 Nazi larpers and their leader eggboi Spencer are a joke.
Along with other groups like Golden Dawn.
OP doesn't know what they are talking about.
>Libertarianiso cannot exist without whites.
It existed without whites in Kowloon, HK.
Its crazy to me how you could work for the most influential company in the world (Google) and be a fucking admitted communist
Not true at all. In the Sup Forums echo chamber you might think that's reality, but I'm a conservative and HATE all these alt-right extremist online terrorists. No one on earth makes white people look worse while simultaneously doing nothing to help...
it's a lil like the law of karmic balance , the European left is like the demonrats too while the US leftards are like :pic
Nabbed this from thread earlier, OP is faggot indeed desu
>OP doesn't know what they are talking about.
As always the USA think they are the center of the universe while looking dumb as shit to us outsiders, who at least have read ONE book in their life and know at least a little bit about what we are talking about.
>but I'm a conservative
You are Cuckservative,
what are you doing on Sup Forums, you KEK?????!!!!!!!
Europe has actual, unabashed mainstream nationalism. Your "ultranationalists" are simply people who believe that non-natives are damaging to the country. In Europe, this is starting to become a mainstream view. For example: In Norway we have a minister who is a devout Christian mother who has been quoted several times as being motivated by her desire to keep non-westerners out in order to make the country better for her Norwegian children to grow up in. In the US, she would be called a nazi. Here, she was given leadership over the Department of Immigration.
America is liberal insofar as personal attitudes, the notion that a jumped-up peasant can acquire wealth and influence just through luck or will, and that people are empowered to do whatever they want, including waste their lives.
Europe is liberal as all hell when it comes to politics though, this cannot be denied. You haven't really been conservative since WW2. You're extremely lax on immigration, maintaining cultural norms, and the welfare state. I mean five years ago, Euros would unironically believe their being disarmed by the government was a universally good thing and they would fight with Americans on Sup Forums about it. Churches are being bulldozed by the hundreds in France and Americans are infuriated. French don't seem to care much, though.
I guess you could say you're still conservative insofar as the business world is concerned, and the post-WW2 globalist aristocrats wanting to maintain their power through wealth. But everything else about European traditionalism is currently undergoing a firesale. They'll put you in prison if you try to maintain it.
Very nice.
Every American:
>Haha Europe are cucks, we would shoot them. We have guns. We would shoot them.
Then a guy drives into some left wingers (when he could have been in fear) and the whole US media explodes calling them nazis, the kkk, supremacists etc.
Yet according to Americans here they are more right wing and they would shoot everyone?
Americans are the ultimate LARPers.
>by the government was a universally good thing and they would fight with Americans on Sup Forums about it.
That were leftist shills, you fucking stupid 89IQ underaged idiot.
More niggers
I supose the new VergeltungsMerkel euroleftist consortium would be responsible for the immigration as for other points our yuroanon can elucidate how it going on there
check out Bader-Meinhoff Gang. they didn't fuck around unlike these pudgy american 'men'
did you just get here from a different timeline?
Reminder that the EU has literal communists as one of it's political parties.
Dark red: commies
Light red socialists (but I repeat myself)
Greens: environmentalists & leftie nats
Yellow: liberals
Light blue: Europhile cuckservatives
Dark blue: Euro"sceptic" conservatives
Purple: Actual conservatives
Grey: Random parties (mostly nats)
Hahahahahaha getting called a cuck by Germany. Let me know when every video game in existence isn't based around killing your Nazi ancestors.
I'm not a cuckservative. Sup Forums, home of the jobless faggots who watch their dream girls get fucked on pornhub... y'all are true cucks.
I only come here to do my part in saying y'all are cancer
"Y'all!? Are you like, really being the serious right now? Mohammed, come here and fuck my wife, there's a fucking white man talking like his own race triggering me, and only your brown cock and fucking my family will fix that."
- Sweden
ahh dere you go
> well swedes are called cucks too no?
US street rally nationalists, do we have to wait much longern ?
forgot pic
All this projection. You are just begging for the black dick, eh son?
"Y'all" is a slang word, not to be typed out. It's an uncivilized word.
>ya'll want some fried chicken!!
Urgh. Please.
>tfw when i had week long conversations about the proper political scale based on Euro-centrism
Europe has been the worst model of governance since the late 19th century, full of war, rebellion, uneasiness, and now the Old World now wants us to consider their political spectrum once again?
Fuck no.
Hahahahahaha AAAAAHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Cuck. Project your projections harder.
You know what civilized society really has no room for?
Snarky faggots aka Swedes.
Not true. The US rightwing are civic nationalists.
Stop projecting summerfag.
Change your tampon, Chad.
Saying "Y'all" just makes whites look like uneducated retarded southern inbreds. Learn to speak correctly.
Hahaha le 56% meme just keeps getting lower because you keep needing to deny you're the most fucked country on earth... look at the UN projections for your country... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA THIRD WORLD STATUS... COMING SOON!
I think we can add the people who use hashtags outside of Twitter to the list of those who shall hang in the DOTR.
it's ded
it's a common thing in the South, not wrong or anything , just like UK Scots saying "you's" not interstrife pliss,
Oh hey, another faggot Swede trying to tell a proud American how to talk. Kill your self. Team America World Police tells the world how to talk, not the other way around. Accept it. Your nation is nothing.
Two parties decided to pit the people against one another to maintain a permanent hold on power creating opposing extremists and now the whole thing is going to explode in their faces.
>Europe's right wing is essentially like America's Democrats
You are retarded.
Scots don't type that online though. The only people I see actually writing "ya'll" online are uppity twitter niggers.
Ya'll family was balls deep in your cousin last night, you hick.
>Europe's right wing is essentially like America's Democrats, while America's right wing is full-on Nazis
America experienced a more major right-wing happening only recently in Charlotteville or however that shithole is called and you're now the far-right capital of the world? Fucking please.
Scott's don't type like that for the same reason you speak English here rather than Swedish gibberish.
This is an American board, Sven Jorglecuck.
Now my balls are terribly dry after having this conversation. You gonna suck em or...?
What do you mean by Europe, my eurofriend?
OP is a butthurt burger using an EU flag to larp as a strawman.
Prove me wrong.
No no, every videogame in Germany is CENSORED.
Look it up, their censorship is outright insane. They're literally the reason why EU versions suffered so much. Thank God for Steam letting us it on the same day - But German Steam is also censored to hell.
I agree actually.
Yeah, and look who is getting murdered by mudshits left and right
Cuckservative shills out in full force.
You can't break Sup Forums, we got 8pol and you won't turn it around like you fucked up 4pol
Because Eurotrash are subservient Utopians who think a system where your government tells everyone what their living standards should be like could be a viable system.
The American Left is the same way, primarily due to the influx of European commies in the 30s and 40s.
The American Right are people who said Fuck You to all that nonsense and went to a new continent where they could have their own communities and live their own dream rather than the way elite intellectuals think they should live. The American Right is based on the sovereignty of the individual.
Really? That sucks. Shit talking aside, (and not saying this to sound arrogant) I'm sorry Europeans are experiencing that b.s. NOTHING I hate more than the suppression of free thought..
It's an English speaking board. People speak English. Not your local inbred dialect slang.
>You gonna suck em or...?
Ya'll have a daddy for that, you know, your moms brother.
>Why is America so much more extreme on the right?
Consider that Merkel is the head of the Conservatives in Germany. Now you have your answer.
Hahahahahaha 8 leaf is absolute garbage already. You'd get banned for not starting a sentence off with "its the Jews"
The "right wing" hasn't been represented in the West for over half a century.
The left is made of communists, the center is made of socialists, the right is made of centrists (a.k.a. those who'd just say anything to get elected): this is why anything that isn't left wing is considered "extreme" nowadays, while actual extreme leftist positions are just called "progressive".
Niggers and Jews drive us insane
Oh, moot was just English speaking?
And I'm a summer fag? This is an American manganese basket weaving forum.
Yeah, I don't like this too,
but at least you fucking Cuckservatives get banned on sight, which is quite good for getting rid of you fucking shills.
Because testosterone exists here.
>I'm banned from infinitechan
Nope, faggot.
I just don't go because it's a literal circle-jerk echo chamber of schizophrenia.