Kentucky Statues are next!!

Racist fly over faggot whites are gonna be BTFO.
Dare yall to protest this one.

Other urls found in this thread:

good riddance tbqh
>but my history
idc, lol

I'm now more than convinced it was a false flag.

But eitherway , the confederates were traitors so they get what's coming to them.

I hope they take down Washington and Jefferson eventually.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

>but my history
Those who forget the past are condemned to repeat it.
When all is forgotten it will only be matter of time for niggers to be slaves again.

They're calling for the removal of statues of Lincoln, dude. Removing Confederates is just setting a precedent for what they really want: Marginalization, Oppression, and Elimination of Whites.

Good. It's coming bitches, chaos.

Retard shit stirring shill detected.

Monuments to the defeated help heal old wounds.

The Scots get statues of William Wallace, let the South have their Confederate generals

I don't even care anymore. Once the civil war is erased so is slavery.

I move to vote that we take down statues dedicated to slavery and the MLK movement.

Just dumb statues, right?

user., I agree with you but they're not allowed to yell "racist" at whites all the while while doing so.

hands off my KFC u faget

This is such a lie.

1. Jim Gray, the Mayor of Lexington, was already planning to announce this next week, but chose to do so on Twitter on Saturday in a cynical ploy for media attention and praise.

2. Jim Gray cannot remove the statues on his own. He's going to ask the City Council on Tuesday about it, and then the city has to get permission from a state commission to remove them, which may or may not be even be granted. Remember that the city of Memphis, TN voted to remove a statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest back in 2015 after the Roof church shooting in South Carolina, but that statue is still standing today, because the state of Tennessee never granted Memphis permission.

>When all is forgotten
did they remove CW from history lesson at public schools or what?

why cant they just leave the statue be? or put more statues up?? i mean honestly how many people are gonna drop to their knees and start praying for whoever is depicted as the statue. Shit just looks nice my dude just leave it there to enhance the scenery. None of these niggers have never played any city building sim.

It's like Dr. Zais trying to hide evidence that humans actually built a civilization before the apes took over.

Sorry, niggers, destroying monuments to white achievement is no substitute for actually accomplishing something yourselves.

If they're taking down statues, they should tear down historic buildings as well. Might as well go the full mile.

That building housed confederates at some time? Torn down
That house had a confederate family in it during the civil war? Gone'd

You Americans seem to be so proud of your guns, yet you don't ever use them to protect yourself from the people destroying your country.

>civil war
>white """achievement"""

My fuckin sides. You southern inbreds are so stupid.

I hope another communist hamplanet dies over this ytbqh

>If they're taking down statues, they should tear down historic buildings as well.
They've always been doing that.

black cock for all the white women

Sauce on wanting removal of Lincoln

>They're calling for the removal of statues of Lincoln
Nope, fake news.

Regional flavour can't be tolerated under globalist.
That's why all modern buildings across the western world are the same demoralizing ugly boxes

Are they going to take down the statues of the well know slave owner George Washington too?

>same historic value as a building

Choose one, leaf. Most of these statues were erected nearly 100 years after the civil war.

The insurrection of the south is something that never should have been, nor ever should be, celebrated. If you don't like that, you're just going to have to swallow that pill.

>mfw there is no statues to defend near where I live.

Jesus Christ the left is going full Spain with this shit. Never go full Spain bros.

We're going to remove general Albert pikes statue in DC :)

Democrats beacon of hope.
Satanists must removed

>mfw this is all leading up to show california what happens to traitors
>literally erase your history
>btfo silicon valley

Right Wing Safety Squad advising all anons viewing this thread to follow the instructions of this image in order to combat /leftypol/ slide/bait threads such as this one. After the requirements are met, hide and ignore this thread. Regards, Right Wing Safety Squad.

Why not leave all the statues up as historical points of interest?

If they were traitors, why wasn't anyone charged with treason and why were they buried with full miltary honors?

Not surprising. City mayors are elected by nigs. All urban areas are Dem strongholds. Not like the suburbs and rural areas give a shit about any of this

They were built to keep another insurrection from happening idiot.

Good fucking luck.

Also guys, you really really really should hover your mouse over the OP's ID and see how many posts they've contributed to their thread. This faggot here and many other threads with the word "BTFO" has an OP who doesn't even contribute to it.
>1 post by this ID
Stop falling for shill's bait, retards.

Hemming Park is next. They went after it a few months ago but failed. They are after it again.

>he says while he falls for the shills bait and posts an autistic rant

Let's think about this for a second:

The southerners wanted to keep slavery.....but why?

Slavery isn't very smart, or economically intelligent.

Secondly, why would they want to keep niggers here in America?

Robert E. Lee, the general of the Confederate South, was against Slavery and he wanted to ship all the blacks back to Africa.

That should of been the way to go for the South, except the wanted to keep niggers here in America.

We have them to blame for all the black problems in America...they should of picked their own god damned cotton. It seems to me most southern owners were nigger lovers secretly.

Seems to be working great....

Why put them up at all?

they weren't traitors, succeeding was allowed


It was the old days. Otherwise they wouldn't be historical.
If it was stuff from a recent regime that people were literally traumatised over I can see why they'd take it down like the statues of dictators in the middle East or nazi/Soviet stuff at the actual time
Otherwise why don't we just rip down all our Norman castles as symbols if racist oppression
People pretending to be triggered by these statues are drama queens and these regions will regret doing this in the future.

They will never stop. Never.

UTR was a disaster
>looked like a bunch of angry larping dorks
>roundly mocked and lambasted by everyone from politicians to celebrities, including conservatives
>Trump bungled the situation with his wishy-washy response, drawing the ire of his own party
>more Confederate statues to come down, as a direct result
>the left and center rallying around a slain white woman
>Daily Stormer taken offline
The alt-right was a mistake.

Not yet, but rewriting history is a common thing among leftist. Give it time, they will try.

The pedophile politicians will die in intense slow pain.

>They're calling for the removal of statues of Lincoln

It is about time we start teaching people how awful the warmongering, first corporate and globalist shill of a president was.

>>Trump bungled the situation with his wishy-washy response
Blaming both sides for being fags and asking to stop the hate is wishy washy? He's the only one who's called antifaggots out when politicians clearly wont because theyre all crypto commie scum at heart and the entire thing along with pinning the car driver instantly as a terrorist proved it while they didn't name either any BLM niggers who firebombed businesses or the Dallas cop killer as a terrorist immediately. My faith in western governments died yesterday and they cannot be trusted with the future of our civilization.

>t. turbo kike

>Marginalization, Oppression, and Elimination of Whites.

Delusional. You guys are privileged fuckers.

They are erasing your history

>the old days
>the '50s when most of these statues were erected

We aren't going to forget about the civil war, bong

all whites are racists. they are racist no matter what they do (sub-conscious racism). the only way to eliminate racism is to eliminate whites. whites must be eliminated.

the "left" is openly arguing for white genocide. they do not make any secret of it. this is a fight for survival if you can be identified as "whtie" by them.

>why don't we just rip down all our Norman castles as symbols if racist oppression
sounds like a good idea desu

Today's word is "nazi," yesterday it was "racist." The left will never run out of words and they will not stop until every white person is dead or marginalized and every scrap of history rewritten to their approval.

Thankfully, they're frozen with terror. They are more afraid of "white nationalism" than they ever were of Trump. Shit's about to get pretty crazy.

There's nothing wrong with having white privilege

>Today's word is "nazi," yesterday it was "racist."
yep. and it is backfiring big time. they have drawn their line in the sand and they have way to few people on their side and more defecting every day.

Students and professors at UVA (the university that was founded by Jefferson) already tried to get the university president fired for quoting Jefferson. It's only a matter of time before they start demanding to remove Jefferson and Washington (both white slave-owners from the South) statues and try to demolish Monticello and Mount Vernon.

It's like they're gamergating the entire US. This shit is going to blow back on them so fucking hard. Now I'm so fucking hard.

>cucked post
like clockwork. yurope isnt worth saving.

Good, all they did was inspire people to be racist. This is a step forward.

I always wondered that point to, they technically were traitors.
In war the loser is the bad guy always, some american general was quoted saying at the trials if it was the nazis that had won it would be them sat there facing punishment for there war crimes

LEXfag here, the statues won't be torn down, just moved to another park.



>idc, lol

This is why we have nazis now. Because people don't care about history.

Which city?

Lincoln freed the slaves didnt he? And jeff and washington are founding fathers i think? What the fuck america, i know we need a licence to fish, for the tv and a laser pen but still at least we value our hertiage


They're changing history now (by removing/changing statues, believe me I know-I saw 1st hand the whole Mizzou Jefferson statue fiasco) so future generations won't know what the hell the Confederacy even was.

Only Confederate statue on Federal land yet nobody is trying to take it down
Really makes you think

ironically it is the left that is crippled by racism. they lump all "people of color" in one box and think that they can win over hispanics by labeling them the as niggers and get them to join a coalition of mentally ill white people, perverts, abortionists, and atheists. lol. the delusion is so strong.

I still can't believe they built such an ugly modern eyesore on the Mall.

Does germany teach about ww2 in schools? Its a huge part of history curiculum over here

It's not YOUR history that's why you fucking dirty spic

The infinite summer is upon us.

Most mexicans are hardcore catholic or have religious roots, no fucking way they'll stand with gays and pro abortionists

Kentuckians will not stand for this.

way to go Alt-Right retards because of your dumbass rally you made the thing you were "fighting" against happen

and it's gonna get a lot worse say goodbye to your confederate and stupid snake flags

Yes destroy your history no matter how ugly, only remember good times about your country because that will make you stronger, haha people sure are dumb as shit

Yes, and they force them to feel such shame and guilt over it that Germans come out of the lessons cucked and now we see the current state of Germany because of that.

We have to make room for more Menorahs and Holocaust Museums. they'll be like beacons that can be seen from far away, so we know which direction to pray five times a day to the chosen.


americans are traitors to the white race so they get what's coming to them

Ever been there? The mall itself is an eyesore.

White civil rights lawsuit is going to make so many many shekels

>The South shall get cucked again!
Seriously are you dixie boys just pathetic LARPers or are you going to stand up for yourselves?

We did good work at Pikeville. We'll happily return. The whole town will welcome us again.

Is monument destruction on par with book burning?

t. nigger loving cuck

aint nothing but a cloth

aint nothing but a rock

Was Kentucky even in the confederacy?

>start a war
>cause billions in damage, loss of millions of lives
>lose the war (badly)
>w-w-why won't they let us celebrate our h-heritage (aka, loser generals)

Confederates get fucked. Want to celebrate your war heroes? Try winning the war.

No because General Lee is massive figure in American history so its worse. Even I fucking know that. You have cars named after the guy ffs

what the fuck is their problem??
If they didn't remove the statues, there'd be no 'unite the right' protests

it's almost like they want the violence
