This is the newest Marvel comic

Notice anything Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

no black women

yeah, it's going to have a very limited run.

I notice that comic sales will continue to decline because everyone is tired of SJW's ruining comics.

Yeah, it's cuck porn.
Stop reading comics, weirdo.

This is obviously fake

I want to murder so many people right now.

LOL everyone here in Austria knows that croatian women are famous coal burners.


why nigresses dont scream racism at this? they are clearly underrepresented

Sup Forums obviously has not been to college.

All the hot white girls want some black cock.

Total fucking bait this comic is from a porn website not marvel you fucking tard

post more

You're not austrian. you are a subhuman vermin and you know it. You are not white, and you will never be. You will always be a sub human parasite, and everyone in austria looks at you as such
Post your arm with a timestamp.

Sauce for the entire comic ?

are you speaking for experience?

Here's your (you).

No Muslims. What Islamophobic trash

The quality font checks out with Marvel's budget.

Nah, it just looks like cheap inferiority-complex porn about jamal's dink.

Is Marvel obsessed with Martyrdom?

> Back to DC Comics for me I guess

The one in the middle would be what the baby would look like, but more sadly the blondes will still probably have white babies after college, even after the 100s of Tyrone no mercy roast beef punishments, and the cuck who splooges in her will probably end up being some cuck all weak and shitty cuz tyrones at the park with his kid 'AY WHITE BOI I FUCKED DAT BABIES MOM RECKLESSLY TILL SHE GAVE OUT TO A WEAK KEK LIKE YOU' and then the weak frail white dad goes awwwwwhhh fuuuuuuuuck and goes and cries at a picnic table and eats his kids Capri sun and ham sandwich and says shut up then the half weak gened blonde baby starts crying cuz his dad's a bitch but tyrones kid slaps him because he just made his own accident by crying. I'd much rather date an ugly white girl that isn't going to have like 6 serial killer ex's come out of the bush of Africa to let me know how good they fucked my gf oppose to super hot college blonde who's 'loyal' to herself and wants kid who look like her but goes and fucks and sucks the whole varsity football team when she's a jv cheerleader and will never tell you about it but still tells you to suck it up while she sees them at her extra job and on weekends

> sees austria bros post
> goes and checks on sister
> she's being blacked as we speak

why even read comics?

it's what you do when you are not busy getting bullied

>people will fall for this

Its an internet porn comic. Don't ask how I know

>All the hot white girls want some stds.

a fucking leaf

They're more than happy to get POZZED, just so long as they also get BLACKED.

Can tell just by the art style tbqhwyf.

Most don't. Black people are the new fags for white girls. They see them as puppy dogs to take pictures with, not as equals. And most won't fuck them. Trust me, many of these girls will have a black guy hang out with them all night at a party, making him think he might get some, only for a tall blond hair, blue eyed chad to pick them up and leave the nigger high and dry (or best case scenario for him, he gets the fat girl who no guy picks up).

all the white guys are trannies?

so her right forearms is longer than normal?

No, he's just hung like a horse.

Lol, Non white confirmed.
why do you larp as a white male? whats up with this Sup Forums lately. is there any legit white male on this board?

>no white men
>no black women
How lazy of a virtue signal is this? Bet there isn't even a homosexual of either gender amongst them.

It's fake.

So black men have the most sexual partners

50% of black men have sex with 15 women.

50% of white men have sex with 5

20% of white males under 25 are virgins. 6% for black males.

Black men do have the biggest dicks. But white men have money and class and they are more handsome. Every webisite says white men are the preferred race yet we still do not have as much sex.

Its even worse for asain males who are still supposedly more desirable than black males. They have the least amount of sex over any race.

What is the cause of this pol? Why do some races get lesd girls than others.

HARD MODE: you cant say blacks fuck anything because I often see white males with fat and ugly chicks.

I know Marvel is shit, but that's literally a cuck porn webcomic.

nice, feels good to be in the upper percentile of white males



>school daze
MANkoto when

Annd black people will be whited out in the end, if they continue to racemix. So theyre as fucked as white race.

Why no Asians or Hispanics?

I think I've seen this one before, ends with a nice boat.

Link, for research.

Because social justice is not ACTUALLY about helping brown peole, it's about white people (and (((White people)))) who want to destroy the West

Confirmed for not Marvel

the trap on the right is T H I C C

The only whores you find here that wear high waist mom jeans and tummy tees and wear choker necklaces and have 'on fleek eyebrows' are Croat bitches and they're the biggest coal burners in Europe and heavily influenced by nigger culture

this, left wing "Artists" with Daddy issues (even when they are men) make this shit, because of self hatred. Sad really, but what do you expect from someone who studied years and years only to make a fucking childrens Comic after that


This is a bait comic, just say that it enforces the stereotype of Black Man with a White Girls and should have made about White Man dating Black Women, and it would be much more acceptable as lots of males would self-insert and buy the comic.

How to hell do you expect a lot of virgin white males will be able to self insert as a bunch of niggers?

This cant be real.

Yes, it has already been done.

it's fake it doesn't exist.

But for reals this is a porn comic

black women are promiscuous, white men could up their average if they slept with them

Looks like a porn comic on Persons website

This. Fucking morons. Sage

is your dick like, inside your body or something?

man, this guy's drawings are just hideous.

Disney hired that Jon Persons dude wtf?

I want her to check if I'm a man too.

I kek'd, I bet it's the first thought SJWs had

sure bud. was that your gf's excuse for going clubbing with Tyrone?

FAke and gay

Marvel is basically blowing their brains out at this point. They can't be making money anymore.

Black guys will fuck anything, including the fattest most homeliest gutter whore.

White men have higher standards, and at least expect their partner have some level of loyalty and trust.

Asian men have even higher standards than that, and will only have sex with daughters of kings, politicians, and CEO's.

You're assuming all races equally want to stick their dicks into as many wet holes regardless of how nasty they look.

Yeah, they ripped off a fucking awful music video from 2007.

ot true at all friend. Im goto college right now and many of the black men their our about to graduate woth bussiness degrees and cane from middle class families. They still get laid all the time and often have women calling them two timing jerks.

On the flip side many white women that come from good families and our rich and smart still fuck lots of men. The girl that is caption of the math team fucked two black men at the same time at a party. Even in highschool girls were having sex with at least 3 men by the time they graduated.

People love sex and they love one night stands. White men for some reason are just not getting involved in the hook up game like black men and mexican white and black women are. Idk if it is because their dicks are not big enough or what but 20% virginty rate. Thats crazy dude:

>Black guys will fuck anything, including the fattest most homeliest gutter whore.
A black guy has assured me that this is the case. And that fatties get very excited when black guys talk to them because it's assumed they will get fucked.

Im white, how do post pic without exif data?