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Masks were illegal in the state, retard. Don't forget to sage.
Take off that fucking mask, achmed
Or better yet, maybe not do these jackass rallies that make us look bad.
Yeah, I think they should wear masks as well.
oooh buhuu I don't have to pay taxes ever again and get to live on welfare.
can always get a new identity though, if you really really wanna work.
>if you were a mask you're a coward
>if you show your face you get blackmailed
such is the life in americuckia
This, what is the point of a rally? We ain't got to make any show of force, we already won an election, that shows more than enough our power
I'd hire the guy on the spot if I ran my own company. Someone should do the same.
My man
They should all wear cool sunglasses
Well if America is as racist as the far left thinks it is, he will have no trouble landing a job. Dumb fucks.
Why would I wear a mask when I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of? I'm not the one acting like my chosen fuck you dad ideology didn't kill upwards to thirty million people plus trying to unite muh workers.
Richard spencer led "torch rally" haha desu they at least deserved aids, proudboi fags
>Let's make sure that Peter never gets a job
Holy shit. How is this okay and more importantly why is it allowed?
>t. jobless manchild
Blacklisting is illegal. Would be a shame if department of labor got a wind of what this Twitter fuck is doing
>1 post by ID, as usual
Employed, because unlike your government I don't get handouts just because. I get the honor of paying for others! When you're done with your next moral outrage, come to the table for an actual conversation.
No we want them to see us and make our message loud and clear
I'll look a nigger in his face and tell him he's SUBHUMAN
someone reply to the person that you agree with the poster and that hopefully he has kids so that we can starve his children because they're racist and deserve to suffer
How come Antifa is smart enough to wear masks but these retards aren't?
There would've been no problem if they had screened the attendees and curated out the Nazi/KKK gear wearing retards. That was awful optics.
Imagine if everyone at this rally had worn Identity Evropa style aesthetics. The media would've been forced to identify what this movement is and its message. Instead the Nazi LARPer faggots gave them exactly what they needed to trigger the negative fixed action patters in the brains of the public.
It's allowed because a nu-male low test cuckboy said it who speaks and "thinks" like a feminist woman.
Don't worry about it too much. Ryan was once raped by a Somali immigrant who then got deported and he feels guilty about it because "his rapist (lover would be more accurate)" couldn't help it.
They should face the full consequences of outing themselves like this. When they lose their jobs and livelihood and can't buy hotpockets anymore they will be pushed over the edge, and we will have more angry White males driving cars into crowds. These are glorious times.
Is giving people already going to rallys nothing left to lose a good plan?
How about don't be a nazi. You morons already lost once.
Through twitter with your anime avatar you mean. We both know you aren't talking to people face to face, much less going outside.
There would have been zero problem if the police had done their actual jobs. You want to call out Nazi larpers? I'm going to call out communistic faggots that were allowed to set up before and after the State of Emergency. I'm going to call out those same police for breaking up and sending them into the fray in the first place that precipitated this whole ordeal in the first place. So what now?
yes it's a great way to attract intelligent successful people.
By making sure they know that association with us means never getting a job again!
well they weren't particular aiming to cause troubles so hiding their face wasn't needed
unlike antifa goons who enjoy smashing windows, cars and attacking opposition
The left now literally proving why KKK hoods are a good idea
Take away everything from a man, a job money, security ect, and you'll soon learn he has nothing to lose!
Never underestimate the power of a man who has nothing to lose..
Isn't America supposed to be the land of the free? White people are the new slaves who aren't allowed to do anything at all
People should not need to fear being prosecuted publicly over their political world view (right wing).
What these idiots did wrong is listen to Rickard Spekzer and wore torchlights, nazi imagery.
They should have been there without face cover up, dressed in American flags but Richard Spencer managed to brainwash idiots into nazi hype.
The guys who get docs should hunt down and kill the leftists doing the doxing
They literally fell for a deepstate trap
What the fuck is the point of that rally other than try to hurt Trump and increase the DNC's claim for the whitehouse?
>wear a mask
or, you know, dont be a nazi?
>Mfw I'm Petar Cvitanović
>Trump AG does fuck all
>One death occurs because of accident or intentional
>Better crack down on these goys as opposed to the actual terrorists that have injured multitudes of people leading up to and after his election
Oh but I guess Trump's cancelled Chicago never happened, huh? Eat a bullet.
Why? They're illegal almost everywhere and this was a lawful protest until Soros bussed in his antifaggots
fuck off
>not being a nazi
pussy cunt
aard as nails m8
>White men protesting because traditional employment is failing
>They're economically disenfranchised and see no hope for the future, and so seek comfort and hope that's promised by nationalism and far right politics
>Get doxxed and can never find gainful employment. Get driven further into the ideology until it and its adherents supports them as much as they support it. Find a brotherhood to belong to. Become more and more hard right.
The left is literally creating a more focused, desperate and resolved enemy for themselves.
>go to legal rally
>get photographed
>masked illegal protestors turn up
>somehow you are the bad guy
these guys are retards. They spend so much time finding and pointing out jew subversions you'd think they'd learn that to get ahead they have to do the same. Court the power structure and gradually change it to suit your own agenda. It's the only way.
I share his name... Fucking hell
>fucking with serbs
You do realize what they're doing means he'll just start working for our well-developed mafia
Sorry you're so wrong this time mate. Old Thomas Jefferson himself didn't expect that constitution to last more than two or three decades. We're about two centuries past the expiration date.
You wouldn't need a mask at all if you retarded Nazi faggots would grow a brain and rally for things other than racism and hatred.
losers wearing masks are barely heard because they are too muffled, too cowardly even if they are not at risk of losing a job
Based Englishman
Typical really, dont know what hes doing in the USA, he should fuck off
I'd hire him. Sage
Seriously answer my question
What is achieved by walking with fucking torches and giving the media and DNC all the propaganda they need to slam Trump?
Did you know the name "alt right" was made by a DNC think tank? It suddenly started appearing from the MSM during election
Why would Richard Spencer identity himself as the Leader of a DNC made up group?
It's all made to split Trumps base and fuel DNCs legitimicy to the white house
>you attacked me
>you're a racist
christ why are they such insufferable pussies. when i was working at a call center taking car rentals from the uk, some fucking paki accused me of calling him a paki out of nowhere when i told him there were no cars available. fucking cowardly faggots. they're like animals who think they'll get what they want from whites when they whine (say racist) enough.
You're right though, a bunch of spergs crowding in the street has no use and would be embarassing for anyone with a little bit of self-awareness.
A video debunking Charlottesville and showing it's a setup (tons of footage):
That sweet, sweet schizophrenia. Keep up the nervous breakdown, Sup Forums.
>Trying to stop you idiots from reinforcing the kike narrative means I'm a kike as well
Alt-right don't wear masks and lose jobs
Antifa wear masks and don't have jobs to lose.
Is such a thing allowed in USA? Revealing personal info, rallying people against a single not public person etc. ?
In Poland he'd be in jail for that tweet.
I wonder who makes posts like this?
This board is dead, just move on.
>Implying the alt-righters won't get a promotion or at least a silent nod from their employer.
Why can't a white nationalist have a job though?
I doubt any of these people would be actually racist enough to cause any trouble at work. Let's be honest, blacks don't have jobs anyway so there's that.
>lets make sure we destroy teenagers lives because they have a different opinion from me
socialists aren't human ,fuckers.
>b b b but there nazis
I thought that only cowards wear a mask
It's "allowed" because no business wants to invite outrage, no matter how fake and manufactured, on themselves by employing a perceived Nazi.
Good point so the man in OP is a hero then
He shouldn't wear a mask. He has nothing to be ashamed of. I would rather he work for me than any nog on the planet.
The answer is to stop catering to leftists, full stop. This society will not be built around their hollow desires.
fucking eastern euros larping as nazis, baka
>if I ran my own company
>since I don't someone else should
top kek retard
Don't worry guys hes a mutt his mother is only Croatian whille his father is Serbian
>larping irl
Doesn't surprise me that they haven't quite grasped this concept though.
Hello public schooly.
how many times did the commies lose??
>needing to wear a mask
Lol cowardly Nazi scum.
fuck off and die shill. no american should be afraid to exercise their constitutional rights you fucking fascist
>wear a mask you retards
>masks australian flag with EU flag to shitpost
Really makes you think
Did you know moarpheus can juggle 6 drooling AIDS pricks in his hungry elastic sphincter at once? Ask his dad for proof pics.
>wear a mask
>be a coward
These Leftists are ensuring their own doom. Drive enough people into the shadows and their hate will fester ever greater until a full civil war breaks out.
Or even better
Let Ryan A Bell know that he should keep his fingers in his black boyfriend's ass instead of on Twitter
I agree. Next time, hopefully.
But in fairness, at charlottesville, it looks like WN1.0 took most of the heat after being forced into the antifa crowds. (A lot of this was obviously because it was much harder to blend in with their aesthetic.)
Truth be told, I have more respect for people that don't wear masks because there's a higher probability that they won't default to smashing shit up and will be able to communicate more than the same old tired chants.
when I was working my third shift the people who doxed him revealed that his parents are Yugo immigrants.They probablly ran away from Bosnia or Crotia since Serbs were killing mixed married couples
lol you dont understand anything. ur argument is:
>nazi bad. hitler evil.
you dont even try to understand what we mean or where our position comes from. Well it comes from truth and you should learn it. We are not nazis.
Most of us here aren't Nazi larpers, faggot.
>employed by university
Wait what?
>Leftist rallies
>Most wear masks
>always ends in violence
>Private property is damaged
>Bystanders get hurt
>Nationalistic rallies
>Everyone proudly show their face
>Well dressed
>No rioting
>Rarely anyone get arrested
>No vandalizing
>Respect those who simply stand on the side and watch
What is the alternative?
Because being "normal" isn't acceptable anymore either.
The old traditions and binary way of life must be dismantled. People must accept and accommodate the life styles of the niche, strange, bizarre. Different genders, races, cultures, traditions and religions accepted as equal into their lives, their consumption, entertainment and so on. Not simply to be tolerated or respected but to be embraced, absorbed and lived while somehow simultaneously not appropriating it. People push for more government intervention in all facets of life, from education to health. The end goal to destroy and eliminate what is successful relative to the unsuccessful because it makes them look unequal (after all it must be taking advantage of others). Demanding special privileges for whom is perceived to be persecuted and taking from those deemed to have too much. And when its not working, they demand more of it.
I don't agree with nazism and even if I one those people wouldn't accept me for being different, but man I do feel bad for them.
don't wear a mask
give no fucks what others think
be alt-right, far right, conservative ...
you'll be labeled a nazi and a racist anyways