Meta continued:

Meta continued:
We just had a couple nice ideas int the last thread on how to save the image of this board.

And how to make friends with the other boards again. /his/ and /lit/ and whatnot are hating our guts even though they used to love Sup Forums. What has changed and how do we go back?

Old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:

This also sounded interesting. What do you think of it?

> His
People who post daily about Afrocentism in history when it's blatantly against historic fact.
> Lit
People with the literary intelligence of teenage girls.

I wouldn't worry about 'em.

These are only the biggest haters though. I am starting to see it anywhere. Sup Forums, Sup Forums, fucking /k/, even on Sup Forums.

This is scary.

V can't stop arguing with each other about what Dark Souls character has the biggest dick.
G are not as good at tech as they lead you to believe.
K are more concerned about cumming in food and feeding it to each other.
B is all about traps, cuckoldry and spam.

What's there to be scared of?

I wish this place would get deleted, only so I am forced to never waste my time here.

But in all seriousness, this swamp does need to be drained

put in wordfilters to discredit extremist views, for example, along with a means to use overused words less
>commie - cornflake
>nazi - noodle
>white - blanco
>nigger - hot-chocolate
>nationalist - autist
>jew - chosen-one
>spic - farmer
>mudslime - bearded-friend
>fascist - smiley-man
>cuck - genius
>shill - memester
>shareblue - stormfront
and so on... basically give bantz to both extreme sides of the political spectrum, turn them both into a joke, and wait for the board culture to become more moderate

When are we kicking the newfags out and going back to actual discussions and theories, instead of treating politics like football ?
Also, what's up with all the newfag tryhards ? You know, the kind of faggot that calls you reddit if you disagree with him ? The kind of faggot that tells you to go back for using a Sup Forums meme, that he probably thinks is reddit because he wasn't here even a year ago? reddit this reddit that normies reeee? Just fuck off already. YOU are the problem. Fuck off with the groupthink bullshit and use your fucking brain for once.

>And how to make friends with the other boards again
Bah we don't need any friends/liabilities.
A friend is no different than a mercenary only that you pay them with kindness.

I know that they are nothing to be afraid of. I am just impressed that they are not sharing our opinions anymore. This site (as cringy as it fucking sounds) used to be feared by people who weren't centrist or right. Now all of a sudden you see progressive anons defending the rights of gays and niggers... in a place that used to be known as the "sewage of the internet".

How about we have the robot from r9k? Say goodbye to Trump generals, all those words you listed, Skykangz, Larpers, and much more

I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the robot from r9k

End meme flags already.

>Taken directly from the boards sticky

/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg , are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and " lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
6. Images are NOT included in the filter, only text.
7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
8. You cannot post a picture without text.
9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
10. Posts require a certain minimum amount of original content in order to be posted.
11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:

Bans duplicate posts of every kind on the global board

Thanks lads. Yeah, I agree, the robot would be great for this board.

Who gives a fuck?

Nihilists need not post. If you don't care about this board why did you come here and reply in the first place?

>all these totally-legit-browsers demanding the site become more "moderate"

Sup Forums's general views have always been influenced by common sense and fact, not feeling. The fact that everyone is hating niggers and liberals and marxists and kikes should tell you something.

Who would we contact to talk about getting the robot to come to Sup Forums?

nah, it nags you so you add some garbage to your post and then it's fine. It's basically a garbage generator. I don't post on r9k but they used to have it on /q/ or whatever that "fuck with moot" board was a year or two ago.

>Who would we contact to talk about getting the robot to come to Sup Forums?

nobody because it does not make a board better:

Fuck off ratboy. We booted all you kikes back in 2015. We'll do it again.

But it is rather easy to express a desire for forceful retribalisation of european communities or the elimination of subversive elements and far-left fringe groups without hitting wordfilters isnt it?
Also filters are gay and nanny-tier means of control.

whine about it on /qa/ until the end of times.

I say put the moderation in private hands just like on double chan. They have no spam, no bait, no left


How do we fix X threads.
X country hate thread.

All stupid bait and retarded shitposting.

Who the fuck cares, Sup Forums has been hated the majority of its existence, and it started to become liked regardless.

How new? This board has been hated everywhere where stupid idiots who don't understand board culture shit up discussion with their global rule 3-breaking posts. It used to be Sup Forums but Sup Forums became the new babby's first home board (increasingly after Gamergate and ultimately with the US elections) and there's been a trend of people taking themselves too seriously here.
At this point I don't think this place can be saved unless Hiro goes Sup Forums Harbor 2.0 for a while and gets the newshits running off, which I doubt he would do.


"Nigger" and "faggot" must NEVER be filtered. NEVER. I don't want to return to the bad ol' days of "Roody-poo" and "Candy-ass".
The rest seems like a giggle but could get confusing for the layman, or casual vistors.