Why don't white people integrate?
lmao fucking what??
Who gives a fuck about Brits in Spain? Make a survey on shitskins in Germany
Nice flag, friend!
That's not exclusively a white peoples' problem
because they don't view themselves as migrants but rather tourists and "better off" people who don't need to change themselves
Because white society is ideologically superior.
british expats are too busy talking shit and starting unprovoked fights with other expats to spend time talking to locals
Because it's hard for them to find the right mosque.
Pretty sure they are jus a tourist.
True, in South Africa they have not integrated at all into the majority culture.
>british migrants
Expat doesn't mean tourist.
They live in resorts created to be ethnic enclaves for northern european expats so they come here to spend their money in Spain.
It's better they keep to themselves and don't mix with the native population imo.
Because of anglocentrism and the general conception of north europeans of the south of europe as a fucking theme park in the summer
BRITISH people dont integrate. English, to be precise.
It happens here too, they stick to their own communities, only socialize with each other. Their tourists have their own resort for crying out loud, partly because we dont step foot where they go, partly because they cannot comprehend getting outside their comfort zone.
Brits are like little children, they need their comfy little hugbox and cannot function outside of it.
They haven't integrated into Sup Forums for crying out loud, most of them sit in a british thread all day. Whats that tell you?
>sanjak sergei complaining about his countrys sole source of income
>Presione 2 para inglés
Esta Bien
Noone gives a fuck whether you befriend locals or not. Everything is about culture and Brits and Spanish share common values like not blowing up
>dedicate your entire economy around north European tourism
>cry when north Europeans see your country as a theme park
>> 137396622
> Dedicate your entire culture to be and act like a gentleman
> Act like a chimpanzee in ibiza
One thing has nothing to do with the other. We offer you what you don't have in exchange of a price (which should be higher), that has nothing to do with you pissing in the middle of the street, drunk at 11am.
Going back to the OP question, that arrogance is why you don't even learn spanish, you don't think you are going to need it. Just pure anglocentrism
Because integration is bad