We recognise that different races have different traits. Whites and Asians have better intellectual abilities while blacks can run faster.

This is the same for music, blacks make objectively better music.

A white person could never compose that

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>The Eternal Potatonigger strikes again

I just accept the truth. For example Asians have a superior mental abilities then whites. If you deny this you are just as bad as the niggers. Same goes for every other aspect, strength and intelligence. Some races are better than others at different things. Whites just are better at more useful things.

It's not that a white person couldn't compose that.
A white person wouldn't compose that.
And if what you say is true. Why is it that one white guy chooses to rap, and he is better at it than all the black guys who do it?
Black people have some physical advantages. That's where their advantages really lay. They are good at music, but whites are the best at music.

Well that's your opinion and only your opinion. Not fact.


mozart would disagree also fuck off

>good rapper
nice b8 white boi

ill take a nigger bait thread over radical centrist psyop
its comfy

Go peel a potato you deluded cunt


Rappers disagree with you

mozart was black

America confirms this theory.

>nigger music

OP you linked an Asian pianist.

Jews make black music successful in the studio to make it attractive to all the goys they want to brainwash.

Lmao you think nigger rappers actually produce their own music?

>jew hires producer
>producer makes some dime a dozen trap beat
>nigger raps over it

Wouldn't even surprise me if a large part of successful rappers don't even write their own texts. But this is mere speculation.

>implying mozart's good

>producer is black too

check m9

Why can't you just admit Nick Crompton is the best rapper of all time

Bach? Beethoven? Who're them?

Yes and he's not from compton

Popular music is based more around who is still stupid enough to pay for music.

Nope, not politics, sage.