Anyone feel we've never been this close to a race war? The whole country is going REE. We might really need to kill shitskins now, we're done memeing.
Anyone feel we've never been this close to a race war? The whole country is going REE...
If you think this is bad, it's gonna get A LOT worse before it comes to a race war, my friend.
kill the traitors first
gas the kikes
racewar now!
No, it won't ever happen. Everyone is against us. Leftists, cops, higher ups, the government.
The only salvation we can get is full blown nuclear wars. If we could reduce the world population to 500 million people, we wouldn't see cultural marxism or any sort of degeneracy anymore.
Lol when the quicker it happens the quicker white Americans win... we all know the minorities over there don't have a hope in hell of beating you lot since you all have 5 ar15's in the house and a thousand boxes of ammo.
Get in here.
GOD SPEED user!!!
>our rallies were peaceful protests
I hope you accidentally shoot your mother
I know you guys probably think you're on the good side, but isn't it kind of becoming obvious that you're the evil assholes? IS that who you really wanted to be? Maybe reconsider the direction you're going. It's not too late. .
Hatred breeds counter-hared. There is no good and evil, just groups with conflicting interests. And collectivists will always be willing to kill and die for their group interests.
Wow a few people died
but ya know everyone seems to be forgetting the violence the left has been doing at all these rallies
Also the fact of the shooting on the republican baseball game, luckily the guy had shit aim and didnt kill anyone.
What if you're not really threatened, but just insecure? I think it's more of an ideology that's got you all fucked in the head. Which is what extremists are willing to kill and die for. You have been brainwashed, I'm sorry to say.
Don't ask me, I'm not part of the alt-right. I never even considered that my skin color could be something I identified with until I found this place. The problem is nonwhites do have much more of a tendency to identify with their skin color for self-preservation and gibmedats, so eventually whites will end up having to adopt identity politics as a self-defense mechanism. That's what you're seeing right now. The future isn't gonna be pretty. Hopefully I'll be far away from this place by the time shit hits the fan.
You may just be an actual sociopath, of course. In which case, nevermind. I assume there is a decent percentage of genuine sociopaths among you, especially the ones beating the drum with the most viciousness. But there are also plenty who've simply fallen under a spell that was deliberately crafted to snare their susceptible minds. For them, there may still be hope.
>Anyone feel we've never been this close to a race war?
In America, yes. But America is one messed up, divided place.
Yeah I mean we'd all better just get over it. Not that I think we will or anything.
History is repeating itself.
The day the pro whites learn to use the element of surprise on Jewish Masters, is the day the movement might actually win.
There are two groups of people that will be extremely difficult for the pro white movement. The top tier leadership of the Globalist Movement (The Jewish Masters, the thinkers behind Globalism) and the white traitor second tier enforcers (deadly killers not to be trusted.)
Take out the Jewish Masterminds first and the Globalists can't think clearly. Take out the white traitor enforcers second and the Globalists can't fight effectively. If you focus on any other group of people before taking out those two you will fail. Fight smarter, before harder.
why are there so many fucking shills on Sup Forums now? they've really stepped up the psyops I guess
Faggot you won't do shit. You'll do 10 pushups and get winded then beg mommy to cook your hot pockets while you play steam. You don't have the balls to get in a real fight for your beliefs, because you know we want Nazi blood on our hands and you are a bunch of fat doughy little weaklings.
dude, have you considered that you are a bunch of degenerates that have never touched a gun in your entire lifes, a race war is the only thing we want and if we get it that means we won.
As long as America ceases to be a 1st world country and whitey is forced to faced what we POC have to suffer every day worldwide, it's already a victory for us.
I'm reaching out cause I care, that's all. You guys have already met the psy ops a while back now.
If by civil war you mean massive crack down on white supremacist retards by the feds then yes and i can't fucking wait
the tears will be glorious
Come to east TN faggot, I'll put a bucket of .308 in your prolapsed anus mf.
>neo nazis are so weak they need guns to fight
Shocker. Go to the gym you fat fucks
Oh yeah tough guys are coming out. With big tough guns. We got your TN IP right here, you ain't gotta say it.
post that gorilla warfare copypasta
Yes we should just let the reds attempt murder us and not respond because violence is bad right
NaziFag Unite
t. Speed bump
degenerate this isn't a fist fight,i literally see you crying on cameras like muslims do asking for help from canada russia or whoever.
>is unironically communist
Meant to reply to the commie
Do they teach caucasian cucks nothing in history class? We've been much closer to a race war. Specifically, when we HAD a race war in the 1860's. It's why west virginia exists and is full of inbred hill people.
I dated a nazi once. He was cute and had a big, smooth cock that I liked playing with when we talked about politics. Even if he's a nazi, a cute guy with a cute butt can slide into my butt and my heart .
Of course the commie doesnt like guns, they are the only effective weapon against human wave attacks.
bring it
"race war" dumbfucks thinks white people outside /pol hate blacks
Lets kill some anarcho-communists
Here is a pic of your side.
You are all losers.
All of u.
get in the kitchen
You know what you are, you fucking paid shitposting shill faggot.
Sadly some will probably fall for this, like that patsy the blamed the challenger thing on, he was dumb enough.
>implying id ever hurt a based black man
Bankers, corporate elites, and the top 1% are exploiting the masses and using idpol to distract you. Socialism makes the most sense of all economic systems in my opinion, as capitalism and fascism create oppression while socialism encourages welfare and good.
Yeah we would all love it if you guys would go have your race war somewhere else, like some other planet would be good. Ok see you, have fun. Don't forget to write.
>Trying to tax the corrupt elite who benefit from high taxes
Are you this dumb?
>race war
your ilk posted pictures of themselves crying when Hillary lost
>Commie is mad the he doesn't have the freedom to own guns.
Fuck you are a loser.
>what is white flight?
All those kurdish fighters in Syria are really gonna help white, middle class faggots in europe right enough...
Humanity doesn't have a race problem, it has a nigger and kike problem. Now, those words are offensive to some, but it is time to redefine them. A nigger is best defined by the MLK Boondocks episode, (they're living contradictions, full of unfulfilled ambitions, watch and wane, love to complain, love to hear themselves talk, but hate to explain, love being another man's judge and jury, procrastinate until it's time to worry, love to be late,but hate to hurry). Now this can mean anybody can fall into this category, hence the term wigger was coined to describe the white version, but it can be anybody. This problem can be solved by addressing the next problem, kikes. Kikes are mystic, kabalist, hasidic, talmud practicing, pharisee and synagogue of satan worshipping jews. These are the subversive types that promote degeneracy in pop culture and rule by diving and conquering. The more we start to address and expose these types of kikes, the more likely we'll stop infighting and take back control from these subversive types. Don't fall for their tricks, a race war is part of (((their))) plan.
gay af
You're more close to the wanking war desu
Hearing this kinda talk spew from the mouths of commie LARPers will never not be funny
Srsly, there is no group more cringe or emaciated than your lot
He was a sub too. We'd I role play Germany's surrender in WW2 and I would be the dominating Soviet raping the poor Germans. I'd pin him down and strip off his clothes one by one whispering things like "white boys have the best booties to capture" and "it's time for reparation German." Then when I slid on top of his smooth tight chest and our hard cocks would run against each other and our balls squeezing tight between our bodies, my lips move closer to his and a stare longingly into those deep blue eyes and caress his dirty blonde hair, I realize that love transcends ideology and we would make sweet love under the covers.
I really miss him. :(
Can we all just stop fighting pls?
>Talk shit
>Someone is down to fight to the death
>Puss out
You deserve to get hit
It's not a race war though, it's just nazi hunting.
Retarded nigger is absolutely ignorant about world history
Listen nigger. We suffered for 2000 years under Roman rule while you fucking animals were swinging from trees in africa
>soivet gun
Don't kill any cute ones though.
How does it feel that the destiny of your entire race as a people and culture is just being butthurt that we're better than you and needing to fill that gnawing inferiority complex by trying to undermine us
Browns will trample and slaughter traitor whites without hesitation
Lmao ypg
Why do Commies always support the government and corporations?
>muh good vs evil
Millenial manchild
Here's your (you) so you don't get lonely thinking that you have any iota of power. I get the meme that the right wing think they'll win any fight because libcucks don't use guns, but anti-fa aren't liberals.
They've been around for decades, the people in that picture are volunteers who go fight abroad in Syria against isis and erodgan while you sit at home moaning about the jews, niggers and university kids confused about their genders.
You'd get slaughtered in a fight with anti-fa.
Yea and basically you're making it okay 30 years from now when the boomer judges are gone and your ilk are being imprisoned for speech. Literally judges alive in the 70s are the only reason antifa are allowed to oppress people. They are the government's paid enforcers.
Advocates of white power = white trash.
Were close to the point on no return. It's either now or around 2020.
Just wait until they acquit James Fields
Yeah, dude. Those elders of zion are pulling the strings behind the scenes constantly. Indoctrinating our kids in universities to be gay, giving black people rights and opening immigration to the third world.
Anti-fa are just working on their behalf to oppress the white man.
>in my opinion
and that's why your opinion is shit
There is no way they won't crucify that poor bastard just to appease the leftists.
How dumb are you? Does it physically hurt going through life unable to understand anything beyond "I'm oppressed", do you not see that your entire movement and wing of politics is funded and controlled by those same elites you claim to be against?
Our children will not be minorities in their own nation you communist faggot
and there is no way one side wont riot no matter what
Cool power fantasy dude, I'm sure the spirit of Lenin himself will lead the march on the White House. Except actually not and your high-flying rhetoric will mean nothing in the face of ethnic solidarity
I don't get i dudderz, both sides hate each so why can't the smarter and more calm antifa folks bringing up peace talks? I'm sure theyve got such calm words...oh I'm just remembering that gunman that shot some old dudes playing baseball.
Hi leftypol
Also lmao'ing at your life in apparently failing to realize the irony of using YPG as an example of leftism overcoming ethnonationalism. I'm sure the Kurds want to establish a multicultural globalist leftist Republic in the foothills of Anatolia and not a Kurdish ethnostate
If trying to stop your people from being subverted into ghosts of themselves is evil then yes im evil today tomorrow, and everyday til i end your life
1 - Get off the internet
2 - literally look around, listen to some birds, maybe try to lose your viginity
3 - Realize the constant state of peace you get to enjoy in a civil democracy like America and that like 90% of people don't even care about anything that happened
You know you would be on the losing side, right? Every white person in the country isn't going to magically side with the pathetic losers whose retarded rally for "white supremacy" got 3 people killed and 19 injured
stop entrapping people.
Shit like this is just the beginning. One person dead from a car attack will be child's play compared cities are being razed to the ground like in Syria and towns are ethnically cleansed from street to street
Well, it's not hate, but to be honest nobody wants to live with blacks here. They get attacked on the streets often. The same is for asia. No one cares when there is ten of them.
If they become even 5% of society, there would be civil war i believe.
Also, any nation with many blacks would get mocked by surrounding states .
>Anyone feel we've never been this close to a race war?
It's Monday. That means everyone has to go to work and get back to the drama of their daily grind and forget about the national drama. 9-5 M-F was the greatest memory eraser ever invented.
The Kurds are literally nationalists fighting an opposing ethnic power, the Turks, in order to establish an ethnic homeland.
They also fight arabs all the time.
Remember the people on the other side are not the primary target. People like Soros are. When you get rid of those overlords both sides will lose their funding and shill agitators then the side with the most hitpoints will win the game.
do yourself a favor and Google Image Search the following phrases:
White woman with children
White couple
White American Inventors
European history people
Happy American couple
European people art
White man and white woman
But we are literally threatened. Black people are a threat. Hispanic people are a threat. The are far more dangerous to me than a white or asian ever will be.
Everywhere they exist in large numbers is a crime ridden shithole. They commit far more crime than should be normal for their numbers. They are dumber, and almost their entire group requires government aid. We literally fund them so they can keep being dangerous to us.
I am willing to kill and die to keep my country safe, my people safe, and my family safe.
I am willing to kill and die so that what little good we do have will still exist tomorrow, and the day after that. I know that if we do not do something, eventually the nogs and the spics will turn this place into a third world shithole with no hope. So much will be lost.
This is not extremism. Its a recognition of facts and necessity. It is patriotism.
70% of posts I see are shills. This place is disgusting.
Its been ramped up because we're ramping up ourselves.