>Be Dan Harmon
>Create one of the funniest, clever, most innovative shows ever.
>Adult Swim policy forces you to hire 50% women in the writing room.
>Show becomes shit tier.
What do?
Rick And Morty Season 3 sucks
Pull an MDE
>one of the funniest, clever, most innovative shows ever.
Taste this shit should be illegal
>adult swim policies
I thought that was all Harmons decision?
The most recent episode was pretty good i thought, called out israel and diversity hiring
Is that what happened? Season 3 is awful. I'm not even going to bother watching any more episodes. Rick doesn't even burp anymore.
I thought so too. Its just Sup Forums being Sup Forums
It wasn't that great of a show to begin with
Pickle episode. As funny as that retarded Brit in current year
>Create one of the funniest, clever, most innovative shows ever.
made me laugh
season 1 was decent but season 2 was awful and so is season 3
Yeah that pickle episode was fucking horrible. Full of pointless vapid monologues and even a part at the start where the joke was nothing happening - the most shit tier of all jokes
If you really want cancer watch "ricking morty"
It's not only degeneracy but self aware degeneracy
Justin, is that you?
rick and morty really expands your imagination though
The 3rd season just has this vibe that something's off
Yea what most people don't get is that rick is slowly regurgitating the black pill and at the end of it a massive red pill is waiting for him.
You can see it coming already.
Yeah, season 3 is decent, they're kinda boring but I've enjoyed them. This episode was pretty good i thought, called out capeshit for what it was, generic bland storytelling, and had a the stuff i mentioned earlier in it as well. I didnt notice any sjw bullshit, in fact the only female character was the most evil and manipulative one of the whole show
>Dan Harmon
Is a massive leftist cuck and profligate. Source: harmontown podcast
current episode was pretty solid.
It was never funny. Just clever and we all see ourselves in Rick.
>watch a liberal tv show
>be surprised its shit
Get off my board
*whole episode
Replace Dan Harmon with Justin Roiland. Roiland created Rick and Morty, Harmon came in afterwards and he's the one pushing for Reddit tier leftism and more women on the staff.
>watch cartoons instead of anime
>be surprised it's shit
>one of the funniest, clever, most innovative shows ever.
>just Futurama for the reddit crowd
tv's for women anyway, because the advertisers want an easy target
so shows at the very least over include and indulge the woemens
if it's not a film from before 2000, or if it's not sport, there'll 99 times out of 100 be feminist bullshit seeping through.
Avoid the idiot box
This. Out of everyone in the house, only my mother watches any TV program that isn't the news or sports. So it's no wonder that TV is full of pozzed shit when only women are watching it.
I know you probably think you see yourself in rick but I actually carry a hip flask and say cool sciency stuff and wore a lab coat even before the show came out.
>Rick says "diverse"
>Rick says "heroes of colour"
Enough said
Is that meant to be Ranma? Hot desu
The new episode was pretty good though, finally it was and actual Rick and Morty episode, and not a Rick and Summer and Morty one.
Anime is just cartoons + 2 nuclear holocausts.
Yep. Here is the link.
No the pickle Rick episode is really good. The best episodes of the show are just Rick being an asshole and doing some crazy shit
I never really liked it
give him a break hes like 16 and unironically doesnt know any better
the final episode of Season1 was LSD incarnate
I think roiland at least keeps his views out of the show. I haven't seen him talk about politics on his twitter
those were just small parts of it. The whole episode was pushing more needless sentimental bullshit and forcing things that should not happen.
(((reddit and memey)))
>be dan harmon the hack
>be a cuck and divorce
>forced to hire womyn
>>Create one of the funniest, clever, most innovative shows ever.
it was reddit the show since ep 1
Why on earth would a 16 year old post about cartoons on Sup Forums? I thought kids these days have lol or csgo to play with
any of you fags watch harmonquest?
>animated D&,D campagian
>train nigger gets cucked by a sentient pile of ants
You can't make this shit up
This. Calling out the JQ for 20 seconds does not make the rest of the ep good.
Kek. Wich show's the chad?
made me cringe too
It's not that innovative. It's a bunch of sci-fi memes set to Back to the Future characters. In fact it started as a Back to the Future cartoon.
xavier renegade angel, all the seasons are on youtube as well. That image actually got me to see what this shit was about. Pretty amazing. I wanted to hate it first but I kept watching because of how off the walls it was.
You sir are a top quality poster.
Rick sorting himself out would be the most off the wall thing and yet emotionally powerfull thing they could do at this point. Even if it takes 9 seasons.
He loves his family, if he acted on that on as many realities as he could and pushed for as much prosperity as his personal sacrifice could admit. despite the fact no matter what he does its still finite.
That would be the only real way he could redpill at the level composite to his ability. If he incorporates his shadow, thereby saving all realities from himself. Staring down this darkness and doing the most rick thing he can.
say "Fuck you, Nihilism."
maybe dan harmon ran out of ideas
>be Justin Roiland
>can't draw
>can't make humor
>makes dick sucking cartoon vimeo.com
>gets TV deal
I wonder (((who))) was behind this one.
Thanks, I guess.
(Honestly, I do this becauae of clover's built in image search on posts)
Thanks senpai gun watch it
Just watched episode 4, it's shit. I ironically likes the pickle rick episode because of the fight scenes but this whole season has been a disappointment.
user, what did I just watch?
Xavier has some of the most quotable dialogue ever.
>They say every cigarette takes 17 minutes off your life
>Well hey, if I keep smoking fast enough, I'll get younger.
Season 3 sucks, but the new episode is not bad. They mocked on diversity und cucked a nigger.
why do you fags hate on rick and morty , it feels like most of you are underage and think CARTOONS should cater to some turbointellectualbehindthecurtains group which can only interpret its incredibly smart and strong msg.
not everything in your life is about "MUH MUH MUH DIVERSITY MUH UH BIG DOOX NOB MOHFUGGEN"
get a fucking grip , after over a decade of being here near 30 years old i am getting annoyed at the ammount of shit you produce and bump in the catalog.
along with the fucking faggot who drove a car into people , everything is a falseflag or attack nowadays and then you make fucking cartoon threads.
this ISNT reddit but has turned into it over the years.
congratulations on ruining one of my favorite hideouts on the internet.
It would also be the least funny thing. It's like Always Sunny, the humour comes from fucked up people breaking societal norms. Sunny is going to shit because they're writing Dennis into giving a shit that he has a kid, after all the crazy fucked up shit him and the gang have done suddenly he has a concience.
R&M could easily go down the same route. We understand that Rick is fucked up, and there have been some touching moments relating to that but we don't want it deconstructed, it will ruin the show.
My biggest problem in season 3 has been them leaning towards analysing Rick. We don't need him to say he's in the Mad Max universe because he's avoiding Beth, we already see that. We don't need a fucking therapist to deconstruct why Rick behaves how he does, we already understand him. I was very concerned in the most recent episode that Rick genuinely was going to have had an emotional moment with Morty because that's just the way the show has been going.
I am still trying to figure that out. I can't believe I never saw this when it aired.
Stop watching it and don't promote it.
>Adult Swim policy forces you to hire 50% women in the writing room.
That explains why they took longer to write season 3.
You say it like it was making a statement when it was a joke.
I see fags on Sup Forums saying shit like South Park is redpilled when they've been making the same jokes for years but bluepilled when it says something they don't agree with like Trump hate.
>one of the funniest, clever, most innovative shows ever.
Jesus Christ, this show was 'pretty decent' before it started sucking. Why do people act like it's goat?
Even within the Adult Swim catalog rick and morty doesn't have anything on the venture bros, for instance
i guess im the only one that has zero interest in watching this show. all i have seen is a few clips and they all look dumb as fuck.
Pickle episode sucked. Season 3 is lesser tier. But honestly R&M is easy zone out TV for someone that hates Tv. It's clever enough I don't feel Jewed but still skeptical. It's an easy Saturday show (which is when it is available in Emu land)
It's funny because Roiland called it shit way before the episode came out. He knew it was shit. Wonder why he let it through. That episode was really gay.
Don't the women writers stop after this last episode? I know not a lot of you like the show but holy shit they fucking ruined it. I got annoyed at the stupid shit Rick was saying but I could get over it because it was stupid but made ledditors happy however these new episodes are so fucking bad. Hopefully they get better haven't watched the one that came out yesterday yet is it as bad as Pickle Rick if so I'm not watching it at all.
Lol I'm glad people are starting to rediscover Xavier. Me and one of my college friends used to watch it all the time but none of our other friends really got it because it was too weird. Can't remember the creators names, but they also did Wonder Showzen on MTV which was pretty good too
You fucking cucks expect way too much from a television show.
Just fucking watch it or don't, faggots.
Rick and Morty season 1 & 2 already sucked. I'm sure someone already said that but the post is so lame I don't even want to bother reading it.
I agree that's why I stopped watching it. The Pickle Rick episode was retarded and they knew it wasn't funny. That's why they compensated with so much violence and gore to distract people. You can tell the latest episode was contaminated by a woman's input. Everyone on the team that was a male died and the lying, traitorous, cold blooded, spiteful, cheating whore that got BLACKED escaped in the end. Morty wanted to stop her but Rick told him to forget it. Sick of this feminism bullshit.
fuck me is that why season 3's jokes have been so shit?
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
I'm a fan of the show but you're on fucking crack to think that "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub" requires a high IQ. The pure thought process behind that is made for Ledditors nothing more and those faggots eat it up like its gold.
no the most recent episode was fucking rubbish. just because they put a few anti-sjw shit doesnt automatically make it good. the jokes were just not funny.
haha perfect.
>funnies, clever, most innovative shows ever
That's not Xavier Renegade Angel
There is an episode focused around Morty's grandparents being literal, actual cuckolds - not the meme sense, the focus is on his grandfather gleefully watching his wife getting fucked by a black. In another episode, a genetic combination of Adolf Hitler and Abraham Lincoln accidentally taps a black jock on the shoulder while approaching Rick, and then meekly backs down and gets his ass kicked by the nigger.
Oh, also, that same nigger jock is fucking Morty's love interest.
I wonder what agenda is being pushed.
You autistic shits spaz out every sunday/monday over this show. If you don't like it then why do you watch it?
not gonna lie, the isreal joke in last nights episode gave me a good sensible chuckle
fun fact: roiland names all the father figures in his works after his dog
Yeah you may think it was shit but it didnt push any liberal sjw bullshit, the whole ep basically shit on that and crappy normie capeshit movies
>Rick And Morty Season 3 sucks
It sucks overall.
>i'd like to see him pray an abortion
aeon flux had better writing, better jokes, higher concept science fiction and fan service over twenty years before it. R&M just looks good relative to the general steaming pile of trash that's western animation.
at least the show named the jew, be funny if the creators sperg out before the season's ending and get kicked off the air. that's what I hope happens.
Its a copypasta. Someone actually posted this on reddit.