Kanadajin3 The most Nippon of the Nipponest

But now a Muslim too.
For those wondering, this is Miranda Constable, or Kanadajin3.

She is a Canadian girl that has lived in Japan for a few years. She says that she has forgotten how to speak English, and thus the reason she speaks in broken English.

She also believes she is Japanese and has just recently became a Muslim and is working hard on bringing multicultural values to Japan.

She is utterly despised by 2chan and they are working hard to get her deported because they are scared of a white Japanese girl that wears a Yukata and a Hijab.

She has also begun speaking on political topics and is an arch foe of President Trump.

Why do other Jvolgers fear her so much?


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Sounds like they should put her in the comfort battalions.

Bet Japan wishies it had better gun laws now.
I sure fucking would with that canadian cunt

this girl is a psycho


She's cancer...

no one in their right mind would convert to islam, more people wish to leave it but can't because they will be killed by the people in their own country.

What a good Muslim.


>mfw Based Nips denies this roastie's citizenship

>picking on the mentally challenged
Please leave her alone. She's like the female version of Chris-chan. I pity her.

>Why do other Jvolgers fear her so much?
Non-japanese should not tell the Japanese how to be Japanese.

>Non-japanese should not tell the Japanese how to be Japanese.

Actually, she believes herself to be more knowledgeable about Japan and its customs than ethnic Japanese.

>She is a Canadian girl
Pretty much what you'd expect by now.

That's what is hilarious about these weebs... They don't realize how they are seen in Japan the same way Americans see an Asian tourist who talks about how great pop music.

> awww ya... katy pelly she so great, i ruv her songs, how about you, she is best!

I'm considering getting this girl deported through having her break the law when I go to Japan to study. But how?

>White girls wearing head scarves
This literally my fetish stop try to dissuade her from doing this, also has she taken any sexualized pics?

As a mixed white-hispanic, I just want to go to japan to find a so-so homely but hard working jap girl who is into foreigners. She's got to at least be open to learning english and passionate about something constructive in life.

It's a mental illness.

Either that or she is 100% aware of what she is doing she funded by globalists.

Nothing personal - but can somebody teleport behind her, FFS?

She needs to get RICED.

She really is mentally ill. It might be beneficial in the long run though, only boosting Japanese xenophobia.

well if she's muslim and you rape her.. then under sharia law then she's in the wrong. She'll deport herself after a spell of light stoning


is she still stalking that muzzie jap she's in love with?

Even a cursory glance at a few of her videos makes it clear that it's the former.

Weebs rightfully btfo

As I kid I found Asian culture to be very attractive... especially the idea of the ninja.

Why was that?

I'm guessing it had something to do with how bland American culture is in general.

Ninjas are pretty badass, I can't really fault anyone for finding them cool. It's alright to admire other cultures as long as you aren't some xenophile weirdo.

As a kid I was obsessed with Otto Von Bismarck and Ancient Rome, funny thing is that I'm not actually European, so I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.

she's fucking retarded

Being white in Japan was not enough for her to feel special. Day of the rake when?

She probably identifies as anything but white.

Jesus christ what's the point? H I M E cut with ponytail or go home.

>They don't realize how they are seen in Japan
Yes, surely you know the eyes with which Japan sees weeaboos waaaay better than those who're actually interested in moving to Japan.

>raping that thing
No I need serious ideas. I'm thinking I meet up with some 2ch fags and frame her for some crime. It's japan and she's not a citizen yet so any little thing will do

there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a Muslim, but the fact she thinks she's Japanese is fucked.

The leaf is an eternal menace

What the hell even happens in 2ch?

>a canadian jew in japan converted to an arab religion

We need a World War, fast...

Text based Sup Forums except there's like 70 boards with different subjects

Potato potatonigger

Americans have cow boys tho. They're pretty badass. More so than the ninjas. Also, America has a badass military power.

>there is absolutely nothing wrong with being a muslim

>She is a Canadian girl

>actually traveling 5000km to ruin someone else's life
Your average Sup Forumstard and what he does with his life, ladies and gents.

Basic bitch Toronto born race traitor.

For what?

>Actually, she believes herself to be more knowledgeable about Japan and its customs than ethnic Japanese.

I thought she was just a joke before. But now I see she, like all Canadians, needs to die.

Why are Anglos so fucking ugly?

That sounds oddly decent


To harden us the fuck up and purge the earth of these liberal cunts.

Islam is pretty based. that must be a hard pill to swallow.

Japanese is the only culture that can compete with white Western culture as far as efficiency goes but it also is completely different

This just puts a manic grin on my face and reinforces the idea that these people are without a doubt lost beyond redemption. An ugly fucking weeabo chick living in Nippon-stan, top that off she goes full religion of peace on the nips. What the fuck. How the fuck is she even allowed to stay in Nippon-stan for extended periods of time, does she fill some niche western-profession down there or is she their token white gal.
I keep coming back to the same thought, but honestly speaking it’s one of the only world scale events that would shut down all this bullshit that mentally ill retards keep propagating. The other option is just plain old harassing and trolling the fuck out of retards like her, there is no logical argument to be made, or one she will concede to, that will turn her away from the bullshit she’s engaged in.

I hope the nips dust of their bayonets and impale this goofy bitch

Ms. Pigface continuously says "we Japanese" when describing Japanese culture.

You are NOT Japanese, you demented pigfaced wanna be sand nigger!

I'm going there for school and this is a side attraction
>ruining someone's life
First of all muslims and canadians aren't people

Second think of how many Japanese people's lives this will make better

Doesn't that apply to Korea too?

Literally leaf davido-kun

i lived there a few years also and i can barely speak childlike japanese. what motivates these people to integrate into a society and then attempt to utterly destroy it?

im not joking when i say japanese people loved me for not being able to speak japanese and not caring enough to learn

She was literally a thot for hire(illegal for foreigners in japan), became a waitress and got fired(says she quit even though she only has a work visa equivalent but I doubt anyone is that fucking retarded)

This is what happens when you have no identity, nationality, culture and no real country to call your own. You grasp at other cultures desperately trying to cling to any piece of identity.

Where is the rose that reeks of decay?

What sunset strikes the eye to shut?

Which mountain stream causes he who sips to vomit forth from his mouth its waters but for the taste?

What use is a white woman if she is not pretty?

In these meager lines you will find your answer to the mystery of Kanadajin13 and all that she does, my gaijin friends.

The formatting is fucking terrible. I only go there to read tekken 7 threads with my shit nipanese.

Patrician taste my friend

>if she's muslim and you rape her.. then under sharia law then she's in the wrong
The religion of the raped girl doesn't matter that much, and she's only in the wrong if she can't bring forward 4 muslim men to testify that she didn't consent (or in the rare case that the offender confesses, that'll do as well).

Have you skipped your mandatory Sharia law course again, al-Britanni?

>I'm going there for school
I wonder where did that come from. Are you sure you aren't a weeaboo yourself?

Japan is just as fucked up socially as the west
You wanna be a rice mixing degenerate, you'd have better luck in china or some other garbage country like that

that thing is fucking terrifying

nope just want to give roppongi sluts the gaijin dick

Canada as a society has been utterly destroyed. AngloCanadians are now basically the wandering Jew.

Sounds niggerish.

>This is what happens when your parents don't give a fuck about you

Fixed that for you. For all her Nipon bullshit she brings disgrace on her famiry for being such a dumb weeb.

Is their an ETA for when they're going to ship her back or is she allowed to stay indefinitely?

The fact she doesn't have any real job or profession should be enough to deport her ass.

Why are so many foreigners going to Japan ? Never understood why.

Is it possible for people with googley eyes to get that shit corrected? At least, she could close her fish eye for photographs. Shit looks fucking awful, senpai.

t.Davido Kun


>whole forum for gissp bullshit

It's too ethnically homogenous goy

Why so many swedes go find brides in third world countries instead of getting local women?


Never understood why

But what's with the beaver teeth?

its cute in japan

Japanese society, culture, and daily life is superior to anywhere in the West except for a handful of places like Switzerland and Poland. In other Western countries you have to live basically in the countryside to enjoy any life worth living, but in Japan you can live in any city besides Tokyo and it's golden. Being a perpetual outsider is a small price to pay. It's better to serve in heaven than to reign in hell.





She showed on twitter that her conversion video gave her a shit ton of money. This piece of shit doesn't need more views.

Seeing jap women teeth, I wouldn't be surprised. It's just so unsettling.

How the fuck do you forget how to use English, especially if you grew up speaking it?
I imagine they do use English in Japan a bit too.
Did she get Alzheimers?

Holy fuck Sup Forums as a weeb this pisses me off so much. Fuck Islam in glorious Nippon!

I think Tokyo is the best large city in Japan actually.

Nippon hates Muslims and NIggers.

The idea of a white girl embracing the values of muslims and niggers is like an idol eating AIDS infested shit.

It disgusts them beyond comprehension.

Japs love Whites, like seriously they are like the Vorta in DS9 worshipping the Founders. They view themselves as inferior to Whites.

So this girl is like Satan, and that is why they want her out. As she demolishes the ideals that Japanese hold in the White (American and English) man.

I wish i could get across how much Japan hates Islam. They will be polite to Muslims but it's only the very very liberal Japanese who embrace it. They are just considered retards by normal Japanese.

I do not know how one can go from Weeaboo to Muslim. Muzzers stink, and have no fashion sense. Obviously this girl is mentally unstable and her family should fight to get her back to Canada and under psychiatric assessment.

>This is what happens when you have no identity, nationality, culture and no real country to call your own
so a typical canadian

she did it because she's a weeb and attention whore with identity issues and she probably wants to look like pic related.

>piece of shit
What is her sin expect being a weeb and muslim?

Yes being surrounded by gaijin and degeneracy is very comforting.


>Ranking Poland highly

>t. Polish-American faggot teaching English in Nipland

Holy shit, I was stalked by a girl who had the same look in her eyes. Just hysteria...

god damn, it is always the canadians who shit posts like this

canadians and jews needs to be quelled

fuck off kanadajin3, we hate you cause you act like an idiot bitch.

People really have nothing better to do

Who is this?
>She is hanging with literal sandniggers in Japan now
>pic related a screenshot from video


The outsider think is quite apparent when you are there. Suddenly white people are like brothers. I remember on the train to kansai airport there was a white guy, and I looked at him, and he looked at me, and we just nodded and smiled...It was like "yeah man, we're here".

Honestly, There are minor times of loneliness, and Japan is NEVER going to be how a newb expects it. But if you go in with realistic expectations you can have a life there.

My intentions for the next year or two is that.

The best thing to do is learn the language. It's the only way you can survive there. Sure, most people 'know' a bit of english, but they can't use it to communicate anything complex, one thing thats good is most Japs have high IQ. This is NOT a nigger country.

good luck to all gaijin in Japan, I will be there with you soon.

I'm not Polish. Poles have a level-headed sense of solidarity and morality. If their country was wealthier it would be paradise.

Being a weeb is simply unpatriotic, but being a muslim is openly admitting you're a pedophile terrorist who wants to kill anyone not in your clique.(SOURCE: Koran & Haddiths)