The overton window has shifted, gentlemen. We've done it. White nationalism is now a mainstream ideology.
This is only the beginning..
We are winning comrade. Racists are afraid again. You're going to lose your jobs, your money, your families, your "girlfriends" if you have one.
Have we started the fire?
Give it up, you can't change the narrative on this one. Maybe if Trump publicly supported you, but he won't.
*honk honk*
>Overton window
Somebody's been reading (((Kunstler))).
>alt-right activists condemn violence
lmao, yeah i saw how andrew anglin "condemned" her killing
That's not what they are saying. They are trying to be journalists. We just haven't seen many examples of journalism in the last decade so it's hard to recognize.
>White nationalism is now a mainstream ideology.
Was always the case, under which rock have you been living? Here in Germany we are not allowed to speak too openly, sedition laws and so on. But everybody I know loves our country - well almost anybody - and hates the sandniggers.
Baby steps, gentlemen. Baby steps.
We're not going anywhere, shills. The movement has been born, and we are surging in number of every day, while the ranks of your sterile fat lesbian and cuckolded hordes are waning.
We unironically have
Nah, it's been burnin' since the world's been turnin'. We didn't start the fire.
stop it
stop it white people
you are the evil not the victims
you're fucking retarded
Breitbart is offering a tepid defense against an national flood of bad press
almost every Republican with any power is tripping over themselves to condemn you
this is like a person shitting on the floor and when someone else cleans it up they claim that their right to shit on the floor has been validated
fucking fat stormfront larpers
Breitbart is out in full force defending us and condemning antifa.
Communism will always fall. We will beat you in the streets and kill you with Dodge Challengers until the only defense you fags have left are your purple refugee dildos.
u will not replace us
don't you mean "kikebart"?
you guys shit on that outlet because it's too pro-Israel
when you're endgame isn't to look good, defend yourselves or advance your own agenda but hope that someone else comes in and does it for you then you've failed
Ultimately we are seeing history playing out as it did in the Weimer Republic. People will always choose the "nazis" over the communists who burn the national flag and espouse anti-traditional and anti-patriotic values. The right needs to stay in the streets now and continue to march and show these antifa vermin for the scum they are. Eventually they will be silenced and we will ascend.
Breitbart is shit tier clickbait for muh alt-right retards. Of course it's nice to have a voice, but there are so many articles which skew the truth, if you check the actual facts, they are just as bad as MSM. Yellow press, just as bad as Daily Mirror and stuff like that.
not happening
the age of the white man is over
redpill me on Weimar
why did it happen?
how did it even come to be?
You don't have to agree with an organization on everything to work with them, especially when they are asking to be on your side. If they like the movement, they may hire some members of it that help shift their policy, as well. Remember, Rome was not built in a day.
I don't trust fox news more than CNN or any of the others. Tucker is great though. Breitbart comes off a little like infowars to me at times. Some of the articles seem less than serious. It's growing on me.
What, drop out of HS, get an opioid addiction, and work two shifts a week at a gas station for the rest of my life?
Yeah, I won't replace you I guess
We're winning faggot. 90% of whites dont even suppotr you evil fucks
They better defend it. We pay thier bills. It's a first for them. Usually they are MSM lite
>All these people who think the Alt-Right isn't controlled op
>All these shills who suck Spencer's dick
Kessler is a Jewish last name
Baked Alaska is a Jew
Your waifu Lauren is a Jew
Spencer's mentor was a Bolshevik Jew
The rally held no integrity and both sides suck dicks.
Tell me you deleted your post and not a mod.
>breitbart doesn't seem as popular due to their lack of (((ownership)))
Let me tell you what the general public is thinking:
antifa were peaceful demonstrators protesting against hateful murderous nazi skinheads. People of color, women, anti fascists everywhere were coming together to fight a threat to their way of life, a violent group of thugs. That's what people are thinking, we're the good guys and your moral high ground bullshit trying to paint your side as good boys who dindu nuffin wont work any longer. Your violent Nazis, end of story. Your done, we won. Socialism for the next 1000 years.
Sure thing rabbi
>flag discarded
>opinion discarded
Spencer and his goons are kikes and aren't legit National Socialists.
This is what normies and the ENTIRE WORLD are thinking. This narrative had been broadcasting globally all day long. All it took was a few, braindead retarded americunts to completely discredit (at least) American right wing politics
>threat to their way of life
Who exactly is stopping you all from becoming professional students with massive student loan debt?
What a perfect display of kikery outlined in that post:
They are covering the angles the other MSM are missing. They don't get views by reporting from the same angle as everyone else. If the rest of the media is blindly piling on, they are going to approach it from another angle.
So basically..... good journalism? Got it.
That's what I was thinking. Don't need all media outlets giving the same echo chamber monologue.
>ur a redneck or something!!!
>ur evil and nobody likes u!!!
Surely the rainbow nigger coalition will bring about a bright future.
>the futures so bright we won't need eyes to see it
One girl's life bought you about a week of "good" press.
Nobody cares about this shit long term, and just like Trump's "career ending scandals" people will side against you regardless because you lot are inherently repulsive and divisive and exclude whites.
Keep letting blacks surround your events and scream nonsense ant act hostile and you will never "win".
>conservatives hold a rally (see trump rally)
>george soros funds a riot that destroy as much as possible (looting, burning cars, shooting people)
>jew media blames conservatives for the violence and dont even mention george soros, antifa or blm
>uneducated people look at pictures and believe its the conservatives that rioted because antifa dress as fascists
This is getting old.
hearty jej
Well, ofcourse. Next up unite the left and right.
Wow. Anymore?
>antifa were peaceful demonstrators
they see them as they are: failures that are able to voice their frustrations for being dependent household members with no marketable skills or jobs doing the bidding of their masters (even if they don't know it)
Sounds like another vote for more organization. You won't be able to count on police to keep them off. You need to form storm troops (I.e. mein Kampf) to surround and protect the rallies. They need an identifying mark, perhaps not a swastika armband but similar idea.
I was amazed by how non-cucky that article was. Long passages of full quotes from well-spoken ethnonationalists, and through breitbart it's going to reach millions upon millions.
>antifa were peaceful demonstrators
But we did put gas on the embers, though...
You dumb niggers need to stop using Nazi flags. Real nazism is dead and can never return (nor should it, but that's beside the point). Nazis have been successfully made synonymous with evil and no one but the most deluded idiots will ever see it as something else. You may agree with aspects of nazism, and they may very well be reasonable, but as soon as you start using Nazi symbolism you throw all your credibility and goodwill out the window because that's all people will see.
If you want to be taken seriously, you need to distance yourself from nazism and come up with something else that is not permanently tainted by history. Same for all the KKK and white power shit. Sure they may be right, but they're also synonymous with evil in the public opinion. Just package it a little smarter and you may be able to sell it.
>You dumb niggers need to stop using Nazi flags.
Fuck you you little faggot.
Praise Kek.
>"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
What have I not heard this being said a single damn time after this mess?
Gonna post this in every thread that concern trolls the momentum of the right.
>first time posting crossboard link
most nazis are antifa larpers. hitler was an invader and oppressor. it was white nationalists that defeated hitler
No, Spencer and his faggots created a label and allowed the media to dictate what that label meant. The "Alt-Right" was effectively GamerGate'd and is now forced to play defense to a public that doesn't want to hear it. It's pretty simple, denounce the label and ditch the talking heads that usurped the movement, and continue on as usual.
Most white people don't think in a tribalist way like you do. Far more whites are anti-racist and sympathize more with our ideals (equality, equity, workers rights for example) than yours. People fucking abhor you and white nationalism, everyone condemns it because it's so reviled. You people are so delusional you seem to think most whites will side with you in the event you get into a civil war. They won't. I'm white, I won't. Majority of People in my state wont. Anyone who didn't vote Trump won't.
Neo-Nazis are troglodytes, and they need to be shamed. Politically literate people understand the difference between Nazis and Libertarians at least.
>disparages higher education
Antifa and others were the peaceful ones in this event and you cannot deny it reasonably. Only one side was violent and killed someone, and that was you.
While I know you're just LARPing, the reason that people aren't backing down after this is that there is nothing left for you to threaten to take way from them when you're already taking away their children's future. That is simply the peak of concerns for primate biology; nothing can supercede it. Youre pounding your fist against a biological steel wall.
I use the Nazi flag because it bothers redditors and confuses looking Lous from other places. I am not a Nazi, they're too Left-Wing for me. Words and labels only matter to the barely literate and they are not fit to hold discussion here. Let them be repulsed.
"We're" not taking away anyone's future. On the contrary, it is YOU who want to take away people's future. YOU want to take away Latinos, Blacks, Asians, Jews, Arabs, women, the poor's futures. You're advocating for oppressing people based on race and ethnically cleansing your society. That's why people are pissed.
There is no threat to your way of life, you're just delusional fucks. Literally no one is stopping you from fucking some white girl and having white children. You have no right to dictate your way of life onto others however.
Gonna post this in every thread that concern trolls the momentum of the right.
Commie retards were assaulting and pepper spraying people. Fuck off you retarded leftypol cunt. You deserve to get run over and killed. Your ideology is the most mass murderous in history.
The entire cuckolded political establishment is out condemning the Evil White Supremacists, and Truml is tweeting about pharmaceutical drug prices.
He condemned leftist violence and sent his sympathies out to the injured on BOTH SIDES. The message is loud and clear. Never in my wildest dreams did I think he would respond like that.
From my understanding the Weimar Republic was the result of Jews and Commies overextending the already weak hand of the German Empire after Nov. 1918. Both groups tried to start a bolshevik revolution in Germany. Not really any "redpill", just normal zog/ commie shit that turned a good country bad after a horrendous loss in a world war. It did ignite the flames of why the Nazis wanted to restore Germany.
Tons of degeneracy, all the shit that came as a result of ww1 (test culture, roaring twenties alcoholism and women's rights) were allowed to ruin Germany until Hitler got control of things and calmed everything down in '34
I've never seen such gloating from the shills and media. They think they've dealt us a mortal blow, but they're just accelerating their defeat.
They still don't seem to realise that we all do this for free. They might have a few feral pets, mercenaries and media control (a rapidly diminishing asset), but we actually believe in something, a crucial difference that will become more evident when this battle truly goes to the physical plane yet again.
I missed where I said anything about all-right. Nationalist rallies are important. They are how you will garner normie support, ignore the media shilling. A lot of people are wishing for another one to happen, each one will have a few more supporters and the movement will grow.
I meant the irl nazi flags in the protests.
Those (and the white power/kkk shit waved around) have completely delegitimized anything the protest could have stood for. Now the "right" will be demonized even further, so all this shit has only harmed our cause (whatever that cause may be).
>Most white people don't think in a tribalist way like you do.
In relation to what the fella above said, yeah, we have had something to do with the fire rising, Sup Forums will always be pouring gas on the volatile.
Also, I was being a smartass:
Racism is just kike branding for Tribalism. If I am from a community, I want to keep its resources for my family and firneds, I want my pick of the women, I want my cut of the land. You advocate for the dispersal of these things to international entities which is the entire polar opposite of worker's rights. You're not even cognizant enough to have this conversation.
>people hate u!!!
Yeah yeah, people hate the banks too and they also hate Lawyers and Wall Street and what do you know? Nothing's changed.
>Jews Arabs and Asians are poor!
>Oh and women too they are poor I guess!
Do you have any insight whatsoever? Your talking points are totally shit.
I will not see my children reduced to a hated, abused, marginalized, scapegoated, attacked minority in the ancestral homeland of their people as they are used as props by hordes of violent, unintelligent brown people playing out their pathological historical revenge fantasies in the real world.
Part of you, if you're being intellectually honest with yourself, must understand that there isn't any discussion or debate here.
>Most white people don't think in a tribalist way like you do
What is white flight faggot?
>People fucking abhor you and white nationalism
Did you know that 41% of leafs think we are taking in too many non-white immigrants?
That's after 50 years of multicult brainwashing. I think you're overestimating the appeal of diversity.
You think those idiots support communism? they don't even know what the fuck you're. they just think you fighting nazis. they don't know you guys are worse yet.
Because you are silly to think that you still have freedom of speech like your constitution granted.
That was great user, thanks.
The sellout Canadian government knows the people do not support them, which is why they are hiding a bunch of migrants and doing media blackouts and RCMP seizures of footage of the thousands and thousands of "people" being shuttled into this now disgusting husk of a country, to live off the welfare and good graces of an insolvent populace who aren't even allowed to question their rulers.
That doesn't fucking happen. No one is abusing whites or discriminating against them. Whites hold most positions of power even today. They're still the majority population. This isn't the ancestral homeland of your people you inbred, unless you're a native american perhaps. If those brown people are so unintelligent why are you worried about them stealing your job.
"Too many immigrants" does not equal "Gas all non-whites and deport them all". Jesus fuck. You guys want them dead or people born there to get kicked out solely based on race? It won't happen.
That sums it up pretty well.
Hahahahahaha imagine watching the entire 2016 election and still believing that Fox News, Paul Ryan, John McCain, Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush have power
These neocons and cuckolds couldn't win a war against middle eastern goat farmers, they couldn't beat a pussy-grabbing reality TV star, and you think they'll be able to beat the largest global reactionary zeitgeist to exist in 80 years?
The problem you don't get, that we do. is that this wont help you. colored people will hate you. as soon as we are a minority all whites will be treated like shit.
You'll hate it. and you'll know you cannot stop it, or be a "nazi"
>Whites hold most positions of power even today.
They're called Jews, user. And you yourself made the distinction.
>that doesn't happen
[citation needed]
I never thought I'd see White Nationalism be shifted away from White Supremacy into it's own thing so soon, quickly or easily.
Is this really it?
Has America saved my future?
T-thanks either way...
Out of the 6,000 people at that rally, how many had swastikas? 8? Why do you think you're taking to them? Why would you think they are in this thread? Are you hallucinating?