How accurate was she Sup Forums?
How accurate was she Sup Forums?
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the most accurate
We might never know. All her "predictions" were probably a government psy op done by the Russians seeing as it's always slavaboos or slavs believing it. The real ones were passed on to her descendants but they've never talked about them.
>t.saw a documentary
they all do seem to favor russias plans for the future
can i get a quick rundown of her predictions
She predicted I fucked your mom last night.
Don't know. I usually don't believe in future forseeing.
Exactly. They saw she caused a ruckus here when she and her family moved to Russia the government there cashed in on it.
They may or may not know the real predictions and t.b.h I myself would only believe them if she said them but she's dead so fuck it all.
Hell, even we can't be 100% sure she was legit anymore thanks to this subversion.
The 44th president of the USA would be black, and after him there'd be no more presidents.
especially from dead grandmas who moved to Russia.
>if she was legit
Legit able to tell the future? Wake the fuck up, of course not. Learn physics.
Also I've spoken with her when I was a child, she was being as commercialized as McDonald, you paid money, waited on a queue, spoke to her for a set amount of time, and were walked out by her helpers.
Literally comb the net and you'll see there was nothing like that anywhere much less IRL before it happened.
These "predictions" were added during Obama's presidency to try to convince people she's legit and so her other made up by the government prophecies.
She moved to Russia? I don't know shit for her.
Not at all? Most of the shit she supposedly "predicted" later turned out to be straight up made up by tabloid journalists in Russia. She made TONS of "predictions" that never came true and she's less credible than any popular clairvoyant like Kayce.
Nah, its from earlier, she predicted that the USSR would win a nuclear war with the USA right about today.
She was in Bulgaria in the mid 90s, I spoke to her.
She lived near the roman baths in her village, there is a church there today, our LARPing church acts like she was a prophet.
>Learn physics.
Trying to
Still tho it's believable. If she really was "psychic" as the hippies claimed our government would've seized her and wiped all info on her. No newspapers or whatever would've made it.
The fact of the matter that she had a following of dumbfucks and moved Russia only prove's she's just being used in a Psy Op against the Amerifats
What have you spoken about?
Did you grab her by the shoulders and begin to violently throttle her to death screaming in her face about the truth?
Why I sweat so much and I can't make friends.
No, but she did run her dry leather hands on my face and my own hands.
Did she give you an unwanted kiss on the cheek like all grandmas do?
And shove banitsa in your mouth?
Look at how much she got right vs how much she got wrong. she did cold reading, basiclly the shot gun blast of doing predictions. "A thing will happen around this time." Some thing happens that vaguely resembled the prediction. "OMG SHE IS A PROPHET!"
>not grabbing by the pussy
Hey, Trump might not be president if courts 'decide' his illegitimacy in the elections, and then leftists and communists will have a field day and duke it out with white nationalists to try and end the country as we know it, implementing authoritarian regimes with hate laws and anti-free speech.
yep while gleefully tugging those cheeks why you try to chew and not choke
No, we spoke for 5 minutes and then the secretary-like lady had me leave so the next consumer can consume some Vanga.
She wasn't psychic you retard, nothing she "predicted" actually came true. In Russia we even have a joke saying Baнгyю (Vanguyu) which means to make a bullshit prediction which will not came through, or make "predictions" through 20/20 hindsight.
Did the secretary seem like a gov spook or nah?
That's what I ment. She's just a psyop used by your country.
I don't remember her, I only remember she was a middle aged woman that was really in a hurry and business-like about it.
>I only remember she was a middle aged woman that was really in a hurry and business-like about it.
Sounds like a CIA nigger to me.
Well she got that wrong
Well technically Trump is "denounced" by the SJWs/libcucks
also that "not my president" meme
The russians got that right I guess
They're trying to gain evidence that the election was rigged, thereby eliminating Trump's presidency and reversing all the executive orders and laws he passed. If that happens, then who's to say there wouldn't be a civil war which destroys the country as we know it?
>KGB knew something about Syria, Putin and Kursk in 1982
Fucking idiot
Well surely the real question is are the Russians in on this? Are they playing Trump like a fiddle only to betray him in the end and give the evidence they worked with him to Hillary?
It's what I would've done if I wanted to destroy a country.
It's clear that most of the predictions were made recently. They just try to mask them off as old.
Explain how Trump is being played like a fiddle. Explain the leverage Russia has over Trump. I'll wait.
These three 100% confirmed because I remember well how read about them under Yeltsin, when nothing of the kind happened.
given that Trump is a controlled Russian agent, yeah no she's right
That's if he even did rig the elections, which is still hazy, though Trump and family act suspicious, I'll agree. But yes, if Russians wanted to damage the US in revenge for the unfair, unwarranted sanctions, he could release information that says he colluded with Trump and cause a huge fiasco which ends up overthrowing a power vacuum in the US for either an authoritative left or right wing government, depending if antifa or alt right win the civil war.
>Explain how Trump is being played like a fiddle.
Well for starters he has to be the opposite of Hillary in a sense that he'll try to smooth out relationships with Russia and maybe do something about the sanctions. Russia no doubt foresaw that he'll be more favorable in power so they just subtly bumped him here and there, infiltrated sites like Sup Forums started other movements, mainly altering public opinion etc.
>Explain the leverage Russia has over Trump.
From a third person perspective, quite frankly none savor for the ability to falsely "come out" and admit they helped him in some shape or form. Naturally this will pour even more gasoline into the chemical concoction that's brewing in North America right now. The match that will set it ablaze is another story for another time.
Imagine it this way: think of Putin having a firearm that shoots a bullet that won't harm him much but would kill anyone else. He just reaches over for Trump puts their heads(the on their shoulders) together like friends ready for a photo, places the pistol on the left side of his head and shoots themselves both. Putin will be somewhat fine, Trump would be dead.
Nope, sorry. Nothing.
that skyrim at the end. Okay, lets we say this is all true. Putin is the best politician of the 21st century. What happens after him? Will Russia be a puppet like they were at Yeltsin?
It's not really a surprise if you spoil everything is it?
Why would Putin put someone in presidency of the US who is promoting the interests of American oil companies?
> "Bce pacтaeт, cлoвнo лeд, тoлькo oднo ocтaнeтcя нeтpoнyтым — cлaвa Bлaдимиpa"
>" Cлишкoм мнoгoe пpинeceнo в жepтвy. Hиктo нe cмoжeт ocтaнoвить Poccию. Bce cмeтeт oнa co cвoeгo пyти и нe тoлькo coхpaнитcя, нo и cтaнeт влacтeлинoм миpa"
>American oil companies
Just call them collateral damage from now on.
rush Sup Forums
So, Putin is immortal? "Cлaвa Poccии" I guess.
He's no Russian you can be certain about that albeit they have their hairy meaty hand on his balls. Ready for the right moment to squeeze.
Sure they'll both look gay but...
None of her ''predictions'' were ever written down. All those retarded ''predictions'' you see posted on fucking reddit have nothing to do with her.
>some old crazy bitch exists
>some idiots online make up a story about how crazy old bitch made predictions
My gf swears by her "prophecies" lol.
Basically just a modern slavic Nostradamus.
99% of her "predictions" you can find on internet are fake news
Someone shoud power the Astronomican