Show your face at a Nazi rally

>Show your face at a Nazi rally
>Lose your job, ruin your life.

This is the lesson you need to learn, Sup Forums. You can blather about whatever you want to on your conspiracy theory containment board. If you try to bring this anti-Semitic racist shit into the real world you will be ruined.

Other urls found in this thread:

US "Ally" Ukraine sold RD-250 engines from R-36 missile for North Korea. Now their ICBMs could reach 15000 km range.


What do you think about Ukraine, american bro?

Fuck the Ukraine and fuck the EU.
t. Victoria Nuland

>Tiki Torches

Put on Hawaiian shirts and a cheeseburger hat and you'd have a Jimmy Buffet concert

who paid for those torches?

>won't ruin your life
yeah, just muzzle yourself, take the shekels, and prep the bull

Private citizens and/or Soros Party Supplies Inc.

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

So now everyone knows there's no longer a right to free speech, free assembly and free association (aka 1st and most important amendment) and that it was the left who took these rights away from you

>>Lose your job, ruin your life.
Wagecuck logic