>Show your face at a Nazi rally >Lose your job, ruin your life.
This is the lesson you need to learn, Sup Forums. You can blather about whatever you want to on your conspiracy theory containment board. If you try to bring this anti-Semitic racist shit into the real world you will be ruined.
Fuck the Ukraine and fuck the EU. t. Victoria Nuland
Gavin Lee
>Tiki Torches
Put on Hawaiian shirts and a cheeseburger hat and you'd have a Jimmy Buffet concert
Aiden Lewis
who paid for those torches?
Josiah Carter
>globalism >won't ruin your life yeah, just muzzle yourself, take the shekels, and prep the bull
Mason Hall
Private citizens and/or Soros Party Supplies Inc.
Brandon Green
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
Ayden Sullivan
So now everyone knows there's no longer a right to free speech, free assembly and free association (aka 1st and most important amendment) and that it was the left who took these rights away from you
Gavin Morris
>>Lose your job, ruin your life. Wagecuck logic
Evan Price
You are still the majority, that means you can still change things around. You have a president that obviously approves your ideology. Just don't go overboard like Charlottesville, that only will make things worst for you. Imo try to reason first, use valid points to argue. Don't try to punch back in a real fight, you will be considered the oppressed while your rivals the oppressors. This will help you a lot with your arguments.
tl;dr be always polite and use your mind first
Ryan Lewis
like we would not be runed anyway The Jews want a white genocide, like loosing your job is something bad rather loosing my job than having to fight another world war or even risking that they might win I will give my life to fight against the global kikery, but the time is not right now
Jaxson Jackson
>Don't try to punch back in a real fight >who is Richard Spencer
Christopher Perry
>Further radicalizing whites This is literally what we want, you dumb nigger
>Call the other side facists >Oppress every opinion you dont like
Blake Miller
Wtf I thought they were our greatest ally
James Nguyen
>You have a president that obviously approves your ideology. Of course, of course. Trump is our man. Just don't look at his top men or where they come from - Exxon Mobil, Goldman Sachs. Don't look at his quasi-Jewish children or his inner circle straight from Tel Aviv. Don't pay attention to how he and shills for civic nationalism in his speeches and tweets. >This will help you a lot with your arguments lmao. Arguments don't mean shit when your enemies have a stranglehold on mass media. You're not going to "argue" your country back to being 90% white. Crackers have been hoping for decades that muh arguments and muh politeness would get them anything but what has it gotten?
Easton Ross
>our greatest ally Hohols are greedy and stupid.
Brody Gutierrez
Dear ShariaBlue shill, this is Sup Forums Sup Forums. The people you actually want to talk to are le red.dit the_danold.
Please fuck off and annoy them, because nobody here is stupid enough to go to these rallies.
Wyatt Rodriguez
Activism doesn't actually accomplish anything. It's just a kind of victory dance people do when their side is winning.
If you want change, network with your allies, be subversive, and recruit people.
Hunter Rogers
everyone at my job knows im a nationalist, and this is ok because everyone i work with is also a nationalist. suck it you pussy
>try to take a stand and fight against this bullshit >get life ruined
>sit back doing nothing letting the bullshit take over >get life ruined
fuck you shills
Jonathan Ortiz
>Implying we reveal our power level
We're in ur base subverting ur doods. Feel free to mess with the pawns though, that's what they are for.
Charles Diaz
Go ahead and make them unemployed, destroy their families which is about the only thing they have left. Add them more stress to their lives which they already think is shitty enough with all these leftists tearing down their history and wanting to genocide them as a race.
Nothing more harmless than white men suffering through economic trouble, right?
Jordan Clark
>anti-Semitic racist shit
I wonder who is behind this post? There's nothing "anti-Semitic" or "racist" about just showing up at a rally embracing many different shades of right-wing opinion -- unless you think any kind of white collective identity is "racist", in which case tough shit because it isn't going away and is only going to intensify
Brody Brooks
>Conspiracy containment board >White genocide happening as we talk
Levi Lewis
White men should learn self-sufficiency and self-defence and forget the marching. Just withdraw from this collapsing society and wait for the end. The majority of people are far, far too brainwashed to be reasoned with, let alone impressed by protests interpreted for them by the (((MSM)))
Jace Nelson
In fact it would be illegal to fire an employee for such a reason, sweatie
Cooper White
It is almost as if they are trying to drive a movement underground and decentralize it. I don't see that becoming a more extreme version.
Noah Long
he is not american he is a fucking hrvat
Jonathan Sanchez
This UT it will happen anyway and the 'nazi' will have to fight for himself in court against all odds to be able to have a job.
Luis Gray
Hes fine. Hes still enrolled in UNI and will get hired by the many rich republicans who hate niggers
Dominic James
Yes. Become fringer hermits. Leave society. Silence yourselves.
Blake Phillips
I guess once that happens there's nothing left to do but just sit tight and wait for those Chinese shipments to come.
Lincoln Sanchez
yes good goy
Aiden Watson
and how do you change that?
Jason Johnson
>right blacklivesmatter 100 times on your application to Stanford >get into Ivy league college
Brayden Powell
>Show (((your))) face at a Nazi rally >Lose (((your))) job, ruin (((your))) life. Really makes you think.
Cooper Martinez
What the smug leftist scum don't realise is that eventually one of the guys they target for doxing/life ruining is going to track them down and kill them. It will happen.
Carter Myers
The fire rises.
Alexander Clark
If you worked for the government then you shouldn't be fired, but if you work in private industry they have the right to fire you for whatever. I wouldn't be surprised if being a nazi is against the employee handbook of a lot of companies.
>lol free market, good when we wanna deny healthcare, bad when we get fired for our hate
Angel Roberts
>show up to protest ebil whitey rally >get hit by car >die
David Reyes
Only a 45 year old baby boomer shill would find jimmy buffet relevant enough to use as an insult
Nicholas Howard
Shut up, trump said he likes us so I don't care that he doesn't care about us.
>Drain the swamp lol
Daniel Sanchez
except its against the law to fire people for whatever, you have to make up an excuse for doing it
Jackson Williams
exxon mobil is a good anglo company
based exxon
Justin Roberts
That is retarded logic. Freedom of speech/assembly should encompass all labor. Neck yourself losertarian
Connor Allen
>Leave society. Silence yourselves.
I'm not silent. But I did leave the cities for this very reason. You can be a white man in a white community and relearn what our ancestors knew, and be among the last men standing when it all goes to shit. Or you can try to be reasonable with screaming nogs and fatty bluehairs while a corrupt policeman is bashing your skull in with a truncheon.
Cooper Turner
What you seem to still not realize is that Americans kill Nazis. Watch your self.
Jason Martinez
>Flag Good job on not getting murdered there
Austin Thompson
No it's not, a company can let people go if they are promoting a hurtful image of the company. Why would anyone wanna do business with a company that has a neo nazi on staff who gets his picture on the front page of a newspaper promoting hate.
Have you ever read your company handbook, that is if you're even employeed.
Logan Thompson
>political repression is OK if it's outsourced to the private sector
Benjamin Johnson
what happened before this?
William Perez
>Americans kill Nazis
In other words, Americans kill people for having a different opinion, then rationalize out their barbarity by saying their victims were "Nazis" (or some other conveniently demonized outgroup)
Hunter King
But it doesn't, learn the laws of our land or get out.
Jason James
Somehow I think taking away the livelihood of someone you believe is a violent extremist isn't the best strategy.
Camden Jenkins
But it's more than a political idea, it's promoting harm and hatred of people with different skin color and ethnic backgrounds, AKA racism.
Don't be a fucking cuck
Justin Rivera
>march with torchs, larp as brownshirts and openly call for genocide >muh muh free speech, not fair
Carter Allen
The less people have to lose, the more violent they will become. So keep pushing, lefties
Sebastian Murphy
The vast majority of "racists" would be quite content to be left alone to get on with their lives in their own communities. You've swallowed the propaganda that they're about the fire up the ovens. Don't be a gullible idiot.
Carter Roberts
This. lol
Even bringing him up is cringeworthy, let alone knowing about him.
That guy is an AIDSburger in paradise.
Gabriel Brown
1) The "Nazis" at the march were a minority and 2) the first amendment does indeed cover unpopular opinions -- those are what it is intended to protect
Lucas Myers
If you work for a company that has an employment contract maybe.
Assuming he even had that thorough a contract he should have a good job and not be naziing in the streets. (or maybe he's a globalist scum who works at Walmart)
He probably works some shit job that just made him sign the paper that said his employer doesn't discriminate based on gender, age, religion, or political affiliation.
Most people dont give a fuck about who larps as a nazi in their freetime anyways
Isaac Powell
>not a nazi
Nicholas Morales
Hmmm tell me more fat Jew!
Andrew Young
>What do you think about Ukraine, american bro?
Don't worry, media will tell it's not true. And that CIA didn't turned a blind eye on this.
After all, some part of USA nuked can't be that bad
Chase Wood
>you are still the majority
Kek k. If anything you faggots have united left and right in their hatred for alt right nationalists.
Jordan Cox
But the private companies don't give 2 shit, it's about the leftist that cry on social media and demand that these people are removed. It's easier to just wash the hands off them than deal with man-children. Once they pull it enough/frequently enough nobody is going to give a shit.
Jason Wright
Hmmm interesting! Can you go further?
Evan Thompson
The right to peaceably assemble and speak is guaranteed; that's why Charlottesville approved the assembly permits for the Nazis. What is abso-fucking-lutely NOT guaranteed is the freedom from the consequences of your speech
Michael Barnes
I'd prefer if they were hiding but they came out to march because they feel comfortable because they think Trump has their back.
They don't want to be left alone, they want to take control and disenfranchise anyone who's not white.
I'm asking, shoe me an Alt-Right protestor that was at the Rally over the weekend, who was black.
Owen Ward
Whelp I guess the globalists win then. Better not put up a fight.
Nolan Martinez
>exposing your power level
Fucking morons. Be subversive, network with your allies, and focus your energy on maintaining control/gaining control of the internet, as it is a cultural platform. Then it will leak out in the world, slowly but surely.
Justin Gomez
Mantra that until you are resting in post-collapse shallow graves.
David Anderson
>Show up for a job interview >Can't even get a job
This is a biiiiiiiiig difference
Ethan Parker
Thanks poor fatty better get to eating you must be famished.
Mason Wilson
The vast majority of people on the alt-right are not Nazis, but have been lumped together with Nazis to provide an excuse for a general crackdown on the right as a whole. It's like saying the Soviet flags at Occupy Wall Street were typical of the entire movement
Nathaniel Gray
>anti-Semitic racist shit Good goy
Liam Lewis
fuck off nazi
OWS was coopted by commies
Ayden Ward
They deserve it. All the protesters (Nazis + Antifa) were a bunch of morons.
Nolan Edwards
They're giving the Roman salute, which existed for thousands of years before "fascism"... learn2history
>What is abso-fucking-lutely NOT guaranteed is the freedom from the consequences
Stalin said exactly the same thing
Angel Morgan
Millions are about to be red pilled, we all reacted against it, feigning disgust, expressing disbelief when we first experienced it. The masses are looking at the truth, it will take time for it all to sink in, but it will happen. We have the truth on out side.
Hail Victory.
Jordan Brown
Fuck you. The fear is gone. The war is on. The next rally will be ten times larger.
Cooper Reyes
I mean, you had to expect consequences with the pitchfork and torch motif.
Thomas Hall
>they want to take control and disenfranchise anyone who's not white.
Bullshit. They want to be able to live and work among other white people. That's what the "ethnostate" idea is about.
>show me ... who was black
Being black is not the magic seal of validation for a political cause. There is nothing wrong with being all-white, because there is nothing wrong with being white at all, though you've been conditioned to think otherwise
Carter Wilson
>fuck off nazi >OWS was coopted by commies
fuck off commie "unite the right" was coopted by nazis
Anthony Cox
>OWS was coopted by commies
That was our dry run. I hope you learned from it.
Alexander Butler
Counter signaling other whites gets you no where.
James Myers
Its not a lesson its just more democratic hypocrisy. If your a proud white man you are attacked by the left and your life is ruined. If your a violent criminal thug who victimizes people to survive your ignored and didn't do anything wrong. Mark my words the left can never win this fight all they are doing is fanning the flames of hate and pushing them underground. The violence of the left will only create more hatred and blood shed. You cannot force respect or acceptance and the harder you try the less respect and acceptance you will get.
Gavin Butler
1. If anything, this was a American Nationalist meeting, not a Nazi meeting. Your head is still stuck in a different country on a different continent a long time time ago. 2. If customers are upset then those customers should come forward and say so to his/her company. Its not your job to decide who gets fired and hired 3. As long as a person's political beliefs don't interfere in their work, they should be allowed to earn a living (and lets face it, 50% of educators would fail on this for their left wing politics) 4. Finally, the left must be pretty dumb if they want even more pissed-off, embittered, Nationalists with lots of time on their hands...
Jose Cooper
>Just make them go further underground, there's no way this can backfire
Jews have the same intellect as niggers.
Ayden Long
>having a job >having a life lmao
Ryan White
Lololol you keep telling yourself that, anonymoose. I mean, for a board that sees every liberal as a non stem university kid with multi colored hair and piercings, that shitshow in Virginia proves how fucking unattractive and deprived you virgin raging animals are as well. Nobody wants to be a part of either of those things. Most of us want you to kill each other off.
Christian Rivera
on point and under budget
Joshua Lee
Oh yeah ruin those peoples' lives until they have nothing to lose anymore and then watch the magic. or Noone is more retarded than leftists.
Justin Murphy
>This is the lesson you need to learn, Sup Forums.
Pretty sure we all know this, that's why we're not out there showing our faces. Even Antifa has the sense to cover up and they're directly supported by all levels of institutions despite being violent thugs.
But where antifa is allowed to get away, they'll nail you up for peacefully protesting, if you're doing it for a far right cause. I mean, did anyone honestly expect differently?
Jayden Ramirez
Yes, give white people progressively less things to lose, that's not gonna backfire or anything.