What does Sup Forums think about Dave Rubin?

I like him. I don't agree with his politics but he seems like a genuinely nice guy, compared to most political commentators on YouTube who come across as smug. He's always willing to listen to every viewpoint as well instead of just shouting them down and telling them they're wrong.

The Young Turks is lacking something without him.

Homosexual Leftist.

future bar of soap

Stop posting this fag

He's a faggot and a jew.
What the fuck more do you need to know.

>The Young Turks is lacking something without him.
The Young Turks is lacking a brain.

He's an adult man and not a popstar like Milo or Lauren so Sup Forums kids don't care about him

Yeah, he's a good guy, relative to the left. I like him too.

Found the right wing SJW.

respectable homo.

He's alright, but he's a jew. Gotta take that into account

He has some good guests and a good format but asks the dopiest questions. Pretty slow for a Jew unfortunately.

Libertarian fag jew, but a cool dude.
At least he isn't a pedophile attention whore like Milo

Has anyone mentioned that Rubin is Jewish? We should establish that point.

degenerate faggot with expensive fake teeth

He's a lefty and a homosexual, so red flags there but he seems to make a effort at being unbiased as much as possible. So I haven't seen him pulling typical jew tricks (loaded questions, shady editing, etc.). In that regard, he does a better job than most in the MSM. He does a very professional job of the "friendly interview" and lets the guest speak for themselves w/o the editorializing... so that's good. The negative is that there is no sort of investigative or adversarial or combative reporting, so someone like a skilled politician or activist would be able to get around the tough questions. But that sort of "hard" interview doesn't seem to be the space he wants to occupy and it probably lets him get people he wouldn't necessarily get.
tl;dr: I usually enjoy his show when I watch it

Yes, but I think we should keep bringing it up. Did you know that Rubin is Jewish?

Yes, I also heard that he is gay.

he does seem to be a rather cheerful chap.

probably the most uncharismatic, uninteresting guy i've ever seen. seems nice enough

>i haet every1 who isn't full 1488
I don't agree with Rubin but at least he's fairly reasonable. His show is also a nice platform to get our ideas out

He gives right wing voices a platform to politely exchange ideas. He's a good guy, we need more people like him on the, even if he's a gay lefty jew

He is a nice guy

Normie tier
Boring as shit

He's married to his producer.
Yes, he's gay.

I like him desu. I watch his show.

we need more people on the left like him. he's a leftist but he knows the koolaid he drank from and he's desperately pushing for a new center where many of us belong.

Closest to my own worldview of all the current commentators. He's an actual liberal.

as I throw him into the oven I will do him the courtesy of making sure he doesn't hit his head. The other jews I'll just toss in.
