You know, as a cop it's funny...

You know, as a cop it's funny. To the left we are racist agents to the state who go straight from ralleys to getting changed into our uniforms. And then to the right we are antifa enabling lefties.

So whose right Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

You're bitch cowards that won't defend your own people


lololololol you losers are even less competent than our mall cops

just get rid of the niggers.


You're Jew tools of no use to the average person, of any political bent.


You are completely ineffective tools of the state that can't even stop 1400 girls from getting raped by the same pakis. You might as well just go home and hang yourself.

Lovers of jewish cock.

Depends on behaviour. The cops who stand there eyes on both sides and make sure shit doesn't kick off are doing their jobs and I support them.

The cops who wait until shit has kicked off so they can react are doing less so.

The cops who ignore happenings and show up to clean up aren't really doing their jobs but is that them or their managers lack of awareness, miscalc or resource constraints?

It's a thankless job and hindsight will always say you should have done something differently.


Put I like this, I have a general respect for police and understand how hard their job can be.
But if you see Antifa cunts bearing and chasing down us in Mobs, you better not just sit there and watch like you watch your wife and her bull.
In Berkeley I believed they were told to stand down. If you are, I don't care, you should still go out there and assist us and others in danger, they can't fire the whole department

All these Americans who have somehow become experts in UK law and policing...

Neck yourselves you fat autists, or find another crowd to drive into.

>one post by this ID

You are part of the goverment machinery for violating property rights by taxation, bans and regulation. And together with the military deny the possibility of peacefull seccession. Switch to private security if you dont want to be a tool for organized theft and want to protect people.

You are racist agents to the state who go straight from ralleys to getting changed into your uniforms, commanded by antifa enabling lefties.

You are cucks
Slaves to whatever crooked government is in charge
You're the lowest form of humanity out there
Hope you're proud of yourself, hero

>You know, as a cop it's funny
Careful, fellow Britfags. Don't post anything that might be offensive to people.

first post best post.
The only people who dont mind cops are career criminals because they let them get away with whatever the fuck they want.

Can't speak for canada, personally I know my force are woefully understaffed, to the extent where cops will be trawled in for multiple cities just to deal with fucking edl marches. I'd say we don't have the numbers to properly handle these situations

>as a cop it's funny.

it's hilarious!

You tell us, Bobby.

It's very difficult to believe you are on the side of the public these days m8. And it's not even just this one faggot's twitter, either, it's that you not only maintain a twitter presence at all, but you prosecute unreality shitposting as if it was legitimate racial assault.

That and colluding with Rotherham, Oxford, Manchester, Liverpool, Sunderland, Newcastle and Leeds gang rapists, to name just the first half dozen that trip off the keyboard.

Whose fucking side are you on, copper? @cos it ain;t law and order, and it sure as shit ain't justice.

Also police belongs to the State. It shouldn't have any political affiliation or ideology of its own. They are there to enforce rule and order through force and has legitimate authority to use violence to enforce it.
So next time some niggers chimpout saying cops use violence then tell those niggers that you have every right to use it to keep peace and calm. May you can shoot the niggers later.

Both. Neither. Depends on the cop. Depends on the situation. Not all cops are bad cops. Not all cops are good cops.

You're the latter. But your chosen "allies" think you are the former and will gladly kill you all when the time comes. And when that day comes, as you police are being lined up against the walls and gunned down in cold blood by the Left Wing Radicals you've spent decades enabling and covering for, the ghost of the Alt Right will appear before you and say "Good choice in friends, faggot."

You will be neither mourned nor missed. Such is the fate of all who have such poor judgement.

Right here you wally

I respect the police and the good work they do. But in big events I wish that they would be able to keep the peace. It's not always their fault, if they get ordered to stand down or if they lack funding or manpower, but still

You are dogs serving jewish overlords.

Enforcers of pacifism suppressing any form of dissent. The only political motivation a policeman has is to make sure that nobody interferes with the top figures while they make decisions unilaterally.

Is that a fucking rubber fist on his stick?

Hello retard

ANTIFA hates you. The Charlottesville police's superiors handed down orders to support ANTIFA. We still didn't attack you.
The right loves cops. You lads will learn that we're not against you in time.

>british police
Just pathetic, that's it really. I don't feel hatred or fear of you, just disgust, not even pity. Nothing more disgusting than some police officer testifying how a victim using self defence when they arrived on the scene was inexcusable and warrants charges.

Your just cowards who take orders from cucks instead of standing up for what you believe

Lmao Dresden tho

You forgot one last thing. To police chiefs and politicians, you are cannon fodder and a sacrificial lamb in case someone has to take a bullet for them.

No, he left your favorite toy at home.

That's the forearm of the guy in the next row.


You guys are a bunch of LARPing wannabe operators who couldnt cut it in a real mans military, so you march around beating on your fellow civilians (it always makes me kek when you refer to commonfolk at "civilians" when you guys are also civilians lol).

I could literally write a novel on everything wrong with police, their ideals, their training, the ridiculous amount of praise they receive from bootlickers, etc, but for now Ill just leave you with this.

As much as I want to agree, I sympathize with OP. I don't imagine you've revealed YOUR power level.

Statist bootlickers that blindly follow orders instead of enforcing the law no matter what. If there is violence/rioting in the streets and your boss tells you to stand down or doesn't give the order to move in, it's your fucking duty to go in anyway and maintain order. Cops let themselves be slaves to their pension.

The cops were stood down and allowed violence to go unstopped in the streets at almost every protest. What this proves is they are both agents of the state who only protect and serve the public when ordered to and they are enablers of the left by allowing them to riot and attack who they want.

It's not that hard to understand, you can't racially abuse someone in person and so the powers that be decided you can't do the same online.

No police officer ever invented a law, and they don't have a choice in what they chose to enforce. What is the alternative, disobey orders and lose your job, for what? Some bull morality to seem like you have integrity for your 'friends' on the internet

Where do you think you are OP? Are you a sleeper agent for the right biding your time. Or do you actually believe in the 1984 shit going on in the country.
You're a fool. I'm a copfag and I'm certainly not throwing my career away from a bunch of faggots cosplaying as nazis.

I can only speak for my department. But cops hate big government. We like guns and they regulate all the cool shit. We're not your enemy, but we can't show personal opinions in uniform.

I'll wait for something major before I decide I want to turn the gears of history with my own hands.

The police aren't paramilitaries you retards, at least not in any civilised country. They are civil servants, the key is there, civil - civilians.

Truth is they're spineless douches for the most part that do whatever their boss wants regardless of the law and their boss does whatever the mayor wants regardless of the law.

Stop enabling the snowflakes.

>british police
topkek nice one mate

You guys protect Muslim rape gangs and arrest native Britons for being mad or speaking out about it.

Russia won't exist once the west is finished with it



>throwing my career away

lol you're probably some beat shit newbie making 25k a year

Yeah, abandon your people and your nation to protect your pathetic little salary lol. Maybe one day, if you ass kiss hard enough and tell everyone how much you love niggers, you can be police chief and make 35k a year!

>you can't racially abuse someone in person
Why not, is speaking a crime in the UK?

>Implying they don't throw both in jail.
Muslims have a huge prison population.

It's the Labour councils that suppress the ability for local police forces to act as we put councils above the police at some point in our history.

It is in most of Europe mate. Just look at Germany where saying hello and waving can get you thrown in jail.

This guy gets it, once people realise none of this really matters they'll realise the ordinary men and women that put on a uniform everyday are indifferent to their shitty political ideals.

You'd have to be a fucking idiot to risk your career and livelihood over these cunts getting together to fight over bullshit every few months

FPBP. Every time antifa starts to attack your bitch ass stands down.

Also this

The police just follow whos in charge, but they should remain neutral and try to keep the piece. If either side is bitching they should shut the fuck up and try to grab power.

The police protect the leftists and allow them to commit crime right in front of police officers. The police stand down and allow leftists to loot cities, but would swoop in if anyone took action to protect property or life by lawful means.

The police in short are using the threat of the force of the state to stop people from legal self defense against leftist terrorists.
The police are acting under the mistaken belief that they can defend their actions and inaction by saying that I'm just following orders. Guess what when they day comes "I was just following orders" will not protect them from the noose.

If the police were doing their job, when the first commie attacked someone they police would arrest that person. Not simply watch to make sure people don't defend themselves.

>So whose right Sup Forums?
You are a tool of the state and you have no mind of your own.

These days whenever people assemble politically, a counter-assembly usually shows up. I imagine this makes it difficult for Law Enforcement, because if, every time conflict sparks, they just crack down on everybody involved, before long the public would turn on them.

Usually, the largest counter-assemblies come from the left/hippies/antifa types. We've seen it in Europe, and throughout North America. In so many cases, the leftist counter-assembly outnumbers the right/nationalist assembly (it sure looks like there were more antifa types in Charlotteville than Alt-Righters).

When you get a massive demonstration of leftists, sure, there may be some alt-right hecklers on the fringe, but to this date I have not seen them come anywhere close to outnumbering the originators of the demonstration.

In many if not most cases of a right-leaning demonstration, ther counter-protesters vastloy outnumber them. Unfortunately, this means that Law Enforcement has a much bigger job at a right or nationalist assembly, because if they are seen to be trying to regulate the MAJORITY of the crowd, that crowd might turn on them.

Throw in the observation that violent antifa types are much more likely to engage in voilence to bait those they are counter-protesting, much more likely to try to provoke them into conflict, and much more likely to use underhanded tactics of provocation like throwing piss on people or suckerpunching them.

Then on top of that, you have officials calling the shots who do not want to be seen as supporting the "wrong side", because the optics are such that the average normie out there in TV land has been conditioned to accept inexcusable behaviour from people who use the flimsiest excuse that they are "standing up for the oppressed" to act like total shitheads. And that's without even getting into the fact that they are massively more funded and organized, often from higher levels in society, integrated with the power structure.


People went to stop them from raping their children and got arrested.
Interesting you mention the Muslim prison population you use them for judicial murder, a guy who put a piece of bacon on a mosque gets a year in jail, murdered by Muslims while inside.

>legislation is the police's fault

why not both? you a re racist agents of the state who enable leftists. man cops are detestable

Interesting the Jewish propaganda does not promote family values, civility, faith and reason but all the materialistic things (((they))) control.

I think I agree with the guy who called you a bitch coward. You aren't standing up against big government, you're enabling it every step of the way. You're a reliably "conservative" block except you interpret "conservative" in a way that makes you cucked to every leftie institution.

The old advantage of leftist control of institutions was that they could deny they controlled them. Now we've got the deep state fumbling the controls into the open and you're still on the wrong side of it.

>just following orders

you are zog enforcers

Where the fuck were the cops to take care of the antifa crowd before the incident happened?

Cops at rallies are pussies who let Antifa attack people.

OP, have you ever considered that one of those statements doesn't preclude the other?

If a police officer walking with a protester sees someone run up and sucker punch someone they should arrest the attacker. However they have set the precedent that during a march or protest the police will not enforce the laws. This has created the situation of more violence.

Literally commit a felony crime in from of the police and the police do nothing while the attack happens. But during a traffic stop a nigger tries to run and it's 104 shots fired.

Cops get paid to do what theyre told. Whoever it is that pays your check answers that question. You somehow dont know this?

As an british cop you're a faggot anyways. What difference does it make at this point?

Dont forget if you defend yourself from an attacker, they will fucking arrest you.

>stick your neck out and let them chop your head off goy!
>if you dont allow us to murder you then youre under arrest!

I'ts complicated, but pretty much, when the evil powers are cornered, and send you to repress the masses that oppose them. You have to go and join the masses, isntead of repressing them/killing them.

Whatever side, remember the Jew is not on your side.


You aren't a cop

British "cops" are glorified bouncers

Now get the fuck out of here before I chase you away with a sharpened toothbrush

>So whose right Sup Forums?
the man with the gun and the men with more friends with guns

It's not about following orders.

Judge's can hand down court orders regardless of, and often in spite of, the police. The police can also do all the intelligence and counter terrorism they want, but without backing from the courts they are effectively powerless.

>just following orders

Next time your boss gives you an instruction tell him to go fuck himself

Both are attributed to cops not doing their damn job right.

The cops are not to blame. The politicians, the mayor, and the fucking governor told them to stand down. The police are realizing fast that their true allies are the nationalists and whites not the negro and communists. Don't turn on the police go after the mayor and governor.

>checks flag
You cant even carry a firearm. Your country persecutes freedom of speech, and villifies truth while supporting radical islamists.
Fuck off.

Both. You serve the (((government))), who will use you as tools, siding with whoever they seem fit at the moment.

another muslim terror attack or raping a native citizen
>I sleep
Someone buying a butter knife or criticize islam and the lgbt cuckmunity, (free speech)
A nigger with a broomstick, beating and harassing other people
> 2dangerous4me

And then they ask because they don't take your cop seriously

>to the right we are antifa enabling lefties

Lol wut. Are cops all this fucking stupid? The alt right has been defending you morons at every single turn. Even after this attack we didn't counter signal cops.

Smarten the fuck up. We are your allies.

My understanding has always been that you are paid to do your job, and part of that job is following orders. People like T. Spencer crying and arguing with you always sound like bratty shoppers complaining to a cashier about prices in the store. Embarrassing.

>Now get the fuck out of here before I chase you away with a sharpened toothbrush

you're not a cop stop larping

Euroscum opinion discarded

The fact that she got such a platform in the media after behaving that way is just abominable. It's clear that the leaders of that ideological camp will simply not allow a peaceful demonstration from anyone opposing their views to occur without provocation. Far from even stopping it, the "systems of structural power" they like to complain about as the source of all the privilege they so despise actually signal-boost them.

The craziest thing is if you point this out in discussion, the gaslighting starts up and you are called a conspiracy nut. It's like they're trying to drive people crazy with the dissonance.

One would assume an american would value freedom but I guess its too far gone already. You country was literally founded on libertarian ideals. Does “no taxation without representation“ ring a bell? Anarco capitalism is just going a step further since it became apparent that democracy does not guarantee representation, but rather gives the tools to legitimize violation of the inalienable rights to freedom and property.

More like (why), instead of because

Race traitors that should be leading the revolution.

pigs are racist fascists. It is known.

Like son of a police, I know you all are dog from government.

>British cops
I respect the police in my country because they go after actual criminals. You are fucktards that will arrest people over a tweet while ignoring muslim grooming gangs. Oi bin that knoif m8

You're just a bunch of guys doing your job hopefully in a professional manner


Fuck off, OP. UK police are traitors who refuse to defend their own citizens in order to meet quotas and avoid being overwhelmed by Muslims. You're disgusting. The UK police are disgusting. The police state you are enabling is disgusting. Not just the commissioners, but the normal cops too, who are too scared to do their damn job. Hell to you, faggot.

Leftists perpetually live in the 60s. Cops are just establishment shills who do what they are told